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Лозинський В. А., Нікулішин В. І., Ільків Т. Я. Технологічні особливості створення великомасштабного топографічного плану Львівського міського полігону твердих побутових відходів комбінованим методом
UDС 528.71, 528.42,528.93
1*,2 Department of Cartography and Geospatial Modeling, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandery str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79013, tel. 098-71-31-398, e-mail viktor.lozynskyi@gmail.com
3 Department of Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandery str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79013
Purpose. The compliance with maintenance requirements of a landfill is an important factor that have affects on its functioning. The functioning of Lviv city landfill started in 1959 and continued till 2016. According to evidences from various resolutions, regulations, and scientific publications, it was used and exploited with disabilities and did not meet environmental and sanitary standards. On May 30, 2016 a waste flow slide occurred in consequence of fire and its extinguishing. To update the topographic information about the situation at the landfill, and to correct the remediation project, the following tasks should be performed: to create a topographical plan of scale 1 : 500 with a contour interval of 0.5m, to identify technological features of combined methods using UAV TRIMBLE UX-5 and the electronic total station Leica TCR 405, and to select and take into account the peculiarities of the researched object. Methodology and results. When creating large-scale topographic plans for different kinds of objects it should be noted that each object has its own peculiarities that should be considered. In the process of the territory reconnaissance, the boundaries of the surveyed site were determined and the possibility of applying an aerial survey by UAV and remote method of tacheometry survey were considered. According to the purpose, the large-scale topographical plan of Lviv city landfill with the scale of 1 : 500 with 0.5 m relief interval with coordinate system
SC-63 and Baltic height system was created using combined methods. Additionally control of created DEM was implemented, the root-mean-square errors of the DEM were calculated before and after the use of technological operations and statistical methods. The results correspond to the requirements specified in the instructions for the topographic survey at an appropriate scale. Originality and practical significance. The developed and tested method of creating large-scale plans for the landfill enables designing organizations to solve a number of the following problems: designing new maps for storage place of solid waste, performing calculation of excavation works volume, creating working drawings for strengthening of existing dams and construction of new dams, and developing a plan for the location of the filtrate drainage system.
Key words: large-scale topographical plan, Lviv city landfill, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), combined survey.
Література – 27.