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Dmytro Harasym, Volodymyr Labay Investigations on the Innovation Model of Exergy Effectiveness of Air Conditioning System for Operating Cleanrooms
Investigations on the Innovation Model of Exergy Effectiveness of Air Conditioning System for Operating Cleanrooms
Dmytro Harasym, Volodymyr Labay
Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandery str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
Received: March 12, 2017. Revised: April 06, 2017. Accepted: April 14, 2017
© 2017, The Authors. Published by Lviv Polytechnic National University
The issue of fuel and energy saving is a top priority for energy technological systems (ETS) such as air conditioning systems (ACS). Thus, reduction of energy consumption for ACS requires optimization of these systems which can be obtained on the basis of the exergy analysis. This analysis takes into account not only the quantity of the energy being consumed but also its quality. By taking into account the exergy during calculation of balances and various characteristics of ETC (including ACS) the scientific and engineering problems can be solved in a simple and easily understandable way. Frequent mistakes caused by ignoring the quality of transformations can be avoided. Innovation mathematical research model of the existing central straight flow air conditioning system for operating cleanrooms with the aim of computer estimation of its energy effectiveness by virtue of exergetic output-input ratio depending on different factors, which have influence on its operation, is presented in this article. The dependence of exergetic output-input ratio ηe of the existing air conditioning system on temperature difference between the inside and the supplied air ∆tS = tin – tS was defined based on this model.
Keywords: exergy balance; air conditioning systems; cleanrooms; exergy efficiency.
Література – 20.