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Микола Бучин Правовий статус виборчих комісій в Україні
УДК: 324:342.8
Бучин Микола
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
(стаття надійшла до редколегії – 10.11.2016 р., прийнята до друку – 15.12.2016 р.)
© Бучин М., 2016
Розглянуто проблему правового статусу виборчих комісій в Україні. На основі аналізу українського виборчого законодавства показано такі аспекти правового статусу виборчих комісій, як термін їхньої діяльності, обсяг повноважень, правовий статус членів виборчих комісій тощо.
Ключові слова: демократія, вибори, виборчі комісії, виборче законодавство, Україна.
Mykola Buchyn
The article analyses a problem of the legal status of election commissions in Ukraine as a condition of their independence. It dwells on such elements of the legal status of election commissions, as the right to issue regulations binding for both citizens and authorities; permanent nature of commissions at the national level; lack of opportunity for the authorities which form a commission to recall proposed representatives to electoral bodies and others.
The electoral legislation of Ukraine which consolidates the legal status of election commissions is analyzed. Positive character of legal norms which enshrined permanent nature of the Central Election Commission of Ukraine in 1997 is emphasized. Gradual improvement and specification of the national electoral law regarding the scope of election commissions’ powers and legal status of decisions they take is shown. It is proved that the legal status and characteristics of commission members greatly influence the character of commission’s activity, its independence and effectiveness of functioning. Evolution of Ukrainian legal regulation of election commissions members’ status is shown.
The problematic aspects of the legal regulation of election commissions’ status in Ukraine is outlined and the ways of improving the legislation in this area are suggested. The latest include: feasibility of establishing educational and age limitation for commission members, especially for their managerial staff; need in vocational training for all commission members and inclusion of competent people whose professional activity is tangent to elections; establishing of appropriate remuneration of election commissions members; need in ensuring safety of election commissions members in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war; need for reduction of tension and conflict among electoral commissions members, etc.
Key words: democracy, elections, electoral commissions, electoral laws, Ukraine.
Кількість посилань 17