Deepali Kelkar and Ashish Chourasia
Structural Properties of Polythiophene Doped with FeCl3
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Вимоги до оформлення рукописів та електронних версій Положення про планування та видання навчальної літератури у Національному університеті „Львівська політехніка” ОНОВЛЕНЕ у 2019 році! |
Volume 5. Number 3 (2011)Deepali Kelkar and Ashish Chourasia Structural Properties of Polythiophene Doped with FeCl3 Evgenia Bila, Mykola Obushak, Maria Dzikovska and Christina Rybak Reaction of Arenediazonium Chlorides and Sulfur(IV) Oxide with (2E,6E)-2,6-Dibenzylidenecyclohexanone and (2E,2'E)-3,3'-Benzene-1,4-diyl-bis(1-phenylprop-2-en-1-one) Fedir Cheshko Microscopic Study of the Coal Tar Carbonaceous Dispersed Phase Firdous Habib and Madhu Bajpai Synthesis and Characterization of Acrylated Epoxidized Soybean Oil for UV-Cured Coatings Gennady Zaikov, Larisa Madyuskina and Marina Artsis 11th International Conference “On Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials” (ICFPAM) Jan Pielichowski, Grzegorz Kowalski and Gennady Zaikov Catalytic Activity of Polymer-Supported Cobalt(II) Catalysts in the Oxidation of Alkenes Lidiya Parashchuk, Viktoriia Kochubei and Yaroslav Yakymechko The Use of Granulated Modofoed Lime for Expansive Cement with High-Energy SelfTension Nilay Gizli Morphological Characterization of Cellulose Acetate Based Reverse Osmosis Membranes by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)-Effect of Evaporation Time Petro Rydchuk, Olena Gritchenko, Dariya Semenyshyn and Oleksandr Tymoshuk Voltammetric Determination of Rhodium by Means of Furan-Oxime Derivatives in Industrial Samples with Considerable Content of Palladium Raisa Biglova, Rimma Sultanova, Tagir Yangirov, Vladimir Dokichev and Gennady Zaikov Cu(OAc)2-2,4-Lut-ZnCl2 – Efficient Catalyst of Functionalization of Isobutylene Oligomers and 1,2-Polybutadiene with Methyldiazoacetate Roman Kharchuk and Oleksandr Tymoshuk Voltammetric Determination of Iridium in Alloys Using Xylenol Orange Tamara Misharina Headspace Analysis of Aroma Compounds Using Porous Adsorbents Vadim Barsky, Gennady Vlasov and Andriy Rudnitsky Composition and Structure of Coal Organic Mass. 3. Dinamics of Coal Chemical Structure During Metamorphism Valentin Serheyev Densities, Excess Volumes and Partial Molar Volumes of Lauryl Methacrylate Solutions in Some Organic Solvents Volodymyr Mizyuk and Volodymyr Shibanov Effect of Spectra Recording Conditions on the Example of Chemical Shifts Calculation in СMR Spectra of 1-Pentylbenzoylformate Vyacheslav Zhyznevskiy, Volodymyr Gumenetskiy, Olena Shyshchak and Yevhen Fedevych The Use of Isobutyl Alcohol for Methacrylate Synthesis Witold Brostow, Michael Hess and Vera Kovacevic Report from Polychar 19, Kathmandu, March 20-24, 2011 Yaroslav Vakhula, Khristina Besaga, Iryna Lutsyuk and Maria Dobrotvorska Structural Investigations of Titanium(IV) Oxide Powder Doped with Sulphur Yulia Pankova, Alexandr Shchegolikhin, Alexey Iordanskii, Anna Zhulkina, Anatoliy Ol’khov and Gennady Zaikov The Characterization of Novel Biodegradable Blends Based on Polyhydroxybutyrate Yuriy Medvedevskikh and Oksana Khavunko Frictional and Elastic Components of the Viscosity of Polysterene-Toluene Diluted Solutions ![]() |
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