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Sytnyk І. Updating Management Models in Terms of Enterprise Management Intellectualization
UDC 331.108:37.031:59.9
І. Sytnyk
Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Abstract. The article explores the dynamics of the proportion of adult population among the Internet users and the use of information and communication technologies by enterprises in Ukraine. The different impact of digital technologies on economic development of a number of countries is considered. The dynamics of the number of scientific as well as scientific and technical studies in the structure of GDP of Ukraine is analysed. The change of the quantity of industrial enterprises that carry on innovative activity is considered. Peculiarities of the change in volumes of realized innovative products of the Ukrainian enterprises during the period of 2005-2015 are identified. Key risks and reserves of strengthening the intellectualization processes of the enterprise management systems are determined. There are formed priority tasks for management systems of enterprises in conditions of dynamic development of information and communication technologies as well as processes of intellectualization.
Keywords: intellectualization, management system, model of management, knowledge, integration, efficiency, innovation.
Кількість посилань 19