№ 819 (2015)

УДК 658:012.12:005.51

В. В. Лакіза
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”


 Лакіза В. В., 2015

Розглянуто регулювання стосовно функції планування, висвітлено причини появи ризику корегувальних заходів у процесі планування; виявлено та ідентифіковано фактори ризику та підходи для оцінювання ризику регулювання; запропоновано поділ ризиків регулювання за характером дії, визначення міри ризику та управління ризиком регулювання; сформовано послідовність розроблення корегувальних заходів у процесі стратегічного планування з урахуванням можливості виникнення ризиків регулювання; виділено суб’єктивні перепони для здійснення ефективного стратегічного планування.
Ключові слова: ризик, регулювання, ризик регулювання, планування.

V. V. Lakiza
Lviv Polytechnic National University


 Lakiza V. V., 2015

Regulating is considered in the context of planning functions; the definition of a separate group of risks of regulating in the context of the planning function in general and strategic planning in particular is offered. There are also considered risks that inevitably arise in the process of developing and implementing production and sales plans of enterprises.
The causes of risks are explained (unpredictable changes in both external and internal environment of the enterprise). Risk factors and approaches for assessing the risk of regulating are detected and identified; the sequence of developing corrective measures in the process of strategic planning with the account of regulating risks is formed.
The following approaches to risk assessment are reviewed: elaboration of all possible alternative regulatory conditions of completing regulating measures; identification of the most vulnerable points in regulatory actions; analysis of regulatory measures sensitivity to perturbating effects.
Regulation risk management is defined as the process of preparation and implementation of measures aimed at reducing threats of taking wrong decisions and possible negative consequences of unwanted developments in the process of implementing the decisions taken. It should be based on the concept of acceptable risk, which reduces the possibility of its growth and brings the risk to an acceptable value. There are four methods of risk management: avoidance, localization, dissipation (distribution, diversification) and compensation. It is indicated that risk management is conducted on two levels - a controlled and controlling ones. Risk analysis involves the following steps: forming the final list of potentially unwanted events; defining a set of risk factors and their combinations based on certain qualitative and quantitative values and its particular indicators; evaluating and interpreting the obtained risk indicators values of an initially chosen corrective measure.
The following subjective obstacles for effective strategic planning can be defined: excessive pressure, privilege of short-term indicators over long-term ones, manager’s personality traits, planning specialist’s personality traits. It is noted that an enterprise cannot fully eliminate the risk of its activities, including the risk of ineffective regulating actions, but is able to manage risks through their effective prediction.
Key words: risk, adjusting, risk of adjusting, planning.

Література – 9

УДК 69.003

О. В. Мацапура
Київський національний університет будівництва та архітектури


© Мацапура О. В., 2015

Узагальнено методичні підходи до оцінювання ціни конкурсних пропозицій. Визначено переваги та недоліки кожної з них. Надано пропозиції для усунення виявлених недоліків та визначення методики, найприйнятнішої саме для будівельних підприємств. Зазначено, що мета оцінки пропозицій полягає у визначенні рейтингу прийнятних по суті оферт для того, щоб виявити найвигіднішу для закупівельника пропозицію, визначивши витрати для кожної з них так, щоб мати можливість швидко та достовірно порівняти їх. Вибір найприйнятнішої методики оцінювання конкурсної пропозиції дає можливість визначити доцільність участі оферента у торгах, запропонувати найконкурентоспроможнішу ціну й оцінити ймовірність отримання вигідного підряду.
Ключові слова: ціна конкурсної пропозиції, мінімум технічних специфікацій, вартість життєвого циклу, оціночна вартість, найменша ціна, бальна, адміністративна, витратна методики.

Е. V. Matsapura
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture


© Matsapura Е. V., 2015

Currently there are quite a number of methods for evaluation of price bids: ball, lowest price, estimated cost, low technical specifications, life cycle cost, cost, administrative and other. The analysis of these methods allows you to choose the most effective for each individual case (the level of competition, cost, timing).
At the moment this procedure as the tender is widely distributed in a competitive construction market. In order to choose the winner of the tender should evaluate which of the bidders have put forward the best offer. There are various methods of evaluation of offers, the analysis techniques will allow you to choose the most effective.
This paper summarizes the methodological approaches to the evaluation of the price bids, аdvantages and disadvantages of each. Proposals to address the identified weaknesses and the definition of the methodology that best suits the construction companies.
The purpose of bid evaluation is to determine the acceptable rating on the merits of offers to identify the most profitable for the buyer suggestion by determining the costs of each of them in such a way as to be able to quickly and accurately compare them.
The basic principle of correct assessment: take into account only the factors specified in the tender specifications, to consider them only on the basis of the criteria stated in the tender documents.
Techniques of bids in construction.
Point. Evaluation of each proposal by awarding her the appropriate number of points. Taking into account coefficients of various factors.
Lowest price. The sole criterion in the consideration of offers is price. With preference given to the proposal with the lowest price.
Estimated cost. The main criterion is the estimated value. Preference is given to the proposal with the lowest estimated cost.
The minimum technical specifications. Selected proposals with the minimum technical specifications. Preference is given to the proposal with the lowest estimated cost.
The life cycle cost. The initial price and the cost of operation and maintenance, which determines the total cost of the offer.
Costly. Focuses on costs and desired profit.
Administrative. Focus on the prices of the main competitors, or focus on one competitor – price leader.
Thus the choice of the most appropriate methods for the assessment of proposal prices provides an opportunity to determine the appropriateness of the оffer or in the auction to offer the most competitive price and to assess the likelihood of favorable contract.
Key words: price bids, ball, min technical specifications, life cycle cost, estimated cost, the lowest price administrative, costly techniques.

Література – 6

УДК 338.3

О. Г. Мельник, І. І. Коць, О. М. Урікова
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”


© Мельник О. Г., Коць І. І., Урікова О. М., 2015

Розглянуто сутність понять толінгових операцій на підприємствах. На основі аналізування наукових праць та нормативно-правової бази уточнено сутність поняття “толінгові операції.” Виокремлено мотиви здійснення толінгових операцій для замовника і для переробника імпортної сировини. Охарактеризовано позитивні й негативні аспекти толінгових операцій для підприємств-переробників.
Ключові слова: толінг, операції з давальницькою сировиною, митний режим, переробка на митній території України, мотиви здійснення толінгових операцій

O. H. Melnyk, I. I. Kots, O. M. Urikova
Lviv Polytechnic National University


© Melnyk O. G., Kots I. I., Urikova O. M., 2015

The article considers the essence of the concept of tolling operations; specifies the concept of tolling operations on the basis of analysis of scientific works and normatively-legal basis; describes the definition of the operations with customer-supplied raw materials and the reprocessing conditions of negative profit.
The operations with customer-supplied raw materials or so called tolling operations are one of the forms of international specialization of labour. Customer-supplied raw materials are goods allocated in custom processing conditions whereas services which provides the reprocessing are called tolling. Under the conditions of economic crisis in Ukraine tolling operations are the urgent and the most efficient methods of gaining experience, application of modern technologies, maximization of profit, development of international economic activity of enterprises.
Tolling is services in reprocessing of raw material which is imported at customs territory of a state and is free of taxation and assignment of property to domestic enterprise that reprocesses the raw material with further export of final products. The term tolling is widespread in global economics and is recognized by the World Trade Organization as one of the form of international specialization of labour. However the term tolling is not indicated in Customs Code of Ukraine. Tolling operations greatly contribute to the cooperation between enterprises which is mutually beneficial for companies ordering raw material processing (tollingers) and for executors (processing enterprises). These operations are integral part of foreign economic activity of enterprises in the age of economic globalization and integration. There is no clear definition of the term tolling operations because of its non-conformity with international terminology.
According to the research done tolling operations are the system of organizing of a raw material reprocessing enterprise, terms and forms of payment of reprocessing services, ways of realization of final products made of customer-supplied raw materials between counterparts from different countries. In this sense the concept of tolling operations is narrower than the concept of operations with customer-supplied raw materials since the tolling operations are conducted between the counterparts from different countries and are the subject of foreign economic agreements.
The analysis of literature and practice enables us to distinguish the motives of conducting of tolling operations: for customer: incentive and efforts of enterprises of developed countries to cut the production costs at the expense of realization of production, full or partial, in the countries with lower expenditures on wages; the lack of production technologies in ordering country; for processor: incentive to launch independent and powerful production technologies; the lack of floating funds for independent purchase of raw material, nonavailability of credits, debts.
The objective reasons for the expansion and using of tolling at the post-Soviet economic space are: the deficit of raw material resources in a country with powerful complex of processing enterprises; he lack of enough floating funds for purchasing the required amount of raw material; social pressure by the part-time working production personnel of a processing enterprise; the real threat of closing up and/ or stoppage of production in some branches of technology.
Tolling operations can positively affect competitive ability of manufacturing enterprises and the country where it is located. Tolling opens up the markets of developed countries for production and realization of new goods. It also has a positive influence on the other branches of economy of the country where the processing enterprise is situated. It mainly occurs when a foreign company purchases raw material and produces goods in the same country. However tolling has a number of disadvantages as well. Native processing enterprises use manufacturing capacities and involve labour forces as in full-value production whereas they receive reimbursement only for conducted technological operations. At the same time foreign enterprises sell final goods and receive underlying profit. Considering this Ukrainian enterprises operating on the terms of tolling should master methods and approaches of determining prices on operations with customer-supplied raw materials and reorientate gradually on independent production of goods which could be competitive on international market.
Key words: tolling, operations with customer-supplied raw materials, custom processing conditions, reprocessing at customs territory of Ukraine, the motives of conducting of tolling operations.

Література – 21

УДК 330.322.01

У. І. Моторнюк, М. І. Теребух*
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
*Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка


© Моторнюк У. І., Теребух М. І., 2015

Проаналізовано інвестиційну діяльність в Україні в контексті євроінтеграційних процесів, зокрема стан та основні напрями її розвитку. Обгрунтовано необхідність розроблення та реалізування інтеграційної політики в Україні. Особливу увагу звернено на формування європейської інтеграційної ідеології в системі державного управління. Проаналізовано основні чинники, що впливають на розвиток інвестиційної діяльності в Україні в контексті євроінтеграційних процесів. Узагальнено основні показники, що використовуються для оцінювання інвестиційної привабливості в контексті інтеграційних процесів.
Ключові слова: інвестиційна діяльність, інвестиційна політика, інвестиційні ризики, євроінтеграційні процеси.

U. I. Motorniuk, M. I. Terebukh*
Lviv Polytechnic National University
*Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


© Motorniuk U. I., Terebukh M. I., 2015

The investment activity in Ukraine in the context of European integration processes was analyzed in this article. Thesis there is determined the state and the main directions of its development. The necessity of developing and implementation of integration policy in Ukraine explained. Particular attention is paid to the formation of European integration ideology in public administration. The main factors influencing the development of investment activity in Ukraine in the context of European integration processes are analyzed in the article. Overview main indicators used for evaluation of investment attractiveness in the context of integration processes.
The current integration policy dimension of the national state can be determined as a problem of formation of European integration ideology in public administration in the context of external factors as the direction of general public administration reform. In the process of integration ideology in governance is important to realize the following objectives: to identify content characteristics of the essence of historical bases of formation of Ukrainian foreign policy, explore the essence of a common EU foreign policy; identify and describe the factors that influence the formulation and implementation of foreign policy of Ukraine, to reveal the relationship between the characteristics of the formation of national identity model and content of Ukrainian national interests; to assess the role of government institutions in addressing the important foreign policy challenges in the face of increasing international influence on the political processes of the integration factor; assess the prospects for full and partial integration of Ukraine into the EU and Ukraine's contribution to European security in the context of research into the problems of the European integration process and the mechanisms of formation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU; analyzing the content of Ukrainian-European contradictions, identify the main perspectives of the constitution of Ukraine in the European democratic project to explore the potential and limiting factors of relations "Ukraine – EU". The transformation of public administration in the context of the European integration process requires systemic reforms under the criteria for EU membership and improvement of territorial organization of power in Ukraine in accordance with the principles of good governance set out in the regulations of the EU and the Council of Europe – the European Charter of Local Self-Government, the Single European Act, the Treaty about the EU.
Ukraine, on the one hand, has exhausted the possibilities of market-based borrowing and live in debt, on the other – can not and does not need to support enterprises of real sector in the former scale, and under such conditions can not invest in infrastructure projects and other activities like European countries where the cost of maintaining regional development account for more than half of all allocated for these purposes amounts of money. Targeting resources external creditors only deepens debt bondage, out of which would be extremely burdensome. We'll have to raise the level of fiscal capacity by those sectors that can operate successfully, which means the slowdown of economic growth.

Key words: investment activity, investment policy, investment risks, European integration processes.

Література – 3

УДК 338.48

О. В. Музиченко-Козловська
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”


Музиченко-Козловська О. В., 2015

З’ясовано сутність поняття “туристичний інноваційний кластер (ТІК)”, визначено переваги і недоліки діяльності ТІК, встановлено джерела фінансування ТІК, наведено мету та завдання формування ТІК у регіоні, виділено напрями інноваційної діяльності у туризмі. З’ясовано: соціально-економічні передумови необхідності та доцільності формування національної мережі ТІК, доцільність наукових та екологічних досліджень у структурі ТІК, соціально-економічну ефективність діяльності ТІК, заходи з планування та прогнозування діяльності ТІК. Доведено важливість екологічних досліджень у структурі ТІК, наведено структуру та етапи формування ТІК.
Ключові слова: інновації, інноваційна система, інноваційна діяльність підприємства, туристичний кластер, інноваційний туристичний кластер.

O. V. Muzychenko-Kozlovs’ka
Lviv Polytechnic National University


 Muzychenko-Kozlovs’ka O. V., 2015

The essence of the concept "tourist innovation cluster" is clarified and its definition is proposed. The background and reasons for introducing innovations in the tourism sector are presented. The conditions of efficient cluster functioning in tourism are stated. Preconditions and possibilities of creating the tourist innovation cluster in the regions of Ukraine are determined. A list of possible advantages and disadvantages of the tourist innovation cluster in a region is provided. Possible sources of funding and the form of the tourist innovation cluster ownership are grounded. The goal and objectives of forming the tourist innovation cluster in the region are defined.
Directions of innovation activities in tourism are presented. There are found out socio-economic preconditions of necessity and expediency of forming a national network of the tourist innovation clusters. There is determined feasibility of scientific and environmental studies in the structure of tourist innovation clusters. The sequence of introducing market mechanisms in the tourist innovation clusters is offered. The socio-economic efficiency of the tourist innovation cluster activities is justified. Measures for planning and forecasting the tourist innovation cluster activities are proposed. The significance of environmental research in the structure of tourist innovation cluster is proved. The list of indicators by which to assess the effectiveness of tourist innovation cluster is determined. There are listed effects of the tourist innovation cluster in the region on various spheres of activities.
There is proposed a mechanism and a list of stages for establishing and operating the tourist innovation clusters (TIC), namely: creating an TIC central governing body for management and coordination of its divisions activities with other parties for implementing programs and measures; forming TIC divisions, choosing a large tourist company or a group of similar organizations in the region where tourist resources are available; selecting companies and organizations in the tourism sector of the economy for full provision of the tourist cluster with resources, information, special skills, innovative technologies, investment funds or infrastructure etc., that will ensure fulfillment of the functional tasks of providing complex tourist services; creating conditions for the organization and implementation of research, development and introduction of new technologies and other innovations in order to continuously improve the efficiency of TIC; working out the system of selection, training and retraining of personnel; planning resource provision for TIC development in response to the growing demand for health recovery and recreation services; identifying forms of cooperation with the local authorities to achieve not only TIC higher competitiveness to improve profitability but also fulfillment of social tasks, modernization of cities, compliance with environmental balance; defining TIC territorial and production structure.
The structure, components and the design of the innovative tourist cluster formation in the region are provided.
Key words: іnnovation, innovation system, innovation enterprises, tourism cluster, tourist innovation cluster.

Література – 21

УДК 338.24

І. Б. Олексів, Т. Ю. Лісович
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”


 Олексів І. Б., Лісович Т. Ю., 2015

Проаналізовано особливості здійснення організаційних змін на корпоративних підприємствах. Економічно інтерпретовано кластери, отримані в результаті кластерного аналізу групи корпоративних підприємств машинобудівної галузі. Запропоновано напрями розвитку систем управління корпоративними підприємствами в результаті впровадження організаційних змін.
Ключові слова: організаційні зміни, кластерний аналіз, система корпоративного управління, розвиток корпоративних систем управління.

I. B. Oleksiv, T. Yu. Lisovych
Lviv Polytechnic National University


 Oleksiv I. B., Lisovych T. Yu., 2015

In the article, particularities of conducting organizational changes in corporate enterprises are analyzed. The achievement of purposes stated in the article were achieved on the following stages: cluster analysis of machine-building corporate companies, economical interpretation of clusters received as the result of cluster analysis of group of corporate companies from machine-building industry, development of proposals concerning the development of corporate management systems depending on clusters to which the relevant corporation belongs. Cluster analysis was conducted for 40 corporations, which belong to machine-building industry. The aim of cluster analysis was to classify machine-building corporations depending on their financial ability and financial independence. As the result of cluster analysis, four clusters were received. Cluster analysis for 40 enterprises was conducted in 2012 and 2013. After the analysis, corporations were joined in comparative table. The latter permitted to evaluate financial ability and financial independence of corporations in 2012 and in 2013.
In addition, the directions for the development of corporate management system that can be achieved as the result of organizational changes implementation were proposed. As the result of analysis of modern trends in economic situation in Ukraine and international relations with partner countries it can be stated that corporations will need to realize radical steps for adaptation to external environment. Such steps are proposed to do in the following directions: change of organization corporate culture, orientation of corporations on new sales markets, restructuring corporations and change of type of their activity. Such changes should be bound to specific objects of changes. The objects of changes are the following: technical development, innovative development, investment development, information systems, development of intellectually oriented objectives. Such complex of activities can be applied for all objectives and for separate objectives depending on the capabilities of corporations both in general and in its separate parts. As the result of corporate changes, the following results can be achieved: significant change of key indicators and movement of corporations to “better” clusters. The final aim of corporations is to achieve cluster two, which is the cluster with the corporations who have the best financial capability and are independent.
Key words: organizational changes, cluster analysis, corporate management system, development of corporate management system.

Література – 6

УДК 621:658.821

П. Г. Перерва, Т. О. Кобєлєва, Н. П. Ткачова
Національний технічний університет “Харківський політехнічний інститут”


 Перерва П. Г., Кобєлєва Т. О., Ткачова Н. П., 2015

Досліджено доцільність упровадження в управлінську практику стратегічного маркетингового підходу для формування і розвитку конкурентних переваг на основі порівняльних динамічних характеристик підприємства, які забезпечують його конкурентостійкість та конкурентогнучкість. Визначено та обґрунтовано основні причини, які гальмують більше поширення та використання бенчмаркінгу в промислово розвинених країнах і в країнах пострадянського простору. Проведено детальний аналіз виявлених причин та розроблено науково-методичні пропозиції щодо зменшення реального впливу виявлених факторів на поширення та використання принципів бенчмаркінгу в практиці виробничо-підприємницької діяльності українських промислових підприємств. Запропоновано ввести в науковий обіг нову концепцію бенчмаркінгу – конкурентно-синергетичний бенчмаркінг, використання якого передбачає отримання не тільки нових або посилення наявних конкурентних переваг підприємства, а і певною мірою впливає на послаблення конкурентних позицій виробників аналогічної продукції, що передбачає наявність синергетичного ефекту.
Ключові слова: конкуренція, конкурентні переваги, синергія, бенчмаркінг, машинобудівні підприємства, принципи, ефективність

P. G. Pererva, T. O. Kobyelyeva, N. Р. Tkachev
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”


 Pererva P. G., Kobyelyeva T. O., Tkachev N. Р., 2015

The article proved that the problem of formation and objective assessment of the competitive advantages of product engineering enterprises is key in some basic areas of greater economic security. Among the most important and urgent task today identified: the ability of industrial producers offer potential consumers what they need now; form the main indicators of competitiveness of industrial products through constant improvement of consumer properties of goods; create new versions of products, anticipating future market opportunities industry.
Detailed analysis of the main approaches to the management of competitiveness and competitive advantages engineering company allowed to determine feasibility of implementing management practices in strategic marketing approach for the formation and development of competitive advantages as a comparative dynamic characteristics of companies that provide it a competitive stability and competitive flexibility.
Determined and substantiated the main reasons hampering more widespread use of benchmarking and in industrialized countries and the countries of the former Soviet Union. The detailed analysis of the causes identified and developed scientific and methodological proposals to reduce the real impact of identified factors on the distribution and use of benchmarking principles in the practice of production and business activities Ukrainian enterprises.
The results of the study authors have identified the following stages (wave of) its life cycle which benchmarking was the time of its inception to the present. The first generation of benchmarking is seen as an analysis of the product. The second generation – competitive benchmarking or competitive benchmarking. The third generation – or Process benchmarking process benchmarking. The fourth generation – strategic benchmarking – is seen as a systematic process to assess alternatives, implementation strategies and improve performance characteristics by studying successful strategies of external partner companies. The fifth generation – global benchmarking is regarded as a future tool for organizations considering international exchange of culture and national characteristics of the processes of production, which is particularly relevant in a globalized world of business and leaving it at national borders.
The authors proposed to enter into scientific circulation new concept of benchmarking - competitive benchmarking synergistic benefits that implies obtaining results by one of the first four options. The name of this type of benchmarking is caused by the fact that his conduct aimed at getting only new or strengthening existing competitive advantages of the enterprise, but also for the effective conduct of this type of benchmarking that provides for a synergistic effect.
Key words: competition, competitive advantages, synergies, benchmarking, machine-building enterprises, principles, efficiency.

Література – 20

УДК 339.13

Н. І. Подольчак, А. І. Ясінська
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”


© Подольчак Н. І., Ясінська А. І., 2015

Розглянуто сучасні теорії створення нових ринків та формування нових бізнес-сегментів: концепцію квантово-економічного аналізу, стратегію “блакитного океану”, теорію обмежень, концепцію “інтелектуальне лідерство”, теорію цінностей та концепцію ділової моделі.
Згідно із концепцією квантово-економічного аналізу, творення нового ринку можливе, коли комбінація етапів розвитку товару, компанії та ринку є сприятливою для існування. У разі отримання недозволеної комбінації у матриці КЕА необхідно її видозмінювати на дозволену, яка створить умови для розвитку підприємства. Концепція “блакитного океану” основана на ідеї концентрації зусиль організації не на конку¬рентній боротьбі, а на виокремленні бізнес-сегменту у існуючому ринку або створенні абсолютно нового ринку. Концепція ділової моделі наголошує на інноваційно-стимулювальній дії ризиків для утворення нових ринків (чи окремих бізнес-сегментів) та визначає споживчоорієнтованість ринкотворчих процесів.
Теорія обмежень спрямована на розкриття внутрішнього потенціалу організації для вирішення виробничо-господарських, управлінських чи інших проблем з метою пропонування ринку якісних товарів за доступними цінами. Теорія творення цінностей спрямована на формування цінності організації через пошук її власної ідентичності для максимального забезпечення потреб споживачів. Концепція інтелектуального лідерства зосереджується на важливості систематичного прогнозування стану та розвитку ринкового середовища, а також визначення та формування потреб споживачів.
Дослідження цих теорій дало змогу виокремити фактори стимулювання ринко¬твірних процесів, а саме: споживачі (їх реальні та потенційні потреби), товари (роботи, послуги), ціни, організації-виробники, а також ризики (як стимулювальні до виживання у ринковому середовищі фактори).
Ключові слова: споживачі, товари (роботи, послуги), ціни, організації-виробники, ризики, ринок, бізнес-сегмент, ринкотворення, концепція квантово-економічного аналізу, “концепція блакитного океану”, “теорія обмежень”, концепція “інтелектуальне лідерство”, теорія цінностей та концепція ділової моделі.

N. I. Podolchak, A. I. Yasinska
Lviv Polytechnic National University


© Podolchak N. I., Yasinska A. I., 2015

The modern theory of the creation of new markets and development of new business segments are researched: the concept of quantum-economic analysis, the strategy of “blue ocean”, theory of constraints analysis, the concept of “intellectual leadership”, theory of value and the concept of the business model.
According to the concept of quantum-economic analysis – a new market creation is possible when combination of stages for product development, the company and the market is favorable for existence. In the case of a combination of matrix unauthorized QEA it is necessary to modify the acceptable which will create conditions for enterprise development. Knowledge of the field success QEA, enables the design stage to abandon the project doomed to failure.The concept of “Blue Ocean” is based on the idea of focusing that organizations do not compete, and the singling business segment in existing markets or creates entirely new market. Authors blue oceans replaced competition in the creative process of creating a new system of values for customers and for own company. The concept of business model emphasizes innovation and stimulating action risks the creation of new markets (or separate business segments) and determines customer oriented in the market creation processes. The main elements of the model are: consumer choice, the choice of scale, strategic control and receive remuneration for their activities. Business model is the only systems of its elements are in close relationship and mutual need and meet the needs of customers.
Theory of constraints analysis aims at the disclosure of internal capacity of the organization to address supply-economic, managerial or other problems, to market offering quality products at affordable prices. The essence of the theory is reduced to the identification and optimization of the “bottleneck”, which, according to the terminology of the concept are the problem areas of the company. The process of finding and strengthening of problem areas is endless process that ensures every new level of performance. The theory of value creation aims at fostering the values of the organization, through a search of its own identity and maximization of satisfaction the consumers needs. Thus identifying their own unique organization makes it a long-term strategy and creates new market. The concept of intellectual leadership focuses on the importance of systematically predicting the state and development of the market environment and to identify the needs of consumers and formation. Reach intellectual leadership ability can at best use of the product hidden abilities and special skills of employees. The concept of intellectual leadership considers the business as a movement from the creation of future markets to dominate them.
The study of these theories makes it possible to isolate those factors that contribute process of creation market – consumers (their real and potential needs), product (works, services) for organization producing goods, as well as risks (like stimulating to survive in the market environment factors) .
Key words: consumers, goods (works, services), for organization-makers, risks, market, business segments, market creation, the concept of quantum-economic analysis, the strategy “Blue Ocean “, the theory of constraints, the concept of “intellectual leadership”, the theory of values and the concept of business model.

Література – 14

УДК 339.562(477)

Н. М. Попадинець
ДУ “Інститут регіональних досліджень
ім. М. І. Долішнього НАН України”


© Попадинець Н. М., 2015

Проаналізовано чинники зростання внутрішнього ринку України та масштаби впливу імпорту на його розвиток. Розраховано обсяги потенційного попиту на внутрішньому ринку. Оцінено співвідношення вітчизняних та імпортних товарів на внутрішньому ринку України та виявлено загрози значних масштабів імпорто¬споживання у низькоконкурентоспроможному національному виробництві. Обґрунтовано рекомендації щодо імпортозаміщення в Україні.
Ключові слова: внутрішній ринок, імпорт, імпортозалежність, імпортозаміщення, регулювання імпорту.

N. М. Papadynets
Institute of Regional Research
named after M. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine


© Papadynets N. М., 2015

The article aims to define the place of import at domestic market and to outline its impact at the development of Ukrainian economy. Much attention is paid to the key role of domestic market for the long-term economic and financial stabilization of Ukraine in terms of world economy development as well as evaluate the scale of import consumption at domestic market of Ukraine. The factors of Ukrainian domestic market growth and the scale of import impact on its development are analyzed. The volume of suspected demand at domestic market is calculated. It is determined that Ukraine remains in the group of countries that have nor reached the average competitive ability rate and considerably lags behind the developed countries. It is stated that domestic food industry meets in general the growing demand of population and situation at the market of food products does not provoke special concern. The opposite situation takes place at the market of non-food goods. In this segment of consumer market the tendency of import production increase is observed for the majority of commodity items not only technology intensive but almost for all types of consumer goods production.
The ratio of domestic and import goods at domestic market of Ukraine is evaluated and the threats of considerable import consumption scales with low competitive national production are outlined. The dependence of domestic market saturation on the tendencies of foreign trade and on the dynamics of hryvnya exchange rate actualizes the problems of export-import flows state regulation. The structure of commodity supply forming at domestic market of Ukraine in general represents significant disproportions of industrial capacity and domestic market needs as well as considerable pressure from import. Competitive domestic production should become the basis for efficient functioning and development of domestic market in terms of existence of relevant tariff and nontariff barriers for import. The disproportion between national production and import at domestic market is observed. This is due to the activity of following factors: slow change of stet regulation policy and its reorientation at stimulation of productive and not intermediary-distributive activity; lack of domestic product range that also lags behind import by quality and price; slow enhancement of customs control and the system of import excess to domestic market that keeps considerable difference between customs value and prime cost of production of wide range of goods nomenclature, primarily of consuming purpose, etc.
The recommendations on import substitution in Ukraine are made. Preventing domestic market of Ukraine from oversaturation by import goods is possible in case of introduction by the state of the range of strategic measures are determined. It allows to enhance the mechanisms of customs control by the correspondence to the real value of declared customs value of goods crossing customs control of Ukraine; introduce scientifically justified mechanisms of tax stimulation of expenses on modernization of production capacity in terms of further increase and realization of goods at domestic markets; introduce international standards for the quality of consumer products both imported and of domestic production that is sold at domestic markets.
New directions of research should be aimed at the identification of external factors in the growth of the domestic market of Ukraine, which directly affect the scale of imports. This will allow detecting threats that are external factors, and taking measures to eliminate them.
Key words: domestic market, import, import dependence, import substitution, import regulation.

Література – 14

УДК 339.944:005.21:351.863

О. В. Прокопенко, В. Ю. Школа, М. Д. Домашенко
Сумський державний університет


© Прокопенко О. В., Школа В. Ю., Домашенко М. Д., 2015

Висвітлено особливості формування системи управління економічною безпекою зовнішньоекономічної діяльності підприємств, яка охоплює стратегії та механізм управління економічною безпекою зовнішньоекономічної діяльності підприємств, рекомендовано під механізмом забезпечення економічної безпеки ЗЕД машинобудівного підприємства розуміти складову системи управління підприємством, яка на основі вибраної органами управління цілі щодо підтримки або підвищення рівня економічної безпеки ЗЕД з використанням наявного потенціалу підприємства забезпечує реалізацію поставленої мети та приводить до стабільної та ефективної роботи підприємства, запропоновано трикомпонентний показник оцінки рівня економічної безпеки підприємства, який охоплює: оцінку потенціалу підприємства для здійснення ЗЕД; рівень країнового ризику країни; показник рівня ринкових можливостей підприємства.
Ключові слова: економічна безпека, механізм управління, зовнішньоекономічна діяльність (ЗЕД), стратегії, заходи, оцінка рівня.

О. V. Prokopenko, V. Yu. Shkola, M. D. Domashenko
Sumy State University


© Prokopenko О. V., Shkola V. Yu., Domashenko M. D., 2015

The article deals with peculiarities of forming foreign economic activities economic security management system at enterprises, including strategies and mechanisms of foreign economic activities economic security control. Foreign economic activities economic security management at the enterprise includes organizational and economic control mechanism structure, functions, managerial decisions, which together lead to fulfillment of the main task, it being provision of efficient and smooth enterprise operation. Functioning of organizational and economic mechanism of controlling foreign economic activities economic security should be considered as the activity oriented to achieving managerial goals, and the state of this mechanism should be taken as the criterion to determine the foreign economic activities economic security level. However, to determine managerial aims achievement degree is a complex task, which requires detailed lead-up to choose factors influencing the general level of the enterprise foreign economic activities economic security. These factors should comprehensively determine the enterprise foreign economic activities economic security level, to characterize enterprise activities, its short-term and long-term results both inside and outside the enterprise.
Foreign economic activities economic security providing mechanism of the machine building enterprise is an enterprise control system constituent, which on the basis of the aim chosen by authorities concerning foreign economic activities economic security level maintaining or increasing through using the enterprise potential, provides the stated aim realization and leads to enterprise stable and effective work. Organizational and economic mechanism to control foreign economic activities economic security at the enterprise is multi-level, therefore it is possible to achieve the set goals only when all systems and mechanism constituents are mutually coordinated.
Applying this mechanism allows to create new scheme of cooperation between enterprise control system elements and to make the foreign economic activities economic security control more effective, logic and systematic. Strategies to provide enterprise economic security are constituents of the mechanism. They are chosen depending on the economic security zone, corresponding to each analyzed foreign economic activities directions. The three-component factor to estimate the enterprise economic security level is suggested to consider internal and external factors, which influence the enterprise economic security during its entering the foreign market. It includes evaluation of the enterprise foreign economic activities potential; level of the country risk; factor of the enterprise market abilities level.
Development of the approach to forming strategies and the mechanism to provide foreign economic activities economic security at the enterprise will allow to increase the economic security general level, to stimulate administrative staff to take measures oriented towards efficient use of enterprise resources, to choose the optimal market for selling its products, and to choose the activities that will satisfy the international market needs.
Key words: economic security, control mechanism, foreign economic activities, strategies, measures, evaluation of level.

Література – 13

УДК 330.3

С. А. Прохоровська, О. П. Дяків
Тернопільський національний економічний університет


© Прохоровська С. А., Дяків О. П., 2015

Розкрито роль інновацій як чинника соціально-економічного розвитку регіону, охарактеризовано передумови активізації інноваційної діяльності на прикладі Тернопільської області; визначено основні завдання формування регіональної інноваційної системи та її складові; з’ясовано чинники інноваційної активності найманих працівників; обґрунтовано основні напрямки інноваційної діяльності в Тернопільській області і запропоновано шляхи їхньої реалізації.
Ключові слова: інновації, інноваційний розвиток, ініціативність у праці, економічно ефективні робочі місця, регіон, чинники інноваційної активності, наймані працівники, навчання.

S. A. Prokhorovska, O. P. Dyakiv
Ternopil National Economic University


© Prokhorovska S. A., Dyakiv O. P., 2015

The role of innovations as a factor of socio-economic development of region is exposed in the article; the pre-conditions of activation of innovative activity are described on the example of the Ternopil area. It is grounded that fundamental scientific research-and-developments and inputs and use of innovative goods are the basis of innovative activity. The necessity of development of innovative politics in a region, that must be aimed at development of scientific research-and-developments, increase of production and realization of scientific products, solution of social problems of use the newest technologies, is well-proven. It is set that is creation of infrastructure of innovative activity is the major task at forming the regional innovative system in region.
It is well-proven that fundamental scientific research-and-developments, creation of the system of support and advancement of innovations would be the basic ways of activation of innovative activity in a region.
It is set that the effective bringing in of scientific and technical potential to the innovative projects is the important factor of the economy growing and increase of competitiveness of industries of economy.
The basic tasks of forming of the regional innovative system and its constituents are certained: productive-technological, consulting, financial, skilled, informative and sale. The problems of innovative development in Ukraine and the region are investigated.
Factors that influence on innovative activity of the hired workers are distinguished by priority: professional training and competence, creative capabilities, character of man, requirement in self-realization and self-perfection, requirement in material welfare, entrepreneurship. The influence of self-education, studies to the new professions and increase of level of qualification of workers on innovative development of the Ternopil area is found out.
It is well-proven that creation economically of effective workplaces, that will allow to develop creative potential of the hired worker, promote the level of his qualification is the important direction of increase of innovative activity of region.
The main directions of innovative activity in Ternopil region are distinguished and the ways of its realization are given.
Key words: innovations, innovative development, initiativeness in labour, economically effective workplaces, region, factors of innovative activity, hired workers, continuous.

Література – 10

УДК 334.02

І. М. Рєпіна, В. Ю. Вострякова
ДІНЗ “Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана”


© Рєпіна І. М., Вострякова В. Ю., 2015

Розглянуто підходи до визначення та оцінювання інноваційного потенціалу підприємства. Запропоновано тлумачення інноваційного потенціалу як сукупності трьох складових: інноваційних ресурсів, інноваційних компетенцій та організаційних здатностей. Наведено критерії для дослідження рівня розвиненості кожної складової. Запропоновано використання матричного методу у форматі дескриптивної моделі для моніторингу розвитку інноваційного потенціалу підприємства.
Ключові слова: інноваційний потенціал, інноваційний процес, матричний метод, інноваційні ресурси, інноваційні компетенції, інноваційні здатності, дескриптивна модель моніторингу інноваційного розвитку.

I. M. Repina, V. Y. Vostryakova


©. Riepina I. M, Vostryakova V. Y., 2015

Creation of innovations is a strategic priority to ensure competitiveness. An innovative way of development implies a certain innovation potential as the basis for this development. The concept of innovation potential as concept mapping innovation phenomenon unfolding and clarified in the methodological, theoretical and empirical studies since the early 80's. An important element of this studies is the development of methods used in procedures for evaluation of company’s innovation potential.
Analysis of existing theoretical knowledge demonstrates the wide range of approaches to defining the essence of company’s innovation potential. Among the most common are resource, functional and combination approaches. In the first approach, the innovation potential of the company mainly treated as a set of innovation resources, and procedures that create conditions for the optimal use of these resources. The functional approach involves the review and analysis of innovation potential in terms of the ability of the system to implement economic development opportunities through innovation. Many researchers at present trying to combine these approaches. In terms of modern resource theory the company’s innovation potential can be seen as a set of innovation competences and innovation organization capabilities based on innovation resources to achieve the goals of company’s innovation potential.
Today there are a number of comprehensive approaches that are used in evaluating the innovation capabilities. They are a set of quantitative and qualitative characteristics that are in the field of analysis.
Resource-based approach researches innovation resources. “Process-Rezult” approach involves analysis of the innovation process in stages of the innovation cycle. The personal approach is implemented by analyzing the ability of employees to generate innovative ideas and transform them into innovative products. The statistical approach involves research using questionnaires or surveys. The problem-oriented approach requires a clear selection criteria, indicators, assessment procedures according to the set of problems. It is possible to use matrix methods in understanding the company’s innovation potential as the combination of resources, competencies and organizational capabilities for the purpose of evaluation and monitoring. For example, a four matrix descriptive model based on modified and adapted to innovation problems approach of Russian scientists S. Yefremov and I. Khanykov. This matrix involves the selection of indicators in four areas. These are innovation projects, innovation resources, innovation competence and innovative capability. Between them on the basis of a comparative analysis of multi-degree turns and connection set quantitative assessment.
Based on this matrix can get data about how specific innovation project implementation depends on the skills. This matrix suggests the state of innovation potential of the company. The result of the analysis is also unambiguous definition of areas of improvement components of the innovation potential.
Key words. innovation potential, innovation process, matrix method, innovation resources, innovation competence, innovation capability, descriptive model of monitoring of the innovation potential development.

Література – 8

УДК 338.48

О. Я. Романів, Т. С. Трусова, Р. П. Бричка
Приватний вищий навчальний заклад “Міжнародний економіко-гуманітарний університет імені академіка Степана Дем’янчука”


© Романів О. Я., Трусова Т. С., Бричка Р. П., 2015

Розглянуто теоретико-методологічні засади розвитку готельного господарства Рівненської області, які ґрунтуються на методі конкурентних переваг. На основі індексу концентрації, індексів Херфіндаля–Хіршмана та Холла–Тайдмана було підтверджено висновки про невисоку конкуренцію в галузі та помірно концентрований ринок.
За методикою набору конкурентноспроможних елементів було визначено рейтинг готелів за окремими індикаторами і побудовано конкурентну карту ринку послуг готельного господарства Рівненської області.
Ключові слова: готельне господарство, розвиток готельної індустрії, конкурентні переваги.

O. Ya. Romaniv, T. S. Trusova, R. P. Brychka
Private Higher Education Establishment
International University of Economics and Humanities named after ac. Stepan Demianchuk


© Romaniv O. Ya., Trusova T. S., Brychka R. P, 2015

In the article the theoretical and methodological fundamentals of development of hotel industry of Rivne region, that are based on methods of set of competitive elements, the specificity of hotel service and the peculiarities of its functioning in the tourism industry structure, and on modern tendencies of hotel business functioning in the world, and which due to their globalising character find specific realization in the formation of hospitality service market in Rivne, have been examined.
Based on a review of existing technical approaches to the management justified that effective management in a transformation economy is impossible without constant monitoring of the situation prevailing in the target market segment for the hotel company, and without prediction of possible actions of competitors and evaluation of their own competitive position.
The main trends in the hotel industry of Rivne region have negative nature: decreased the number of accommodation facilities, reduced the level of availability of hotels Based on the index of concentration, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index and Tideman-Hall indexes the findings of low competition in the industry, and moderately concentrated market have been confirmed.
Hotel rating for individual indicators was defined and competitive card market for the hotel industry Rivne region was constructed by the method set competitive elements. In this paper analyses the modern tendencies of hotel maintenance of Rivne region. It is advisable to use the experience not only domestic but also foreign scientists. It is essential to the creation of new strategies that take into account the position of the hotel the market and improve the quality of hotel services.
Key words: hotel maintenance, hotel industry development, competitive advantage.

Література – 3

УДК 339.148:004

С. Б. Романишин, І. Р. Греськів
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”


© Романишин С. Б., Греськів І. Р., 2015

Розглянуто особливості використання, значення й тенденції розвитку маркетингу в соціальних мережах, що сьогодні стає дедалі популярнішим завдяки оперативності, невисокій ціні, цільовому характеру, високому ступеню довіри тощо. Подано результати опитування маркетологів розвинених країн щодо використання ними такого маркетингу. Представлено модель використання соціальних мереж у маркетинговій діяльності, виділено види бізнесу й галузі діяльності, в яких вони найпоширеніші. Розкрито ключові методи та підходи до маркетингу в соціальних мережах.
Ключові слова: маркетинг, маркетингова діяльність, соціальні мережі, маркетинг у соцмережах.

S. B. Romanyshyn, I. R. Greskiv
Lviv Polytechnic National University


© Romanyshyn S. B., Hreskiv I. R., 2015

In the article features of the usage, importance and trends of marketing in social networks, which is becoming more popular because of its speed, low price, target character, a high degree of trust, are described. The results of a survey of marketers from developed countries concerning the use of such marketing are presented. The model of social networking in marketing activities is given and types of business and industries in which marketing in social networks is the most widespread are described. The key methods and approaches to marketing in social networks are revealed.
Over 80 % of Ukrainian Internet users use social networks, and it is difficult to imagine life without them. Thus marketing is getting reoriented now on social media. Marketing in social networks - is certainly interesting and trendy marketing. However, despite the extensive experience in promoting brands in social media, not all companies know how to do it and do not use the full range of tools which can and should work in social networks.
Social networking is one of the most popular types of entertainment, so it is not surprising that advertising on social networks in the US and Western Europe has become very popular. Today, advertising and promotion in social networks are the most important and successful means of SMM in internet marketing. According to the “2015 Social Media Marketing Industry Report” 96 % among respondents -marketing experts from around the world – are engaged in social marketing and 92 % said that it is extremely important for their business.
Marketing in social networks, like any other form of advertising has its advantages and disadvantages, positive and negative effects that can affect not only the advertised product, but the whole enterprise. On one hand, using social networking allows to attract a significant number of customers, increase profit. On the other hand - social networking is a possibility to quickly share experiences, so if only one user discovers that advertised goods or services have serious shortcomings, it will be soon found out by a large amount of people. In this case, product promotion can trigger counterproductive effects. Therefore, when deciding on engaging social networks to implement marketing strategy, marketers should thoroughly approach this issue and make a detailed analysis of the situation which has arisen or may arise during an activity. The effects of the implementation of such marketing activities will depend on several factors: the scope of the company, product or service and its features, target audience and others.
Key words: marketing, marketing activity, social network marketing in social networks.

Література – 4

УДК 351:35

О. Р. Сватюк
Львівський державний університет внутрішніх справ


© Сватюк О. Р., 2015

Уточнено сутність поняття “корпоративне середовище”, “інноваційна інфра¬структура”, “зовнішні суб’єкти корпоративного управління”, “внутрішні структурні елементи” на основі висвітлення думок науковців та нормативно-законодавчої бази. Досліджено інфраструктуру корпоративного середовища, у якій виділено: зовнішніх суб’єктів корпоративного управління (державу, ринки, інституційних інвесторів) та внутрішні структурні елементи (власників, організаційно-управлінську структуру, корпоративний контроль, корпоративну культуру).
Ключові слова: корпоративне середовище, інноваційна інфраструктура, зовнішні суб’єкти корпоративного управління, держава, ринки, інституційні інвестори, внутрішні структурні елементи, власники, організаційно-управлінська структура, корпоративний контроль, корпоративна культура.

О. R. Svatyuk
Lviv State University of International Affairs


© Svatyuk О. R, 2015

For the development of joint stock companies there is required the interaction with the external environment, forecasting its regulatory impact on corporations and on the internal mechanism of coordinating interests of corporate entities.
The essence of the concepts of «corporate environment», «innovative infrastructure», «external subjects of corporate governance», «internal structural elements» is specified based on scientists’ opinions as well as regulatory and legal framework.
The author studies the corporate environment infrastructure and highlights the following: external subjects of corporate governance (state, markets, and institutional investors) and internal structural elements (owners, organizational and management structure, corporate control, and corporate culture). All these subjects have a complicated system of interests, and its coordination is the main task of optimizing corporate governance.
The corporate environment infrastructure is a set of components that are not members of the corporation but have a certain influence on it.
External subjects of corporate governance are dependent on the economic system as a whole. This is ensured by their relationships and forms the infrastructure of certain environment.
The first element of the external environment is ensured at the level of state regulation through the authorities of general and special competence that create rules and regulations for corporate control, and liability of corporations. The organs of special competence include: the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market, State Property Fund of Ukraine, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine; the National Commission for State Regulation of Financial Services Markets, and other authorities.
Another important element of the external environment is the mechanism of market control over the corporation governance. In the system of corporate governance the commodity markets of products and financial markets play a significant role. Corporate governance and its effectiveness are determined by the achievement of certain socio-economic status by the corporation. For the owners an important result of corporate governance is obtaining a portion of profits and increasing exchange price of the company’s shares.
Institutional investors (not owners of corporate rights) can be considered to be the third important element of external corporate governance. They are public organizations and mass media that influence corporate strategy and tactics. An important place is occupied by self-regulatory organizations - voluntary non-profit associations of professional stock market participants which perform the function of stock market regulation. Internal elements of the corporate governance system depend primarily on the availability of effective rules and procedures of the owners’ relationship and their impact on the regulated objects, i.e. on the corporation management.
Standards and procedures (conducting the general meeting and taking decisions at it, determining the bodies to supervise managers’ performance in the period between meetings, defining competence for concluding agreements with different cost values etc.) are presented. Internal elements of corporate governance also include conduct regulations, staff remuneration of officials, formation of funds and payment of dividends, property transactions, and other types of industrial and economic activities that are developed by managers and agreed upon with the owners.
Optimization of interaction between the management and owners is regulated by the state laws and regulations, market environment, and public institutions.
Corporate governance systems depend on the characteristics of regulated objects. In small entities where there are a few owners corporate governance systems differ significantly from management systems of joint stock companies with many owners. The internal state of a corporation depends on the economic system as a whole that is ensured by the links between the elements that are part of it.
Key words: corporate environment, innovation infrastructure, external actors of corporate governance, the state, markets, institutional investors, internal structural elements, owners, organizational and management structure, corporate control, corporate culture.

Література – 12

Скрыль О. К.

Система поддержки принятия решений в управлении экономической устойчивостью промышленного предприятия

УДК 338.24:658

О. В. Сталінська*, Ю. З. Драчук
*Донецький національний університет, м. Вінниця,
Луганський національний університет
імені Тараса Шевченка, м. Старобільськ


© Сталінська О. В., Драчук Ю. З., 2015

Розглянуто теоретичні основи сталого розвитку в управлінні підприємством для обґрунтування процесу визначення перспективного напряму розвитку підприємства і прийняття управлінських рішень, підпорядкованих меті сталого розвитку як стратегічному пріоритету, що забезпечує його ринкову вартість і суспільну цінність.
Ключові слова: сталий розвиток, теоретичні основи, підприємство, стратегічний пріоритет, управлінські рішення, науковий напрям.

O. V. Stalinska, Yu. Z. Drachuk
*Donetsk National University (Vinnitsa)
Luhansk National University named after Taras Shevchenko (Starobilsk)


© Stalinska O. V., Drachuk Yu. Z., 2015

The theoretical basis for sustainable development as a new model of economic forms of social equality and environmental sustainability is part of the further global development. Every day more and more are gaining strength factors causing the need for change: production and consumption patterns, lack of resources, changes in the global economy, the environment, the dynamics of political processes, as well as demographic changes. The current situation actualizes the need to change management principles and consumption, but also opens up opportunities for new technologies in the market, new growth, and jobs created with the advent of innovative products and services.
Sustainable development is reduced to the question of the ability of people, companies and governments to determine their own future. With regard to business participation in the sustainable development means understanding the long-term problems of the planet and in consideration of their policies and practices. Modern business is the process of creating and sharing your own values for long-term sustainability, in addition to economic benefits, it should also take into account the value of the two components: people for whom it is created, and the environment, bringing thus the triple bottom line activities. The problem concerns the stability of the business environment in all its dimensions: social, economic, cultural and environmental. Sustainable development of a certain level, of course, serves as a basis for the sustainable development of its higher levels. So important is the process of integrating the paradigm of sustainable development in the strategic management of the company and its impact on sustainable development of the region, the state of the planet.
Companies have a direct and indirect impact on the various stakeholders in the regions of its presence. This includes the impact of social, environmental and economic aspects. Direct impact - the impact that the company itself has on employees and their families, organizations and local communities, as well as local authorities. Indirect effects - the impact that has on the enterprise local population and local authorities, enterprise vendors.
Together, this creates the overall effect is that the company has on the region.
The analysis shows that there is not a generalized coherent picture that characterizes the multifaceted strategy for sustainable development of industrial enterprises, nor even a general understanding of how the sustainable development in practice. Sustainable development can improve the efficiency of enterprise management, and preferably not in the present or in the near future and in the long term, reduce risk, stabilize the financial situation, to reduce the negative impact on the environment, increase the flexibility of responding to the disturbance of the environment, increase social stability in the enterprise.
The urgency and the need to develop a mechanism for strategic management of the enterprises on the principles of sustainable development allows enterprises to study and planning of environmental and social activities, and to plan a withdrawal owners. The implementation of the mechanism will enhance the sustainability of the company both in the short and long term. Using the mechanism of strategic management of the enterprises on the principles of sustainable development will enable a comprehensive and systematically take into account the relationship of factors external and internal environment of the enterprise to the achievement of sustainable development priorities.
Accounting basics of the strategic management of enterprises on the principles of sustainable development on the scale of the national economy and related industries will provide the balance between the interests of business owners, the needs of current and long-term operation, as well as environmental protection and social development with a view to overcoming the economic, environmental and social crisis.
Key words: sustainable development, theoretical foundations, enterprise strategic priority, management decisions, scientific derection.

Література – 9

УДК 330.341.1

Н. А. Степанюк
Рівненський обласний інститут післядипломної педагогічної освіти


© Степанюк Н. А., 2015

Виділено основні завдання інноваційної інфраструктури, що мають виконуватися в Україні. Досліджено сучасний регіональний підхід до формування інноваційної структури в Україні. Проаналізовано іноземний досвід створення і розвитку іннова¬ційної інфра¬струк¬тури. Запропоновано створення національної інноваційної системи, яка забезпечить сприятливий інноваційний клімат для розвитку інноваційної інфраструктури.
Ключові слова: інновації, інноваційна інфраструктура, технопарки, інфраструктура, науковий центр.

N. Stepaniuk
Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education


© Stepaniuk N., 2015

The article distinguish the main tasks of innovation infrastructure that must be carry out in Ukraine. The modern regional approach to the forming of innovation structure in Ukraine is researched. There is analyzed international experience of creation and development of innovation infrastructure in it. In the artile it is offered an establishment of a national innovation system that it will provide a favorable innovation climate for development of innovation infrastructure.
Ukraine stands in the way of innovation development of economy and choice in this country. Significant natural resources in Ukraine, the use of which would give the opportunity to build on this basis its development there. It is necessary to realize their intellectual potential, which is the basis of innovation economy and increase its competitiveness.
The innovation process in developed countries – is that combining science, technology, economics, business, management, covering the full range of relations of production, exchange, consumption. Behind all this is a series of interconnected organizations small and large companies, universities, laboratories, technology parks and incubators, engaged in the production and conversion of scientific knowledge and technology on a commercial basis.
The main source of innovations is the scientific and technical activities, to bridge the imple¬men¬tation of technology in the real economy – technology transfer, and the main player in innovation – research institutions, universities that turn new knowledge into value added tax and wealth.
Key words: innovations, innovation infrastructure, industrial parks, infrastructure, research center.

Література – 9

УДК 338.32.001.76

В. О. Терлецька
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра теоретичної і прикладної економіки


© Терлецька В. О., 2015

Досліджено та представлено визначення терміна “інноваційна інфраструктура”, сформовано класифікацію елементів інноваційної інфраструктури та запропоновано розглядати її як підсистеми однієї функціональної системи, які логічно і послідовно здійснюються у інноваційному процесі. Визначено основні завдання та суб’єкти інноваційної інфраструктури, досліджено проблеми формування та визначено шляхи і способи розв’язання проблем інноваційного розвитку автомобілебудівної промисловості України. Представлено у графічній формі динаміку придбання машин, обладнання та програмного забезпечення для реалізації інновацій за 2005–2013 рр. У табличній формі відображено інноваційну активність промислових підприємств за 2005–2013 рр.
Ключові слова: інноваційна інфраструктура, інноваційний розвиток, автомобілебудівна промисловість.

V. A. Terletska
National University “Lviv Polytechnic”


© Terletska V. A., 2015

In most developed countries machine – building industry covers the leading sector of civil engineering and industrial production over the world. In the developed countries, the industry is strategic because it provides the development of many related industries, promotes the assimilation of high technologies, creation of final products with high added value, and contributes to the employment and bring appropriate charges to budgets. It is reasonable to develop machine – building industry in Ukraine as a strategic industry. Due to the necessity of withdrawal of economic stagnation related industries, the problem of employment and the reducing of the outflow of capital abroad. This is a strategic branch of the economy, where a potential of a country is being formed.
The main problems of the domestic machine – building industry is relatively low technical and economic level, poorly developed production of components, improper implementation capacity of international scientific and technical cooperation, the lag in implementing environmental standards, the unresolved problem of recycling old cars, although the development of automobile industry in Ukraine has all the necessary resources, namely industrial base, skilled workforce, but the current domestic automotive industry is underdeveloped.
The article explores and presents a definition of “innovation infrastructure”. Classification of the elements of innovation infrastructure has been formed and has been proposed to consider as a subsystem of a functional system that logically and consistently implemented in the innovation process. The main tasks and subjects of innovation infrastructure have been defined. The problems of formation have been investigated. The ways and means of solving the problems of innovative development of the automobile industry in Ukraine have been described. The dynamics of the purchase of machinery, equipment and software to implement innovation have been presented for the years 2005–2013 in the form of graphics. On the other hand, tables form display innovative activity of industrial enterprises for 2005–2013.
Key words: innovative infrastructure, innovative development, automobile industry.

Література – 13

УДК [330.356+338.22.021.1]:330.837

І. В. Тимошенков, О. М. Нащекіна*
Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна,
*Національний технічний університет “Харківський політехнічний інститут”


© Тимошенков І. В., Нащекіна О. М., 2015

Охарактеризовано місце і роль інновацій у соціально-економічному розвитку України. Розглянуто інституційні основи інноваційного розвитку економіки. Проаналі¬зовано напрями та форми взаємодії інститутів та інновацій. Визначено завдання вдосконалення інститутів в Україні як ключової умови та основи інноваційного розвитку країни.
Ключові слова: інститути, інновації, інноваційний розвиток, глобальний індекс інновацій, національна інноваційна система (НІС).

I. V. Tymoshenkov, O. M. Nashchekina*
Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin,
*National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”


© Tymoshenkov I. V., Nashchekina O. M.,2015

The goal of this paper is to substantiate theoretical and methodological principles and practical tasks for the improvement and advancement of the system of societal institutions in the context of ensuring the innovative development of Ukraine.
Based on this goal, the following research tasks were formulated: to identify and characterize the place and role of innovations in the social and economic development of a country; to analyze directions and forms of interactions between institutions and innovations; to identify institutional foundations for innovative development of a society.
Conceptual unity of the study was ensured due to using both general and specific methods of research, including statistical sampling methods, conjoint analysis, content-analysis.
Under the conditions of deepening globalization and intensifying international compe¬tition, national innovation systems have transformed from a mainly internal factor of economic development to one of the most important determinants of international competitiveness of countries and a factor ensuring the strength of national security systems.
It is widely accepted in modern mainstream economic science, as well as in the society as a whole, that to solve their problems related to innovative development, both developing countries and transition economies must adopt institutional models which have proved to be successful in economically developed foreign countries, and first of all in those that occupy the top positions in global rankings of the world’s most innovative countries (Switzerland, Great Britain, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, USA, Singapore, Denmark, Luxembourg, Hong Kong).
However, as global historical experience shows, the forms of innovations, directions of innovative development and evaluations of innovation implementation results are always determined by specific historical, cultural and institutional conditions created by a specific society, which can promote or impede innovative development. That is why, when declaring the improvement of the national innovation system as a strategic direction of the development of Ukraine, one should take into account that, on the one hand, the creation and implementation of an effective national strategy of the innovative development require a profound rethinking of global historical experience through studies of meaning, place and role of innovations in the social-economic and cultural development of the society. On the other hand, it would be largely erroneous to borrow (or even worse to blindly copy) specific institutional models of a national innovation system and mechanisms of its functioning, which have proved to be progressive and effective in other countries under specific historical conditions of their development.
The practical adoption in Ukraine of imported from outside institutions supporting innovative development, which are common and work well in other countries, will be appropriate and worthwhile under the following conditions: first, if the feasibility and effectiveness of their adjustment to general cultural, socio-economic and institutional conditions in Ukraine can be proved; second, if prior to their adoption, a systematic evaluation of their advantages and possible consequences under the real life conditions for their implementation and subsequent use is made.
Key words: global innovation index, innovations, innovative development, institutions, national innovation system (NIS).

Література – 16

УДК: 330.142.211:330.322:330.341.1:316.422

С. М. Ткач
Державний університет “Інститут регіональних досліджень
ім. М. І. Долішнього НАН України”,


© Ткач С. М., 2015

На основі аналізу динаміки інвестування в Україні встановлено ключові тенденції та проблемні питання інвестиційного забезпечення модернізації основного капіталу. Здійснено порівняльний аналіз інноваційної діяльності в Україні та країнах ЄС. Визначено ключові напрями інвестування модернізації основного капіталу з враху¬ванням інноваційного аспекту і запропоновано заходи для збільшення обсягів інвесту¬вання за цими напрямами.
Ключові слова: капітальні інвестиції, інновації, модернізація, основний капітал, інвестиційне забезпечення.

S. M. Tkach
SI “M. Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine”
Department of Development of Industrial Sphere of the Region and Investment


© Tkach S. M., 2015

The growth ensurement of an economy is not possible without proper technical and technological base. A problem of tendentious increase of depreciation of fixed assets and a low level of its renewal exists in Ukraine. Accordingly, an important issue is the research of investment-innovative approach to modernization of fixed assets.
The article aims to identify the key issues of investment-innovative ensurement of modernization of fixed assets and substantiate the directions and measures of their solution.
In the research used general scientific and special methods: analysis and synthesis, economic and statistical, structural and factor analysis, dialectic, formal and systemic and structural, graphics.
On the basis of analysis of dynamics of development of investment activity for the last five years was identify the basic problems of the investment providing of modernization in Ukraine: deficit of volumes of investments for maintenance of the fixed assets in the proper technical and technological state; reduction of investing is from outsourcing of financing; inefficient distribution of capital investments is after kinds and directions of assets with prevailing of investing of passive part of the fixed assets; subzero innovative activity of enterprises.
In Ukraine in the types of economic activity, those are basis of IV-V of the technological models, the insignificant volumes of investments were attracted relatively. Innovative activity in industry carried on in over three times in percent correlation less enterprise, than in the countries of EU. Among directions of bringing in of investments acquisition of machines, equipment and software prevails in an innovation.
On the basis of the educed problems the key trends of investing of modernization of the fixed assets are certain taking into account an innovative aspect and events offer for the increase of volumes of investing after these directions. For the increase of volumes of investing it is necessary: to extend the sourcing of investments, in particular to stimulate development of the venture investing; to put right close cooperation between the state, scientific establishments and enterprises; to carry out advancement of investment potential of productive sphere.
Realization of these tasks is possible by means of acceptance of such measures : to work out the government program of stimulation of innovative activity and programs of support of small innovative active enterprises, in regions to create innovative clusters on the basis of academic and educational establishments, to the enterprises effectively to use possibilities of collaboration of Ukraine from EU through participating in international under backs, competitions, projects, to develop innovative strategy put right close cooperation between the participants of market for the sake of distribution of risks and cost cutting in the process of realization innovative activity.
Key words: capital investments, innovations, modernization, fixed assets, investment providing.

Література – 9

УДК 338.439.02

І. В. Федулова, Т. Л. Мостенська
Національний університет харчових технологій


© Федулова І. В., Мостенська Т. Л., 2015

Досліджено попит на основні продукти харчування за допомогою функцій попиту від доходу і ціни. За допомогою виявлених функцій, обчислених на їх основі коефіцієнтів еластичності й основних індикаторів продовольчої безпеки можна аналізувати перспективи розвитку окремих галузей харчової промисловості, пріоритетність їх розвитку для забезпечення населення повноцінним збалансованим харчуванням.
Ключові слова: функції попиту, ціна, доход, еластичність попиту, продовольча безпека.

I. V. Fedulova, T. L. Mostenska
National University of Food Technologies


© Fedulova I. V., Mostenska T. L., 2015

The article explores the demand for basic food products by means of functional relations between the demand, income and price. The objective function of food production shall be based on three main factors: physiological need in food, effective demand of population and commodity supply of manufacturers. The level and structure of food consumption indicate the level of stability and quality of life of the population. However, in conditions of commodity production and market the ability to meet the need for food products is limited by purchasing power of consumers. It is characterized by the amount of money that consumers can spend on the purchase of food. The price of a product can be viewed in two ways: from the point of view of consumers and in terms of entrepreneurs who produce and sell finished products. For consumers, price means opportunity to meet their needs in one way or another.
One of the parameters of food security is the indicator of the proportion of expenditure on food in total household expenditures; it should not exceed 60 %. This value is a critical limit for the use of aggregate income of households. In 2013 this figure in Ukraine amounted to 50.1 %, indicating that people are near the poverty line, when more than half of total income is spent on food. Expenses of consumers on food have been growing because of three factors: growth of population and food intake; increase of food prices; consumers giving preference to more expensive products and marketing services.
This study investigates the dependence between the expenditure proportion on food in total household expenditures in Ukraine and average wages of employees.
The analysis of regression functions of dependencies of the average consumption of basic foodstuffs per capita from the average monthly wage of employees allowed to determine the direction, closeness and elasticity of these dependencies.
Also the average chain elasticity coefficients of the price were investigated. Their values are not always negative, though the market is unsaturated not for all food groups.
The prospects of development of individual sectors of food industry and the priority of their development for providing population with complete balanced diet can be analyzed using the identified functions, elasticity coefficients calculated on the basis of these functions and key indicators of food security.
Key words: demand function, price, income, elasticity of demand, food security.

Література – 8

УДК 005.915

А. В. Фоменко
Українська інженерно-педагогічна академія


© Фоменко А. В., 2015

Запропоновано теоретичний підхід до визначення узагальнювальної якісної характеристики фінансового стану машинобудівних підприємств, що дає змогу встановити адаптивну здатність до динамічних змін ендогенного та екзогенного середовища окремого підприємства, розрахувавши показники його фінансової стійкості. Обґрунтовано сукупність показників, прийнятних у сучасних умовах для визначення рівня фінансової стійкості підприємств.
Ключові слова: фінансовий стан, якісна характеристика, адаптивність, машинобудівні під¬приємства, фінансова стійкість, динамічність середовища, внутрішні фактори, зовнішні фактори.

A. Fomenko
Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy


© Fomenko A., 2015

Given the dynamic changes in the external environment of enterprises and the low adaptability of the enterprises internal environment to them it becomes necessary that scientific economists concentrate on determining the generalizing qualitative characteristics of financial conditions of the machine-building enterprises. The content of the article meets the need to improve existing concepts of determining the financial conditions of machine-building enterprises. The key aim of the study is scientific justification of the theoretical aspects of determining the generalizing qualitative characteristics of financial conditions of machine-building enterprises and systematization of indicators to measure the quantitative expression of qualitative characteristics.
During studying approaches to assessing the financial conditions it was found that the majority of scientists, relying on the ability of indicators to effectively respond to external challenges, focused their attention on indicators of financial stability. For determination of generalizing qualitative characteristics of financial conditions of the machine-building enterprises it is advisable to determine their financial sustainability indicators as a criterion for referring enterprises to those that are able to effectively adapt to the requirements of the environment and those who need to focus on reviewing conceptual foundations of their business activities.
After indicators prioritization there were highlighted two approaches to the assessment of financial stability of machine-building enterprises, in particular, on the basis of absolute indicators and on the basis of a set of financial coefficients. Since the development of methodological support of the enterprise financial stability assessment is meant to be used by the decision-maker directly at the enterprise, there is taken into account the importance of the criterion of minimizing the number of financial indicators due to the calculation of variation coefficients.
Thus, the aticle proposes a theoretical approach to defining the generalizing qualitative characteristics of machine-building enterprises financial conditions, allowing to identify the ability of an individual enterprise to adapt to the dynamic changes of its endogenous and exogenous environment by calculating its financial stability indicators. A set of indicators for determining the level of an enterprise financial stability and being suitable for present conditions is justified.
Key words: financial situation, qualitative characteristics, adaptability, machine-building enterprises, financial stability, dynamic environment, internal factors, external factors.

Література – 15

УДК 338.246.87:316.482

І. Б. Хома
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”


© Хома І. Б., 2015

Запропоновано системний підхід щодо попередження бізнес-конфліктів у процесі розроблення та запровадження у дію підсистем антикризового управління підприєм¬ством. Узагальнено перелік елементів, що блокують досягнення результатів антикризового управління суб’єктом господарювання в умовах зародження бізнес-конфліктів для подальшого їх уникнення та ідентифіковано позитивні наслідки від вчасного запобігання конфліктним ситуаціям у підприємницькій діяльності.
Ключові слова: бізнес-конфлікти, підприємство, підсистеми антикризового управління, методи реалізації антикризових процедур.

I. B. Khoma
Lviv Polytechnic National University


© Khoma I. B., 2015

The systematic approach to the prevention of the business conflicts are proposed in the development and implementation of the subsystems of crisis management. The list of items that block the achievement of results of anti-recessionary operation of business in conditions of the business conflicts’ origin for further their avoidance is generalized and the positive effects of early warning of conflict situations in the entrepreneurial business are identified.
The crisis management is considered as a totality of forms and methods of implementation of anti-crisis procedures that must be applied to a particular enterprise for its “recovery” even in the presence of the origin of various business conflicts in it, which are especially dangerous in the final stage of the development and implementation of the main subsystems of crisis management of a business entity, since they can indefinitely delay the process of its “recovery” and spontaneously undermine the integrity and effectiveness of its planned anti-crisis events. All business conflicts arise from a mismatch between different interests in transactions that require a more balanced attitude towards them in the aspect of their warning, forecasting and settlement. It is believed that the full-fledged mechanism of anti-recessionary operation of business consists of the following subsystems of: 1) the diagnostic subsystem of financial condition and assessment of the prospects for the development of business enterprise; 2) the subsystem of marketing; 3) the subsystem of anti-crisis investment policy; 4) the subsystem of personnel management; 5) the subsystem of production management; 6) the subsystem of closing down of business.
It is proved that the presence of a business conflict not only leads to the cessation of all possible contractual relations in the enterprise, but also does not allow to activate and to achieve a positive result from the enacted subsystems of crisis management. The subsystem of liquidation’s organization of the enterprise, the purpose of which is not saving further its operation, is as an exception.
The following research methods: analysis and synthesis, generalization and grouping are used in the article. The influence of the positive consequences of prevention of various conflicting situations in the effectiveness of the integrated mechanism of crisis management of enterprise are analyzed on the basis of these methods through a differentiated approach to the detection and bundling of elements that block the achievement of positive results of individual subsystems of crisis management.
A systematic approach is based on the idea of the prevention of business conflicts in process of development and commissioning of the subsystems of enterprise’s crisis management therefore it is recommended to use: the command activity in business that would holistically focused on anti-crisis measures in entrepreneurial activity; the maximum supportability by ability to predict the risk of origin of business conflicts; the optimization approaches to making the right decision in the list of the various possible solutions; the strategic approach to business planning in general, and the conclusion of only profitable (lucrative) business transactions; the optimization approaches in regard to the implementation stages of business agreements with in-depth analysis of all possible business processes.
The prospect for further research in this field is the development of quantitative methods for forecasting the impact of different kinds of conflict situations on the enterprises’ insolvency and its timely warning before an individual program of crisis management will be applied to this enterprise for more rapid achievement of the best results in overcoming the crisis.
Key words: business conflicts, enterprise, subsystems of crisis management, methods of implementation of anti-crisis procedures.

Література – 6

УДК 330.101(477)

К. А. Хом’як
Тернопільський національний економічний університет


© Хом’як К. А., 2015

Здійснено аналітичний огляд літературних даних про виникнення і розвиток тіньової економіки. Визначено підходи щодо трактування поняття “тіньова економіка” з боку вітчизняних та зарубіжних науковців. Обґрунтовано поняття і сформульовано визначення тіньової економіки, розкрито умови кризових явищ під час її функціонування. Підкреслено необхідність проведення заходів детінізації в Україні.
Ключові слова: тіньова економіка, ґенеза, лихварство, дефініція, детінізація економіки.

K. A. Khomiak
Ternopil National Economic University


© Khomiak K. A., 2015

Ukraine’s economy recently influenced by the negative effects that pose a threat to the financial, economic and national security in general. One of these phenomena is shadow economic activity, which in the last century of minor, expanding the boundaries of their operation, became a key issue in economic reality. An important task today is to prevent such negative phenomena as shadow economy, which is dynamic and creates a number of problems for Ukraine. So obvious is the fact that for an objective assessment of this phenomenon and the need to effectively combat investigate the origins and evolution of the category “shadow economy”. Thus, the study has important theoretical bases of practical importance to combating the shadow economy.
Theoretical and methodological basis of research achievements form the foreign and domestic scientists who highlighted the wide range of problems. In particular, foreign experts who have been studying the shadow economy, can distinguish K. Hart, D. Blades, P. Gutmann, A. de Soto, E. Feige, F. Schneider, J. Latova and others. Among domestic researchers noteworthy work of scholars such as ZS Varnaliy, I. Mazur, V. Turchinov, JA spared and others. Despite the high degree of processing of said subject, we note that still has not formed a unified definition of the term “shadow economy”.
The purpose of this research is to perform a comprehensive analysis of the conceptions of sources and development of shadow economy to get a deeper understanding of this phenomenon, to substantiate logical connections between shadow economy and official economy. The research is conducted by means of historical method and terminological analysis method.
Chronology, reasons and premises of the formation of shadow economic relations were studied. Interpretation of the definition “shadow economy” was analyzed. It was determined that approaches to the studying of shadow economy are different in Ukraine and abroad. To be more detailed, Ukrainian scholars use theoretical approach according to which the shadow economy is described as an economic category, while foreign scholars apply operational approach that explains shadow economy because it and the action on its measurement. Due to the lack of a common definition of the shadow economy, proposed a generalized definition, which gives a more complete description of possible this concept. It was concluded that shadow economy is a complex, ambivalent and negative phenomenon that requires detailed studying.
Perspective for further research is to examine in detail reasons and factors that stimulate usage of shadow economy by transactors in order to work out effective methods of legitimizing of the national economy.
Key words: shadow economy, genesis, usurious, definition, legitimizing of the economy.

Література – 21


О. О. Цогла
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”


© Цогла О. О., 2015

Розглянуто та опрацьовано ситуацію щодо інноваційного розвитку підприємств Львівського регіону. Проведено аналіз інноваційного розвитку промислових підпри¬ємств Львова та області. Визначено фактори, які впливають на інноваційне становище, що склалося за останні роки в економіці регіону.
Ключові слова: інноваційний розвиток, регіональні особливості, інноваційна активність промислових підприємств, інноваційні витрати, інноваційна продукція.

O. O. Tsogla
Lviv Politechnic national University


© Tsogla O. O.,2015

The innovative development of enterprises in Lviv region was studied and reviewed in the article. The analysis of innovative development of industrial enterprises in Lviv region was carried out. The factors that influence the innovative situation that has arisen in recent years in the region's economy were identified.
The situation that developed in recent years in Ukraine's economy is determined by the inefficiency of the conducted economic reforms, imperfection of tax system, the negative impact of state regulation on the activities of economic entities. However, fundamental factors of economic growth are resources and innovation. But, as in recent decades the problem of resource providing aggravated, the current market environment requires the intensification of innovative activity.
Competitiveness of Lviv region depends on the ability to introduce innovations, modernize production and technological processes, adapting to changing environmental conditions. However, during the analysis of the innovative activity of Lviv’s industrial enterprises it was found that innovative measures were carried out only by 16,4 % of all the industrial companies in the region, and the volumes of sales of innovative products are only 3 % of total industrial production. It was revealed that financial support for innovation at the expense of foreign investors and the state in 2014 was absent; the main source of financing of innovation were the own funds of enterprises that decreased in recent years; the financing from the local budgets is insufficient. In the region, as well as in the whole country, there is no venture financing, that is why the reduction of innovation efficiency is a long-term trend.
Now, limited amount, and sometimes even the lack of innovation funding from the state budget, the lack of economic incentives to attract investment resources in innovation processes, uncertainty of institutional environment for the development of innovation infrastructure (technology parks, technopolises, technology transfer centers, etc.) cause deterioration of the innovation’s state of the regions, and encourage to menage in terms of independence and self-financing.
Key words: innovative development, regional features, innovative activity of industrial enterprises, innovation costs, innovative products.

Література – 14

УДК 330

Л. В. Шостак
Східноєвропейський національний університет імені Лесі Українки


© Шостак Л. В., 2015

Доведено необхідність використання зарубіжного передового досвіду формування потенціалу підприємства під час планування на вітчизняних підприємствах. Автор наводить конкретні приклади ефективності формування на іноземних підприємствах та пропонує послідовність (алгоритм) адаптації закордонних напрацювань у вітчизняній практиці.
Ключові слова: потенціал, формування потенціалу, планування, складові потенціалу підприємства.

L. V. Shostak
The east Europe national university of the name of Lesya Ukrainian


© Shostak L. V., 2015

In the article a necessity is well-proven the use of foreign front-rank experience of forming of potential of enterprise during realization of processes of planning on domestic enterprises. An author is result the practical examples of efficiency of realization of forming on foreign enterprises and the sequence (algorithm) of adaptation of oversea works is offered in domestic practice.
Key words: potential, forming of potential, planning, constituents of potential of enterprise.

Література – 13

УДК 330.341.1

А. І. Яковлєв, О. П. Косенко, М. М. Ткачов
Національний технічний університет “Харківський політехнічний інститут”


© Яковлєв А. І., Косенко О. П., Ткачов М. М., 2015

Проведено статистичний аналіз інноваційного розвитку української промисло¬вості. Особливий акцент зроблено на динаміці показників формування та розвитку ринку об’єктів інтелектуальної власності. Досліджено динаміку зміни кількості українських підприємств у розрізі напрямів інноваційної діяльності – створення та впровадження новацій. Показано, що теперішній стан світового та національного ринку інтелектуальної власності виконує надзвичайно важливі завдання із забезпечення науково-технічною інформацією, знаннями, досвідом державних структур, наукових організацій, освітніх установ, промислових виробництв, інноваційних фірм, окремих інвесторів та розробників інтелектуальної продукції.
Ключові слова: ринок, інновації, інтелектуальна власність, динаміка показників, перспективи розвитку

А. І. Yakovlev, A. P. Kosenko, M. М. Tkachev
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”


© Yakovlev А. І., Kosenko A. P., Tkachev M. М., 2015

The paper conducted a statistical analysis of the innovation development of Ukrainian industry. Particular emphasis is placed on the dynamics of the formation and development of the intellectual property. Proved that the technological development of the industry and its sectors, including engineering, depends largely on a number of important factors. These authors include: the level and characteristics of innovation, ie the status of the development of intelligent technologies (organization of these processes, innovative activity of enterprises and organizations, funding, staffing, etc.); level of innovation, that state of receptivity enterprises, institutions and organizations for innovation; the level of the current state of Ukrainian market of intelligent technologies, ie organic combination of the first two factors.
Dynamics of changes in the number of Ukrainian companies in terms of innovation activity – the creation and implementation of innovations. In this study the authors made important conclusions. First, despite the reduction in the number of innovative active enterprises, their dynamics plays a certain stability, which is not progressive, because the industrialized countries are increasing their innovative activity of enterprises accelerated pace. Second, the vast majority of enterprises perform work on the creation and use of Innovation, which indicates that these companies carry out scientific and technical work for their own use and not for the development of innovative market.
Proved that the market for intellectual property-specific, and that provides for a specific product (scientific, technical, industrial, managerial knowledge and experience) of specific exchange (goods are not the product itself, but only the right to use it), the specific presentation of the goods to the consumer (by based agreements on the right to use the object exchange). It is proved that the specific intellectual property market also appears that for efficient use of intellectual goods selling rights entails the delivery of certain machinery and equipment, the provision of commercially additional services (technical, commercial, financial, management, marketing, etc. .), without which this particular product is simply impossible to use effectively.
It is shown that the present state of the world and national intellectual property market takes an extremely important task of providing scientific and technical information, knowledge, experience, government agencies, research organizations, educational institutions, industrial enterprises and innovative firms, individual investors and developers of intellectual property. The authors emphasized that this software can be both embodied and in intangible forms. Accordingly, the market of intellectual property in the article is defined as a set of technical and economic relations between developers and users of intellectual goods for sale and purchase (transfer and use) the results of intellectual innovation, having economic, scientific, technical, industrial or social value . Accelerated pace of scientific and technological progress in the world, implementing technologies of globalization and international cooperation conducive to the rapid growth of trade in the world market of intellectual and innovative technologies, increase its capacity and detail areas of operation.
Key words: market, innovation, intellectual property, dynamic performance, prospects

Література – 19

УДК 339.9.01

А. М. Яншина
Київський університет ринкових відносин


© Яншина А. М., 2015

Проаналізовано сучасні наукові підходи до дослідження проблем створення інноваційної інфраструктури у країнах світу у контексті сталого зростання як найсуттєвішого аттрактора розвитку міжнародної економіки. Розкрито ключові тенденції й особливості формування інноваційної і сталої інфраструктури на наднаціональному і національному рівнях у межах Європейського союзу. Запропоновано рекомендації щодо формування інноваційної і сталої інфраструктури в Україні в умовах її інтеграції до Європейського союзу.
Ключові слова: сталий розвиток, інновація, зелена інфраструктура, навколишнє середовище, Європейський союз.

А. Ianshyna
Kyiv University for Market Relations


© Ianshyna A., 2015

A drastic deterioration in environmental performance of developed countries as well as emerging markets triggered off by devastating resource usage, environmentally and socially intolerant economic behavior has turned national-level goal of greening and socializing economic growth into a worldwide challenge of utmost importance. Innovative and sustainable infrastructure plays a pivotal role in the sustainable development concept implementation at all levels. In the article academic approaches to the innovative infrastructure are examined in the light of sustainable development as a key world economy attractor.
The author investigates latest trends and features of the EU infrastructure modernization. The infrastructure performance of the EU Member-States has been rather strong and innovative of late but not permanently sustainable. Thus amongst many terms used to outline a final and expected result of infrastructure renovation – sustainable, innovative, green infrastructure – the last one aimed at ensuring eco-friendly economic effects as well as non-environmental benefits is supposed to be the most applicable to the modern EU context.
Green infrastructure goals have been incorporated into all main supranational policy frameworks of the European Union since Green Infrastructure Strategy «Green Infrastructure – Enhancing Europe’s Natural Capital» was adopted in May 2013. To meet decarbonization challenges and integrate new Member-States into intra-EU economic affairs the European Union prioritize greening energy and transport infrastructure. Active civil society dialogue on green infrastructure issues is ensured by a variety of NGOs represented at all EU levels and via a number of on-line platforms.
France, Germany, Austria, Belgium and Finland are the EU leaders in terms of innovative infrastructure. However the world economic crisis has negatively impacted the infrastructure financing. After the World War II the public sector was a key investor in infrastructure across Europe. Nowadays public sector investments in infrastructure have dropped, the total number of public-private projects is low as well.
Considering the EU green infrastructure trends and features the author works out recommendations to create sustainable and innovative infrastructure system in Ukraine.
Key words: sustainable development, innovation, green infrastructure, environment, European Union.

Література – 38

УДК 659.4

Ю. Р. Ясінська
Львівська комерційна академія,
кафедра менеджменту


© Ясінська Ю. Р., 2015

Розглянуто можливості Всесвітньої мережі інтернет як сучасного каналу комунікації підприємства у бізнес-середовищі, що дозволяє йому здобути нові конкурентні переваги на ринку. Планування та здійснення інтернет-комунікацій повинно проводитися за певним алгоритмом, який наведено у статті, і називається механізмом створення віртуального іміджу підприємства за допомогою управління його віртуальним представництвом у мережі інтернет.
Ключові слова: віртуальне представлення підприємства, віртуальний імідж підприємства, сайт підприємства, корпоративний блог, соціальні мережі, інтернет-середовище, пошукова система, оптимізація сайта.

Yu. R. Yasinska
Lviv Academy of Commerce,
Department of Management


© Yasinska Yu. R. , 2015

World Wide Web Internet has extraordinary possibilities in the field of automation and accounting information for the enterprises, also performs an important communication function for the enterprise – distributes information about the company, ensuring its representation in the business environment of business partners and customers.
In order for better planning, creation and distribution of virtual image of enterprise by using Internet technologies, it was developed mechanism of communication on the Internet by analyzing the technological capabilities of different Internet planes (web resources, social network pages, blogs) for implementation a virtual representation of the company.
A planning of virtual representation of the enterprise on the Internet, is preceded the collection and analysis of information to determine the goals and extent of representation on the Internet because of the presence of its competitors on the Internet, the presence of the main target groups of the society on the Internet network and also to identify their own needs in the scale of its virtual representation. The most wild-spread virtual representation of the enterprise on the Internet is through the website. Creating a website the enterprise should pay attention to the following base parameters: speed of the download in the browser of a computer, it filling with interesting information for reading by the Internet-users, easy and understandable website navigation, frequency of updating information on the site.
In addition to the website, the enterprise can create its own corporate blog, the main purpose of which is the systematic submission of new information and constant communication with the Internet users. However, nowadays, the use of blogs in the business field is not popular, one of the reasons for this – most of enterprises are not able to conduct an open dialogue and to react correctly to critics from other interested groups of the society concerning its activity.
Personal social network pages that allow you to place there all interesting information about the enterprise and its activity, spreading it to a large number of users of social networks, may be used as an addition to the website or as an independent virtual representation of the enterprise.
Created Internet resources of the enterprise in order to attract to them more Internet visitors, are prescribed in thematic Internet directories and search Internet systems, are advertised through contextual and banner advertisements and alien web resources, social services of Web news, Internet portals via the publication of articles and comments by placing links to web pages of alien Web resources, dissemination emails of virtual representation of the enterprise on advertising products and souvenirs and so on.
A virtual representation of the enterprise from time to time, should be updated, introducing new technology solutions to support the interest and attention of Internet visitors. A variety of special programs that evaluate web resources and recommend how to configure virtual representation of the enterprise are used for this task.
The mechanism of creating a virtual image of the enterprise by means of the enterprise virtual representation management on the Internet will be used in subsequent studies to enlarge the theoretical study of the theme of formation and development of the overall image of the enterprise, as well as for the empirical analysis and communication backgrounds of Internet solutions of specific subjects of entrepreneurship activity.
Key words: web presence enterprise, virtual image of the enterprise, website of the enterprise, corporate blog, social network, Internet environment, search system, site optimization.

Література – 25

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