Alexander Volod´kin and Gennady Zaikov
Mechanism of Catalytic Alkylation of 2,6-di-tert-Butylphenol by Methyl Acrylate
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Вимоги до оформлення рукописів та електронних версій Положення про планування та видання навчальної літератури у Національному університеті „Львівська політехніка” ОНОВЛЕНЕ у 2019 році! |
Volume 6. Number 1 (2012)Alexander Volod´kin and Gennady Zaikov Mechanism of Catalytic Alkylation of 2,6-di-tert-Butylphenol by Methyl Acrylate Andrei Sakharov, Pavel Sakharov and Gennady Zaikov Catalytic Oxidation of Ethylene Glycol by Dioxygen in Alkaline Medium. The New Example of One-Stage Oxidative Cleavage of C–C Bond Gennady Zaikov and Dmitrii Loshadkin Professor Eduard Rozantsev. Sixty Years in Science Georgiy Kozlov, Zarema Aphashagova, Akhmed Malamatov and Gennady Zaikov Lidiya Mazaletskaya, Nataliya Sheludchenko and Lyudmila Shishkina Inhibitory Efficiency of Antioxidant and Phospholipid Mixtures under the Different Oxidation Extent of Methyl Oleate Michael Bratychak, Olena Astakhova, Olena Mykhailiv, Alina Stryzhachuk and Olena Shyshchak Chemical Modification of ED-24 Epoxy Resin by Adipic Acid Ninel Komova and Gennady Zaikov The Analysis of Changes of Relaxation Parameters of Polyethylene During their Measurement Oleg Figovsky, Dmitry Pashin, Ilgiz Nasyrov, Zufar Khalitov and Diana Valeeva The Peculiarities of Diffraction by Non-Chiral Nanotubes Oleg Nagursky and Yaroslav Gumnitsky Theoretical Model of Compounds Release from Capsulated Particles and its Experimental Check Oleh Suberlyak, Nataliya Baran, Adam Gnatowski, Tomash Jaruga and Yuriy Melnyk Regularities of Films Forming on the Basis of Polyamide-Polyvinylpyrrolidone Mixtures Olga Grigoryeva, Olga Starostenko, Alexander Fainleib, Gonzalo Martínez-Barrera, Jean-Marc Saiter and Boulos Youssef Joint Reuse of Post-Consumer Polyolefines and Ground Tire Rubber for Thermoplastic Elastomers Production. Mechanical Performance, Thermal and Radiation Stability Sergey Kurta Catalysis of Ethylene Oxychlorination into 1,2-Dichlorethane in the Presence of CuCl2/CuCl Active Centres on the Surface of -Al2O3 Serhiy Pysh’yev, Halyna Bilushchak and Volodymyr Gunka Optimization of Oxidation Desulphurization of Power-Generating Coal Svetlana Khashirova and Gennady Zaikov The VII International Application-Oriented Scientific Conference “New Polymer Composites” Valentyn Serheyev Enthalpies of Mixing Methylmethacrylate with Some Organic Solvents Valerii Barbash, Irina Trembus and Julia Nagorna Pulp Obtaining from Corn Stalks Vasil’ Larin and Serghiy Shapovalov Association of Complex Ferrumcyanide Anions with Pinacyanol Cation in Aqueous Solution Vladimir Gusak, Igor Drozdnik, Vladimir Shmalko and Yuriy Kaftan Influence of Coke Quenching Method on its Reactivity Volodymyr Brei, Galyna Starukh, Svitlana Levytska and Dmytro Shistka Study of a Continuous Process of Glycerolysis of Rapeseed Oil with the Solid Base Catalysts Zoryan Pikh and Volodymyr Ivasiv Oxidation of Unsaturated Aldehydes by Hydrogen Peroxide in Alcohols Medium ![]() |
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