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Л. Перович, Н. Музика. Кадастр в структурі ринку земель
UDC 332. 54
1 Department of cadastre of territories, Lviv Polytechnic National University, S. Bandera str., 12 , Lviv, Ukraine, 79013, tel. +38 (032) 2582631, e-mail: cadastr@if.ua
2Department of cadastre of territories, Lviv Polytechnic National University, S. Bandera str., 12 , Lviv, Ukraine, 79013, tel. +38 (032) 2582631, e-mail: Myzuka69@ukr.net
Purpose. Periodic prolonging of the moratorium on sale of agricultural lands does not solve the basic problem of land reform – free circulation of land in order to improve welfare of the population, increasing of social and economic development of territories through the development of new economic, financial and credit inter-farm linkages and mechanisms. Certain prerequisites of land market functioning, defining its function before this should be formed on the legislative and regulatory framework. According to the above, the objective function is defined as a combination of economic, technical, administrative and other actions, events, decisions, etc. on efficient and rational use of agricultural lands in the context of maximizing the social and financial status of the population of the territory. Methods. The research based on the method of analytical analysis of financial and economic activity of agricultural enterprises in different periods; structures and forms of financial and credit system; principles of formation of agricultural enterprises. Results. As a result of conducted research It was highlighted the major shortcomings of introduction of circulation of agricultural lands, which constrain their market. In this regard, it was developed recommendations for creating of the effective functioning of land market. This includes: the development of a number of legislative and regulatory acts that would improve the system of collection cadastral and land planning documentation; develop effective mechanisms of agricultural crediting; form an effective advisory service of land and property relations. Scientific novelty consists in development of new approaches to creation of land market, based not on deriving the maximum profit but meet the needs of the population. Practical significance. Given in the article conclusions and recommendations can be used by the legislative and executive authorities in creating mechanisms for the effective functioning of real estate markets.
Key words: market of agricultural lands, market, credit.
Література – 12.