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Ірина Червінка Перспективи реформування ООН в контексті обрання нового генерального секретаря
УДК: 327:7
Червінка Ірина
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
(стаття надійшла до редколегії – 10.11.2016 р., прийнята до друку – 16.12.2016 р.)
© Червінка І., 2016
Досліджено перспективи реформування ООН з огляду на основні проблеми Організації на сучасному етапі, враховуючи необхідність розширення Ради Безпеки, відміни права вето, подолання розколу всередині ООН. Вивчено досвід А. Гутерріша в сфері реформаторської діяльності в період перебування на посадах прем’єр-міністра Португалії та Верховного комісара ООН у справах біженців. Розглянуто позицію майбутнього Генерального секретаря щодо конфлікту в Україні.
Ключові слова: ООН, Генеральний Секретар, Рада Безпеки, Генеральна Асамблея, право вето, реформа.
Iryna Chervinka
In the article, the prospects for reforming the UN in order to resolve major problems of the Organization are considered. Recent developments in the world politics have shown the lack of effectiveness of the UN and urgent need for changes in order to increase capacity of the UN to respond to new threats and challenges. For example, five permanent members of the Security Council do not reflect adequately the picture of modern multipolar world. Controversial mechanism in the UN today is veto which is used by some states as a tool of manipulation for achieving geopolitical goals. Overall, the UN has become a cumbersome bureaucratic machine numerous bodies of which duplicate functions of each other or even are outdated. In this regard, prospects for the UN to be led by an effective manager and successful reformer might be very timely.
The future Secretary-General has shown these features during his work as the Prime Minister of Portugal and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The policy of A. Guterres during his period in office may be assessed as successful. During this period, Portugal experienced significant economic growth, budget deficit was reduced and social spending increased. A. Guterres has shown ability for effective rationalization activity during his tenure as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
Regarding the conflict in Ukraine, A. Guterres as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees warned of consequences of further growing crisis in the East of Ukraine. As stated by the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, the new UN Secretary-General will provide Ukraine with more active support than Ban Ki-moon.
Taking into account available information on previous activities of A. Guterres, we can expect that at the position of the Secretary-General he will budge the process of reforming the UN, strengthen its effectiveness and fulfill Ukraine’s aspirations to involve the UN leader in resolving the Russia-Ukraine conflict as impartial arbitrator.
Key words: the UN, the Secretary-General, the Security Council, the General Assembly, veto, reform.
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