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Воробець С. Й., Кічор В. П, Мищишин О. Л. Формалізований опис бізнес-моделі як основа створення ефективної системи цільового управління підприємством..
УДК 330.342:658
С. Й. Воробець, В. П. Кічор, О. Л. Мищишин
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра економіки підприємства та інвестицій
Воробець С. Й., Кічор В. П., Мищишин О. Л., 2016
Розглянуто методологічні підходи до створення системи цільового управління підприємством на основі формалізованого опису основних бізнес-процесів як системи дій для досягнення оперативних, тактичних і стратегічних цілей. Визначено ключові аспекти реалізації такої моделі, починаючи від формалізації місії підприємства з подаль¬шою її деталізацією у вигляді системи збалансованих показників, формалізо¬ваного опису її ключових бізнес-процесів і закінчуючи системою контролінгу за процесом реалізації запланованих показників як на рівні підприємства загалом, так і у вигляді системи KPI-показників на рівні безпосередніх виконавців.
Ключові слова: бізнес-модель, бізнес-процес, система збалансованих показників, стратегічна карта, нотації моделювання, контролінг бізнес-процесу.
S. Vorobets, V. Kichor, O. Myshchyshyn
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Economics of Enterprise and Investment Department
Vorobets S., Kichor V., Myshchyshyn O., 2016
To improve the effectiveness of the company is necessary as horizontal structuring of production activity (technology) and the structuring of functional management activities (function control). It is realized in the context of building a process model of the enterprise, which today widespread.
In developing its business model, the company sells primarily targets such as implementation of information systems, the optimization of the company, the construction quality control system, risk management and more. The business model should enable the company to identify and provide mechanisms to improve processes.
In the article the authors examine methodological approaches to create a system of targeted business management based on formalized description of key business processes as a system of actions to achieve the operational, tactical and strategic objectives. The key aspects of this model, from the formalization of the mission of the enterprise with its further detail in the form of a balanced scorecard, formalized description of key business processes and ending the system of controlling the process of implementing its performance at both the enterprise as a whole and in the form of systems KPI-level indicators immediate perpetrators.
Implementing process model of the company, which specializes in the production of ice cream, the authors used the following classification processes: core processes, providing and development processes. According to this classification assigned to the basic processes of those are linked to the purchase of raw materials, production, promotion products on the market, selling products on the market, shipping them to customers, and also for individual businesses – after sales service. That basic processes form a chain of creating value for the end user. The group attributed the processes of providing processes related to accounting, legal support, IT service and several others. The group attributed the processes of processes aimed at improving the products (services), creating (support) brand new business, organizational systems, technology, knowledge and so on. Group management processes are processes related to the definition of the objectives of the company, planning, monitoring, analysis, decision-making. The main objective processes of the last two groups - improvement of business performance. Thus, the totality of the processes of the company creates a network of interconnected and interacting processes, which is the business model of the company.
Implementing the business model of the company, is uniquely placed purpose of improving management processes. This includes the possibility of planning, standardization, creation of conditions predictability of the results of their implementation, algorithms, and ultimately their continuous improvement.
Building an effective management system now provides for the establishment of an adequate information support. It is this problem is solved through the implementation of the initial data flow model using functional methods of DFD. To describe the logic of interaction information flows authors used notation IDEF3 (workflow diagramming). This modeling methodology used to graphically describe the motion information flows between processes and information processing facilities that are part of these processes.
Methodological approaches to creating a system of targeted business management based on formalized description of key business processes and identified key aspects of this model will be used in further studies to determine the mechanism and process improvement software business model of the enterprise to effectively manage it.
Key words: business model, business process, balanced scorecard, strategy map, modeling notation, controlling business process.
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