№ 835 (2015)

УДК 005.591.3:005.332.4

А. С. Полянська, Ж. В. Поплавська*
Івано-Франківський національний
технічний університет нафти і газу,
*Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”


© Полянська А. С., Поплавська Ж. В., 2015

Розглянуто детермінанти конкурентного розвитку національних економік та окреслено шляхи досягнення конкурентних переваг вітчизняними підприємствами, виділено ключові індикатори економічного розвитку, який є основою формування конкурентного потенціалу, охарактеризовано чинники, що впливають на конкуренто¬спроможність бізнесу, виділено можливі способи позиціювання вітчизняних підприємств на національних та міжнародних ринках, обґрунтовано напрями вирішення питання підвищення конкурентоспроможності вітчизняних промислових підприємств.
Ключові слова: конкурентоспроможність, розвиток, ефективність, продуктивність, конкурентні переваги, інновації.

A. S. Polyans’ka, Z. V. Poplavs’ka*
Ivano-Frankivsk National
Technical University of Oil and Gas
*Lviv Politechnic National University


© Polyans’ka A. S., Poplavs’ka Z. V., 2015

The article investigates the determinants of the competitive development of national economies and ways of competitive advantages achieving by domestic enterprises; allocates the key indicators of economic development, which is the basis of a competitive potential; characterizes the factors affecting the competitiveness of businesses; identifies possible ways of domestic companies positioning at the domestic and international markets; justifies the directions of domestic enterprises competitiveness increasing questions solving.
The renewal of economic growth is an objective condition for Ukraine’s integration with the developed world’s economic system. Processes and trends which are occurring in the global economy put their imprint on the economic processes in Ukraine. And the first this applies to industrial enterprises activities those are producers of wealth, the source of GDP growth, the field for the development and implementation of innovative solutions, the means of financial resources accumulation and the sphere of their usage for recovery of economic growth. The consequences of the global economic crisis are demonstrated that the basis of economic growth is material production. Domestic production is characterized by stagnation process. Despite this it is the necessity not only in crisis management, but also in the long-term strategic management focused on competitive development, under which we consider sustainable progress of an object, which can be a company, region, country. And one of the main conditions of competitive advantages achieving is a high level of activity and efficiency of enterprises’ operation.
The most important points of Ukraine positions growth were increasing of trust to public institutions, increasing of domestic markets efficiency, increasing of the people’s share that are educated, and also the widespread usage of IT communications in business and private life. However, it are remained the old unsolved problems, including inefficient institutional environment and the dominance of large enterprises.. In general, Ukraine has maintained the previous competitive advantages, though their list is not long. These conclusions are based primarily on the good education system and the size of the market. To achieve a high level of competitiveness the emphasis is made on the efficiency increasing and business productivity.
It should be noted that the determinants of national economies competitive development determine the strategy and policy of competitive development of individual enterprises. Their success will depend on the such determinants of growth in the economy: starting level of development, that means the level that existed at the time, from which we start counting rate of development; human capital, that means the level of education; internal domestic economic conditions, that means economic system; external economic conditions.
However, each company being interested in achieving of profitable operations due to meet consumer needs independently decides ways and means of competitive advantage achieving. In solving of this problem does not lose relevance to Ukraine such tool of competitiveness achieving as positioning.
It should be noted that trying to achieve competitive advantages, based on the desire to compete at local regional, national or international markets the company should gradually and consistently transform the potential opportunities into driving forces. In the domestic market, competing conditions are the same for all businesses. Somewhat different is the situation on foreign markets where dominate the other needs, requirements, terms and conditions of business. Among the determinants of domestic enterprises competitive development that are participants of foreign economic relations the priority requires have the following: conformity to the international regulatory and legal framework; technical conditions (specifications); management.
Of course, it is difficult to compete with countries which underline the productivity growth of innovative enterprises whereas the innovation activity is much lower at the domestic enterprises. However, the criterion of efficiency is the starting point to competitiveness increase of the domestic enterprises and the economy as a whole.
Key words: competitiveness, development, efficiency, productivity, competitive advantage, innovation, radical research.

Література – 13


Г. М. Поченчук
ДННУ “Академія фінансового управління”


© Поченчук Г. М., 2015

Розглянуто теоретичні підвалини інституціональних змін економічних систем, класифікацію основних концептуальних підходів. Визначено особливості реформування інституціональної структури національної економіки та сучасні умови інституціональ¬них перетворень в Україні. Проведене дослідження дало можливість визначити чинники, які потрібно враховувати у подальшому під час відновлення дієвості створених та формування нових інститутів економіки.
Ключові слова: інститут, інституціональні зміни, інституціональна екзаптація, дисфункції інститутів.

G. Pochenchuk
Scientific-Research Financial Institute “Academy of Financial Management”


© Pochenchuk G., 2015

In the article the theoretical foundations of institutional changes in economic systems are considered. The review of the main approaches to understanding the concept of “institution” is made. The author justifies in extricable link between institution and social interaction, as well as considering the classification of the main conceptual approaches to explain the reasons and motives of institutional changes in economic systems. Levels and ways of institutional changes are analyzed. It is determined that institutions cannot only exchange structure, reduce transaction costs, and also increase them, reduce, but increase the cost of ownership specification. Thus, such things like a dysfunction of institutions are possible phenomena.
Features of reforming the institutional structure of the national economy and the current conditions of institutional reforms in Ukraine are defined. Transformational economy implies a radical change in key economic institutions and the formation of a new institutional structure of the economy. In Ukraine as soon as possible most part of the system of institutions that determined the behavior of social and economic agents in the country was eliminated. But there was an institutional framework that prevents full advantage of the expanded market order as the most effective way of economic coordination.
The research made it possible to identify the factors that should be considered further in the recovery efficiency created by the formation of new institutions and the economy.
Key words: institutions, institutional changes, institutional exaptation, institutional dysfunction.

Література – 7

УДК 338.24.021.8

О. В. Рудковський
Хмельницький національний університет


© Рудковський О. В., 2015

Визначено поняття “інтерес” та “економічний інтерес”, встановлено значення процесу “узгодження інтересів” для формування системи безпеки підприємства. Визначено етапи процесу узгодження інтересів, методи реалізації, завдання та кінцеву мету. Встановлено суб’єкти системи безпеки, визначено їх інтереси, а також завдання у забезпеченні корпоративної безпеки. Проаналізовано причини виникнення конфліктів та методи усунення конфліктів інтересів. Встановлено комплекс заходів (алгоритм дії) для узгодження інтересів. Визначено комплекс показників, що використовують для оцінювання якості реалізації корпоративних інтересів безпеки.
Ключові слова: інтерес, економічний інтерес, узгодження інтересів, безпека, еконо¬мічна безпека, система економічної безпеки, якість організації безпеки.

O. V. Rudkovsky
Khmelnitskiy National Unuversity


© Rudkovsky O. V., 2015

Describing the features of the functioning of any corporation, we note as an open system, its activity is based on a combination of interests of a large number of parties. The interests of each party can be fundamentally contradictory, and therefore there is an urgent need to harmonize and balance of interests. An important result of the coordination of interests is the organization of corporate security. The process of corporate security lies in the system of measures aimed at implementing secure enterprise, protect against internal and external threats, as well as coordination and balance in space and time the interests of all stakeholders. Therefore, the coordination of economic interests of the company determines its economic freedom, and she, in turn, created on the basis of economic security. Alignment of interests to ensure the economic security of the company – a set of institutional arrangements that are continuous and cyclical. In practice, coordination of interests is to compromise on behavior with respect to all participants and stakeholders. Analysis and evaluation of the activities carried out with regard to the achieved performance indicators. And the end result is the construction of the planned harmonization behaviors and interactions of each party, adapting to existing conditions and adequate response and implementation of the task. Ensuring economic security management creates competitive company and its investment attractiveness. Thereby increasing the value on the stock market. For most investors measure of attractiveness is safety indicators (state of settlements with partners, lack of financial liabilities consisting availability of qualified management personnel, lack of disputes). Organization of corporate security lies in the system of measures to secure the implementation of the enterprise, protection against internal and external threats, as well as coordination and balance in space and time the interests of all stakeholders, the activities of security corporation, is continuous and cyclical. Thanks to the steps of the balancing of interests, the company also provides security on the part of the environment, relationships which can also carry dangerous nature.
Key words: interest, economic interest, alignment of interests, security, economic security, economic security system, quality security organization.

Література 12

УДК 658.14/.17:338.24

О. В. Рябкова
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка


© Рябкова О. В., 2015

Обґрунтовано актуальність та необхідність розвитку концептуальних положень моніторингу економічних показників результативності підприємства. Розкрито зміст і сутність складових елементів системи моніторингу економічних показників результативності підприємства, а саме: принципи, суб’єкти, об’єкти, мета, обмеження, засоби, функції моніторингу. Запропонована концептуальна модель формує концептуальну базу використання такої системи з метою інформаційно-аналітичного забезпечення управління функціонуванням підприємства.
Ключові слова: моніторинг, результативність, економічні показники, концептуальна модель, підприємство.

О. V. Riabkova
Lviv Politechnic National University


© Riabkova О. V., 2015

The actuality and the necessity of development of the conceptual provisions of economic indicators monitoring of the enterprise effectiveness are reasonable in the article. The content and the essence of constituent elements of the monitoring system of economic indicators of the enterprise effectiveness are exposed, namely: principles, subjects, objects, aim, limitation, facilities, monitoring functions.
The monitoring principles are the substantive conceptual provisions, the essential element of the monitoring system of economic indicators of the enterprise activity, adherence to which will afford ground for creating facilities for unimpaired and effective operation of the monitoring system of economic indicators of the enterprise effectiveness, will ensure the tasks performance and implementation of monitoring functions.
The subjects of monitoring of economic indicators of the enterprise effectiveness are the parties interested in the effective activity of the enterprises, namely proprietors, top-managers, professional employees of the enterprise. The object of monitoring of economic indicators of the enterprise effectiveness is the system of economic indicators of the enterprise effectiveness.
The aim of monitoring of indicators of the enterprise effectiveness is the periodic tracking of the enterprise activity indicators, directed to the early detection and previous prevention of the problems and also the deviation from the criteria-based values. The functions of monitoring of economic indicators of the enterprise effectiveness co-operate with the constituents of the monitoring system and are directed on to the solution of the monitoring tasks, what determine the aim of this process.
The necessary elements of the functioning monitoring system of the economic indicators of the enterprise effectiveness are the informational and methodological support, soft hardware, organization support and human resourcing. The most essential means of the monitoring of the enterprise effectiveness performance indicators is the system of indicators, which contains a set of indicators characterizing the enterprise business processes indicators, which are the fundamental factors for the creation of the enterprise added value.
In accordance with the stages of technological process of the indicators effectiveness monitoring the whole complex of monitoring methods can be systematized in such groups of methods: tracking methods, estimating methods, forecasting methods and data service methods. During the performance of monitoring of the economic indicators effectiveness of the enterprise, it is necessary to take into account the organizational, financial, informational, technical and human resources limitations.
Offered conceptual model forms the conceptual basis for the usage of such system aimed to provide the informational support and analytical procurement of enterprise management operation.
Key words: monitoring, effectiveness, economic indicators, conceptual model, enterprise.

Література 11


Л. А. Сенів
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”


© Сенів Л. А., 2015

Наведено основні пріоритети державної політики регулювання доходів населення України. Проаналізовано регулювання системи оплати праці та особливості здійснення індексації доходів в Україні, цілі яких повинні бути направлені на підвищення рівня добробуту населення. Здійснено порівняння мінімальної заробітної плати населення України та багатьох країн Європейського Співтовариства. Запропоновано заходи для забезпечення зростання доходів населення України у сучасних кризових умовах.
Ключові слова: доходи населення, мінімальна заробітна плата, регулювання доходів, прожитковий мінімум, індексація доходів.

L. Seniv
Lviv Polytechnic National University


© Seniv L., 2015

In the article the main public policy priorities of population incomes regulation in Ukraine are discussed. The state policy of population incomes regulation is analyzed by means of payment system regulation and particularities of the fulfilment of incomes indexation in Ukraine, the goals of which should be directed to raising the population welfare. It was investigated, that the payment system involves the fixing of minimum wages, payment standards and guarantees, terms and rates of wages in the institutions and organizations, that are funded from government and also the regulation of payment funds of entrepreneurs-monopolists. It was also proved that state policy of population incomes regulation in the field of payment system first and foremost should be directed at: reformation of payment system towards the pay rise and fundamental changes of production cost structure; labor cost rise in terms of the increase of payment expenditures share in the production cost; the development and implementation of measures, taken by state bodies, that will be aimed at motivation enhancement for highly efficient work, which will result in the payment rise; the reduction of unreasonably immoderate inter-branch payment differentiation, which will provide with essential increase of salaries in the sectors and will ensure scientific and technological advance, which in return will economically and financially improve the enterprises performance in these sectors; fulfilment of the complex of legal, organizational-economic actions aimed to legalize the hidden population incomes.
The minimum wage and the poverty line were observed with the comparison of the minimum wages between Ukraine and some European countries being made. It was proved that the size of minimum wage and the poverty line have to be regularly increased considering the real inflation in the country, which will provide with the social safety net for society members, covering the minimum incomes, and also will set the minimal requirements for the effectiveness enhancement of national economy.
The measures for the ensuring population incomes rise in Ukraine in the present crisis environment were suggested. In particular, the passage in the revised edition of President’s decree “On the main orientations of policy concerning the money incomes of population”, where there will be reflected the courses for solutions of the problems, which emerged during 2014-2015 and resulted in substantial reduction of incomes rate of population. It was proved that in the mentioned above document it’s necessary to envisage the system of compensating measures and state guarantees concerning the prevention of population impoverishment, to provide organizational-economic conditions for the implementation of the policy concerning money incomes of population in the crisis environment. It was researched, that one of the document’s component should be the periodization of complex reforms in the field of legalization of population hidden incomes, reformation of payment system towards labor compensation rate rise, taxation of incomes, its monitoring and control, labor law compliance control enhancement, prompt payments of wages.
It was proved that the state policy priorities of incomes of Ukraine’s population regulation in the modern crisis environment should become the payment system regulation by means of using such instrument as the minimum wage and incomes indexation of population in Ukraine based on current inflation rate variable.
It was determined, that the public policy priorities of population incomes regulation should not only be socially oriented, but be vectorially aimed at reaching European social standards and correspond to the overall economic and social strategy of Ukraine.
Key words: incomes of the population, minimum wage, incomes regulation, poverty line, incomes indexation.

Література – 11

УДК 658.012.32:621

Д. І. Скворцов
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”


© Скворцов Д. І., 2015

Досліджуються питання можливості використання методології виробничих функцій під час економічного оцінювання інноваційності розвитку машинобудівних підприємств. Вплив науково-технічного прогресу проявляється у тому, що на заміну старої технології приходить нова. А оскільки технологія описується виробничими функціями, то послідовними змінами функцій можна дослідити і вплив науково-технічного прогресу. Особливістю такого застосування є використання класичних методів виробничих функцій на мікрорівні – окреме підприємство.
Ключові слова: оцінювання, інноваційний розвиток, виробничі функції, науково-технічний прогрес.

D. I. Skvortsov
Lviv Polytechnic National University


© Skvortsov D. I., 2015

The rapid changes in science and technology determine the need for innovative models of development of Ukrainian machine-building enterprises. But in the economic literature on evaluation and modeling of innovative development at the enterprise level is not open. This is because the simulation of scientific and technological progress is mainly engaged in the study of macroeconomic processes. Therefore it is extremely important to the development of innovative assessment methods for modeling of microeconomic processes, ie for the study of individual enterprise.
The first model of the innovative type of evaluation was proposed R. Solou. According to this model the main factors of economic growth (savings rate, the growth rate of scientific and technological progress and population) were evaluated separately (empirically) and included as individual performance. This line of research evaluating innovative development in the economic literature called “theory of exogenous development."
Improving the efficiency of economic systems under the “theory of exogenous development” does not depend on the growth of investment and the number of labor involved, and is a separate independent process. That such a process is autonomous and called “independent (neutral) scientific and technical process.” Traditionally considered three types of neutrality by Hicks, Harrod and Solow. Simulation neutral conditions of scientific and technological progress by Hicks, Harrod and Solow compared consist of two businesses - a benchmark the existing and new (innovative). Since all of these kinds of scientific and technological progress relating to the exogenous development, a starting condition accepted that for this type of enterprise-level match situation where, along with conditional existing enterprise (unit shop), which correspond to the output indicators established new (typical for areas where it is not possible to stop the production process).
Thus, in the article the possibility of using the methodology of production functions for modeling microeconomic processes, including scientific and technical progress for Hicks. Undoubtedly, these models are a significant contribution to economic theory. However, it is inherent one drawback that is inherent in all production methodology funk¬tsiy - they do not establish the link between the cost of resources and the result (profit). These are classic models to describe the economy in which businesses operate for productive activities as such, that is making the necessary products to make a profit without purpose (characteristic of planned-administrative economy).
While further research is necessary to apply adequate economic models that meet the real development of economic systems. Such a development is most relevant innovative development of manufacturing process, which suggested Kalecki.
Key words: evaluation, innovative development, production functions, scientific and technological progress.

Література – 8

УДК 336.513

Г. І. Скорик, В. В. Барінов
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”


© Скорик Г. І., Барінов В. В., 2015

Проаналізовано поточні тенденції розвитку економіки України, показано взаємозв’язок економічної кризи та економічної політики в Україні із кризою економічної науки; підкреслено, що результати реформування економіки України, масове зубожіння населення, безробіття багато у чому зумовлені ігноруванням реального стану економіки країни, сліпим копіюванням рекомендацій західних експертів і недооцінкою державного регулювання. Звернено увагу на те, що, незважаючи на певні переваги неоліберального підходу щодо розбудови економіки, він призвів до багатьох негативних соціально-економічних наслідків як у світі, так і в Україні. Підкреслено, що на зміну концепцій, що мінімізують роль держави в економіці, повинно прийти розуміння комплементарності ринку і держави.
Ключові слова: державне регулювання, трансформаційний процес, неолібералізм, криза економічної науки, компліментарність ринку і держави, соціальний лібералізм.

G. I. Skoryk, V. V. Barinov
Lviv Politechnic National University


© Скорик Г. І., Барінов В. В., 2015

The current tendencies of economic growth in Ukraine are analysed with the correlation of the economic crisis and economic policy in Ukraine with economics crisis being showed; it was emphasized that the outcomes of Ukraine’s economy restructuring are in many respects predetermined by the neglect of the real state of the national economy, by blind imitation of western experts’ recommendations and the underestimation of the state regulation. The implementation of liberalism policy, taken blindly and without restrictions in Ukraine proved to bring about not the prosperity but mass impoverishment of population, unemployment, which forced a considerable share of population to leave the country in search for better life and causes the deepening of inequality in incomes and wealth. It was emphasized that regardless of some benefits of neoliberal approach concerning economic development, it caused а variety of negative social-economic circumstances as in the world, so in Ukraine.
It was accentuated, that only those development strategy and economic policy can be effective that come from proper economic theory, based on which better future can be built. Its main features are recession from any dogmatism, from blind conformity to any ideology or policy line; toolkit flexibility, opened for all-round search for preventive tools, used for specific situation. The supporters of liberal economy must admit the necessity of extensive government intervention in economy functioning, particularly in crisis environment. Government regulation of economic life should have systematic manner, and the reforms should be implemented complexly in all directions of economic policy, in sectors of economy, regions and population. In order to overcome the crisis effects it’s mostly important that the applied measures meet the standards of law and legality, equal rights and responsibility of economic agents.
It was pointed out, that government regulation should secure the maximum of economic freedom of enterprises on the basis of simplification and liberalization of legislation, bureaucratic procedure, improvement and simplification of tax system and possibly the liquidation of customs duties on imports of technologies, patents, modern equipment, which will attract the investment in the country and facilitate the positive dynamics of production in Ukraine.
Key words: government regulation, transformation process, neoliberalism, economics crisis, complementarity of market and state, social liberalism.

Література – 18

УДК 65.027

С. О. Сухоняк
Національний лісотехнічний університет України


© Сухоняк С. О., 2015

Проаналізовано причини розвитку аутсорсингу у перерізі вітчизняного та іноземного ринку. Значним поштовхом до розвитку аутсорсингу у світі став розвиток інформаційних технологій, які фактично дали змогу подолати низку міжнаціональних бар’єрів та перешкод. Високий рівень підготовки вітчизняних фахівців з інформаційних технологій забезпечив перерозподіл значної частини світових аутсорсингових потоків на користь України і вітчизняні фрілансери та аутсорсингові компанії стали активними світовими постачаль¬никами товарів та послуг у сфері аутсорсингу. Оскільки аутсорсинг є новим терміном для вітчизняної науки та практики, відсутнє чітке визначення цього поняття. Тому автор проаналізував визначення поняття “аутсорсинг” із виокремленням основних аспектів та елементів. Усі сформовані визначення поділено за такими домінуючими аспектами: цільовий, процесний, стратегічний та стейкхолдерський. Досліджено також форми та типи аутсорсингу у вітчизняній та зарубіжній практиках. Запропоновано аутсорсинг поділяти за такими критеріями класифікації: видом ресурсів, охопленням, рівнем, сферою, видами діяльності, видом комунікації, екстериторіальністю, рівнем формалізації, способом взаємодії між організацією та аутсорсиром, тривалістю співпраці між суб’єктами ринку.
Ключові слова: аутсорсинг, аутстафинг, кооперація між підприємствами, стейкхолдери.

S. O. Suhonyak
National Forestry University of Ukraine


© Suhonyak S. O., 2015

In the article it was analyzed the main reasons of outsourcing on domestic and foreign markets. Among the dominant reasons of outsourcing development it was identified the need for optimization of business processes in the organization, improvement of level of competitiveness, transfer of non-core functions and processes to partners with the aim to save costs, better access to resources or distribution. A major impetus for the development of outsourcing in the world has been the development of information technologies, which effectively helped to overcome a number of international barriers and obstacles. The high level of Ukrainian domestic professionals provide significant redistribution of global outsourcing streams and domestic freelancers and outsourcing companies have become active global suppliers of goods and services in outsourcing contracts.
Outsourcing is a new term for domestic science and practice and it has no still a clear definition of the term. Therefore, the author has analyzed a number of definitions of “outsourcing” underlined the most popular form and the main aspects and elements. All formed definitions are divided according to the following dominant aspects – target (describes the range of the main goals and objectives are achieved through the use of outsourcing in the enterprise), process (transferring certain, usually secondary functions, certain tasks or phases of production and business activities to suppliers of goods and services that are not of interest to the enterprise, including its main objectives), strategic (it is to improve existing corporate or business strategy, specific functional or operational strategies or production-based outsourcing entirely new strategies to obtain competitive advantages and achieve higher levels of competitiveness on the market) and stakeholder (outsourcing helps to obtain a new balance between the interests of stakeholders in the enterprise by involving suppliers, competitors, customers or other stakeholders to build common business processes).
Analysis of practice showed that outsourcing can be used at any level of government - strategic, operational or tactical. The author clearly divided the process of outsourcing and supplies using the following criteria: purpose, organization, support partner, index of optimization, the efficiency, the time spent and functional impact.
Also it was investigated the forms and types of outsourcing in domestic and foreign practices. An outsourcing divided in the following classification criteria: type of resources, scope, level, scope, activities, and type of communication on extraterritoriality, the level of formality, the method of interaction between the organization and providers, duration of the cooperation between market players. The features of each types and forms of outsourcing using were proposed.
Outsourcing is a modern form of cooperation between the different subjects of the market that allows organizations to get beneficial results both in the short and long period. Such cooperation has the potential and opportunities for intensive development in higher developed countries and in Ukraine. It is important to choose for each transaction and the circumstances of the optimum form of outsourcing.
Key words: outsourcing, autstaffing, cooperation between enterprises, stakeholders.

Література – 15

УДК 338.12: 338.45

В. О. Терлецька
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”


© Терлецька В. О., 2015

Досліджено підходи та методи оцінювання кон’юнктури ринку. Визначено, що оцінювання кон’юнктури ринку – надзвичайно складний та громіздкий процес, оскільки передбачає оцінювати не тільки стан ринку, його особливості і характер, а й чинники впливу на кон’юнктуру ринку. Проаналізовано існуючі методи оцінювання кон’юнктури ринку. Представлено характеристику підходів до оцінювання кон’юнктури ринку у табличній формі. Розглянуто і проаналізовано вказані підходи. Розроблено модель оцінювання кон’юнктури ринку, удосконалено та подано класифікацію показників кон’юнктури.
Ключові слова: кон’юнктуроутворювальні чинники, методи оцінювання, система показників кон’юнктури ринку.

V. A. Terletska
National University “Lviv Polytechnic”


© Terletska V. A., 2015

In modern conditions of economic activity to the economic issues are particularly important to study methods of evaluation of market conditions, as they are extremely essential to obtain the current, objective and complete information concerning the state of the market. So the question about the role and importance methods of evaluation at present market conditions are particularly relevant.
As the issue the evaluation of market conditions is one of the most difficult types of marketing research - covers an extensive range of issues in relation to choice and economic justification methods, techniques, methods of evaluation, indicators of market conditions, etc., and provides quantitative and qualitative (visual) assessment state of the market, trends of the development, nature and characteristics of the market, efficiency of functioning of enterprises in industry, economic situation in the market, determination ponderability of factors of market conditions, etc., and is aimed at the integral evaluation of economic performance in general - is an assessment of trends and patterns development of the market influenced by factors of market conditions. To achieve this goal the following objectives have been formulated. To achieve this goal required the following tasks: to investigate methods for evaluating market conditions; to analyse existing methods of assessment of market conditions; to investigate and improve of indicators of market conditions.
The article explores the approaches and methods of the evaluation of market conditions. The author determines that the assessment of market conditions is an extremely complex and cumbersome process, that involves not only assess the state of the market, its features and character, but also factors of influencing the market conditions. Methods for evaluating the market conditions have been presented. Characterization of approaches to the evaluation of market conditions has been illustrated in tables. These approaches have been considered and analyzed. Model of the assessment of market conditions has been developed. Classification of indicators of market conditions has been represented and improved.
The study of market trends, peculiarities of its operation, the nature and state of the market impacts, causation allows to explore, analyze and generate information and create analytical basis for determining priority research areas for the development of integrated methods for assessing the market conditions. In today’s researchers focused attention on the study of individual methods of evaluation of market conditions for specific sectors, while at the present stage of development necessary are essential integrated assessment methods that combine various combinations of existing techniques and allow systematically evaluate the market conditions, state of the industry and its character.
Review of scientific literature [1-8] and studies of existing approaches to the assessment of the market conditions makes it possible to isolate and analyze two approaches to assessment. The first approach is to evaluate the market conditions in relation to evaluation of its condition through the use of universal methods of assessment, namely: economic and mathematical methods, statistical, empirical, expert and others. The second approach consists to assessment the factors of the market conditions that affect the market situation, and researcher is developing a method for evaluating, in which researcher defines the classification criteria and indicators for assessment (enterprise sector) independently and individually. This approach focuses on the use of a set of indicators that reflect the characteristics, nature, status and trends of the market conditions certain types of products (industry).
Key words: factors of market conditions, methods of evaluation, market conditions, system of indexes of the state of market conditions.

Література – 11

УДК 62-427.4:005

В. В. Чернова
ПАТ “Одескабель”,
Одеський національний економічний університет


© Чернова В. В., 2015

Визначено особливості використання деяких інтегрованих показників та їх комбінації у моделі менеджменту, орієнтованого на вартість для підприємств кабельної галузі. Особлива увага приділена впливу зовнішнього фактора – ціни на основний матеріал щодо виготовлення кабелю – мідь, або алюміній, та на вартістьформувальні чинники. Запропоновано оцінювати ефективність роботи управлінської команди під¬при¬ємства виробника кабельно-провідникової продукції з урахуванням впливу біржо¬вих котировок на основний метал.
Ключові слова: вартість компанії; модель Value Based Management; інтегровані показники вартості компанії; оцінка ефективності менеджменту.

V. V. Chernova
PJSC Odeskabel,
Odessa national economic university


© Chernova V. V., 2015

The article features research on the use of integrated value indicators in value-based management concept among cable producing enterprises. Calculating of the most common integrated cost indicators Eсоnomic Value Added (EVA), Cash Value Added (CVA) and Cash Flow Return on Investment (CFROI) shows that use of the single indicator in value-based management model is not appropriate because it does not provide a complete picture of the decision-making efficiency.
The combination of three indicators EVA, CVA and CFROI for value-based management model give more adequate assessment of the company's management as Eсоnomic Value Added shows whether the revenue is enough to meet the requirements of the owners and investors, Cash Value Added reflects sufficiency of cash flow for current activities and repayment costs of capital and Cash Flow Return on Investment indicates yield of the business, which exceed the weighted average cost of capital (WACC).
Investigating the factors that shape the costs of enterprises among manufacturers of cable products, it was found that most on integrated indicators are influenced by external factors – the price of the base material for manufacturing cables – copper or aluminum, which are traded on commodity markets and pricing that is independent from the management efforts.
In the sampled enterprises analysis and integrated value indicators dynamics during 2009–2014 was put forward and proved the hypothesis that the dynamics of integrated indicators may reflect the dynamics for the base metal prices. Therefore it is proposed to assess the effectiveness of the management team of the cable manufacturing company considering the base metal exchange quotations effect.
Key words: value of company; model of Value Based Management; integrated indexes of valuation; estimation of management efficiency.

Література 3

УДК 658.012:338.2

І. Й. Яремко
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”


© Яремко І. Й., 2015

Розглянуто зміст вартісних критеріїв в оцінюванні ефективності функціонування підприємства та їх використання у вартісно-орієнтованій концепції менеджменту. Проаналізовано контекст компарабельності і якісної характеристики показників та індикаторів у системах і моделях створеної вартості підприємством. Окреслено можливості інтеграції інструментарію вимірювання вартісних параметрів і традиційних фінансових показників.
Ключові слова: показники, індикатори, критерії, фактори вартості, системи і моделі виміру вартісних параметрів підприємства, показники прибутковості.

I. Yo. Yaremko
National University Lviv Politechnic


© Yaremko I. Yo., 2015

The content value criteria in evaluating the efficiency of companies and their use in value-oriented management concept. Komparabelnosti context analysis and qualitative characteristics and performance indicators in systems and models created value now. The possibilities of integration tools for measuring cost parameters and traditional financial indicators.
It is proved that in today's economy expressive tendencies evaluating the effectiveness of the company is profitable transition from the concept of measurement of accomplished effective paradigms to estimates by cost criteria, and taking into account the future (anticipated) market position of the company. Ensuring the growth of value in terms of the global capital market is seen through maximizing the market value of its equity and recognized priority financial management company.
Argued that enterprises of the national economy one of the reasons that hinder the formation of a system of evaluation indicators, considered the lack of substantial research and development in coordination with methodological support and parameter validity key value drivers and their criterion values. The basic principles of the software and its components should take into account the indicative characteristics and trends of internal and external environment of domestic enterprises. Adaptation of the proposed models to real conditions of practice enterprise, ie identifying key growth factors value (market) equity based industry characteristics and general economic environment in which the company operates, the transnational nature of the market segment, and further major unsolved problem is the value paradigm.
Based on the study concluded that the theory of finance and financial management obviously put forward a rational criterion value (market capitalization growth or the market value of equity) now measure its efficiency in the current economic environment. However, in spite of sufficient detelnu dokdadno contained and logical-wide basis and methodological basis, output specification theoretical foundations and empirical evaluation of existing models and systems management cost criteria need significant improvements. Therefore, there are considerable reservations theoretical and methodological plan and sufficient empirical data on the probability of the presently known systems and models for measuring the cost parameters of the company. Due to the fact that each of the considered parameters has its limitations and shortcomings, and that the scope of cost indicators is a relatively new branch of knowledge, many economists (theoreticians and practitioners) offer their own versions of the combined use of several indicators of the evaluation process of value creation.
It is proved that the selection process of cost factors and performance indicators for the formation of the national system for evaluating the effectiveness of cost criteria should form based on scientific calculations, taking into account the specific features of the enterprise sector and some specific conditions in the economy. The following content characteristics cost indicators and indicators can be taken into account in the future implementation of the fundamental themes of national development of cost evaluation system.
Key words: performance indicators, criteria and cost factors, systems and models measuring cost parameters enterprise profitability.

Література 10

УДК 657.1:336.012.232

І. Й. Яремко, Л. М. Пилипенко,
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”


© Яремко І. Й., Пилипенко Л. М., 2015

Досліджено вплив недостатньої релевантності і формалізації інформаційної бази на кризовий і біфуркаційний характер фінансової системи і фондових ринків. Окреслено передумови формування нової архітектоніки цих інститутів. Наведено результати порівняльного аналізу якості формалізованих у публічній звітності компаній і неформалізованих показників, що використовуються на ринках капіталу та інвестицій. Обґрунтована доцільність використання адаптованого формату публічної фінансової звітності одним з ключових інструментів у процесах формування нової архітектоніки фінансових і фондових ринків.
Ключові слова: фінансова звітність, фінансова система, фондові біржі, показники, індикатори, стандартизація, формалізація, експертні оцінки.

I. Y. Yaremko, L. M. Pylypenko,
National University “Lviv Polytechnic”


© Yaremko I. Y., Pylypenko L. M., 2015

Influence of insufficient relaventnist and formalizations of informative base are investigational on crisis and bifurcational character of the financial system and fund markets. Pre-conditions of forming of new architectonics of these institutes are outlined. Results over of comparative analysis of quality of the companies and unformalized indexes used on capital and investments markets formalized in the public accounting are brought. Expediency of the use of the adapted format of the public financial reporting is reasonable one of key instruments in the processes of forming of new architectonics of financial and fund markets.
It is well-proven that one of principal reasons and consequence of the crisis phenomena in a world economy, vagueness on the markets of capitals and investments, a range of problems of objective evaluation of separate economic subjects is transparent and relevant null formalized, information. Argued, that one of important aspects in these processes there is a question of decision of range of problems in relation to a parity (asymmetricness) the use is in newly formed architectonics of financial and fund markets of basis of research and information base of the formalized (driven to the financial reporting) and unformalized (got an expert way) indexes. Supposition, is done that record-keeping as a socio-economic institute, that, informatively providing a management on all levels, is able in sort to signal about economic crises, is important.
The generalized applied facts allow to draw conclusion, that the excessive use of the unformalized informative base, the “creative” methods of her working cause the galloping processes of virtualization of capital, display what finds expression in hybridization of financial instruments. In turn hybrid instruments become all more dangerous through the instability, virtualness, by an orientation to increase and forming of extraordinarily difficult infrastructure, inclusive within the framework of that they confess a value. A break becomes all anymore between the market and balance value of modern companies. That at forming of limits of new financial architectonics substantial an institutional design must become becomes obvious, in particular taking of more meaningful role (base, auxiliary) to the formalized indexes of public financial.
After materials of the article in relation to the orientation of further researches drawn conclusion, that major institutes that form institutional space pull out the row of requirements to the change of conceptually-methodological principles of the registration-current system, basic from that are approaching of book value of subject of market economy to his market estimation, providing of possibilities of evaluation of efficiency of his functioning on the measure of the created value. Formulations of new format of institutional environment, grant of the corrected maintenance of formal and informal institutes require substantial adaptation to these changes of the system of account and financial reporting as important constituent of research and information tool of management and adjusting of financially-economic processes.
Key words: financial reporting, financial system, stock exchanges, indices, indicators, standardization, formalization, expert evaluation.

Література – 21

УДК 334+659.4

Ю. Р. Ясінська
Львівська комерційна академія,
кафедра менеджменту


© Ясінська Ю. Р., 2015

Розглянуто ділову репутацію підприємства як процес та результат взаємодії підприємства із громадськістю, який залежить від цілеспрямованого планування комунікацій підприємства. Розглянуто різноманітні підходи щодо сегментування груп громадськості підприємства, визначено особливості їх взаємозв’язку із підприємством. Розроблено комплекс напрямків впливу підприємства на групи громадськості, зокрема, за допомогою організації кадрової політики та корпоративних комунікацій підприємства, організації особистих та групових зустрічей керівників підприємства, підготовки звітно-інформаційної документації, проектів соціально-економічного розвитку місцевостей розміщення підприємства, моделювання систем лояльності для постійних покупців.
Ключові слова: цільові групи громадськості, програма відносин, зв’язки з громадськістю, маркетингові комунікації, персонал, покупці, інвестори, місцева громадськість.

Yu. R. Yasinska
Lviv Academy of Commerce
Department of Management


© Yasinska Yu. R., 2015

Reputation as a process and result of interaction among the society and the enterprise depends on purposeful planning of enterprise relationship with its target community groups. The public, which affects to the enterprise is heterogeneous, has different interests and needs, different expectations about its activities, and requires planning and organization of different marketing communications.
The purpose of the article has been to determine the directions of formation of enterprise communications with target society groups to create a long-term and mutually beneficial relationships that positively affect to the reputation of the enterprise. In particular, it has been examined the following question in the article:
1) the impact on the target society groups to the enterprise;
2) it was developed areas of programs for enterprise communications with customers, employees, investors, local communities, taken into consideration their values, interests and needs.
Forming a positive relationship with the local community, the enterprise must determine its capability and priorities of activity selecting or combining environmental, economic and social development programs of local communities. Constant dialogue with local communities, taking into consideration their opinions and suggestions help to receive their support in various crisis situations that may occur in the future.
Ensuring effective communication and the formation of a rational personnel policy principles, with the aim to create loyal employees are in the center of a stable and positive relations with employees of the enterprise. Comfortable working conditions, flexible work incentives and objective evaluation, recognition of the value of the personal contribution of each employee to the activity of the enterprise, will allow the head of the enterprise to form a friendly and reliable relations with the employees and achieve goals.
The importance of investors for enterprise is undoubted because they invest to the enterprise. Relations with them are built and supported by the following measures: advertising and distribution of information products (leaflets, brochures, etc.), gathering investors, excursions to the enterprise, review of annual and quarterly reports. Permanent information and contact support with investors and shareholders of the enterprise will allow it to gain their trust and affection, and receive planned investments.
Customers of the enterprise are one of the priority groups of the public as they generate income, so its task is to meet their needs, keep contact with them forming a base of regular customers, sell them more and more goods. In the center of the entrepreneur activity should be a customer and his needs. Through individual approach to each customer, offering after-sales service, such as training and consulting, product maintenance, organizing effective loyalty programs for customers, carefully considering and resolving complaints and remarks of customers – that will allow an enterprise to tie and keep long-term relationships with a significant number of customers.
Developed areas of enterprise communications with its target groups will be used in the further empirical studies as the diagnostics basis of existing communication business entities to determine their rankings on the efficiency of communication policy, and develop recommendations for improving communications of some enterprises with their target community groups.
Key words: target group public, relations program, public relations, marketing communications, personnel, customers, investors, local community.

Література 29

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