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Василь Чабанов Корпоративна етика державного управління
УДК: 130. 174:35.08
Чабанов Василь
Кам’янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка
(стаття надійшла до редколегії – 10.11.2016 р., прийнята до друку – 16.12.2016 р.)
© Чабанов В., 2016
Досліджено сутність корпоративної етики як явища й розглянуто її роль в організації процесів державного управління. Корпоративну етику розглянуто як фактор інноваційних суспільно-політичних перетворень. Увагу закцентовано на потребі розроблення і впровадження кодексів корпоративної етики в інституціях публічного управління.
Ключові слова: корпоративна етика, політична етика, державне управління, моральні принципи, етичні принципи.
Vasyl Chabanov
In this article, the phenomenon of corporate ethics is considered. The role of corporate ethics is shown as a basic custom and development of organization control. Corporate ethics is seen as an innovative factor of socio-political transformation. Attention is focused on the need to develop and implement the Code of Conduct in institutions of public administration.
In the area of public policy, administration system of corporate ethics obviously forms the basis of a connecting link of state ideology, which should include moral values and through appealing to which the state proves its dignity to the society.
Corporate ethics plays an important role in mobilisation capacity of the state for achieving priority strategic tasks. Implicitly, effectiveness of the government is caused by various factors, one of which is formed by corporate spirit and principles of political ethics management of each individual institution.
Corporate ethics is formed on the basis of a system of moral requirements and behavior grounded on the main principles and norms of ethics which are developed by moral consciousness of the society (dignity, duty, etc.) and are reproduced in the behavior of participants in business relations.
Under today’s conditions, along with possessing knowledge and experience, a civil servant shall be able to establish business communications with citizens who ask for services, to prevent abuse of power which is possible only if professional and corporate ethics is formed.
Obviously, along with the general standards of corporate ethical and moral system of the entire state mechanism, there is a need in specific approaches and mechanisms for its implementation in a particular organization and team. This can be fulfilled through development of codes of ethics, conduction of meetings to report to the community with particular responsibility for one’s activities, permanent training to improve professional culture and ethical responsibility.
Gradual implementation model of corporate ethics in public administration institutions will establish proper communication between state officials and representatives of civil society since common objectives of interaction will be created and combined.
Key words: corporate ethics, political ethics, governance, moral principles, ethical principles.
Ставлення співробітників може безпосередньо впливати на те,
як сторонні люди сприймають організацію.
Г. Даулінг
Кількість посилань 11