Alexander Zaychuk and Julia Iovleva
The Study of Ceramic Pigments of Spinel Type with the Use of Slag of Aluminothermal Production of Ferrotitanium
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Вимоги до оформлення рукописів та електронних версій Положення про планування та видання навчальної літератури у Національному університеті „Львівська політехніка” ОНОВЛЕНЕ у 2019 році! |
Volume 7, Number 2 (2013)Alexander Zaychuk and Julia Iovleva The Study of Ceramic Pigments of Spinel Type with the Use of Slag of Aluminothermal Production of Ferrotitanium Boris Mykychak, Petro Biley and Diana Kindzera External Heat-and-Mass Transfer during Drying of Packed Birch Peeled Veneer Halyna Ohar, Larysa Dolynska and Viktor Tokarev Synthesis and Application of Macrophotoinitiators Obtained via Benzoin Tethering with Copolymers of Maleic Anhydride Iwona Zarzyka Effect of Borate Groups on the Properties of Rigid Polyurethane Foams Obtained with Using Hydroxypropyl Derivatives of Urea Jimsher Aneli, Omari Mukbaniani, Eliza Markarashvili, Gennady Zaikov and Elen Klodzinska Polymer Composites on the Basis of Epoxy Resin with Mineral Fillers Modified by Tetraetoxysilane Liliya Frolova and Valentin Shuvalov The Technology of Obtaining Complex Anticorrosive Pigments from Zinc-Containing Waste Water Maria Helena Pereira, Luiz de Castro and Ricardo Michel Investigating Molecular Masses Formed during the Heat Treatment of Petroleum Pitches by Mass Spectrometry Maria Naumenko, Petro Bashtanyk and Mikhail Burmistr Technological Aspect of Influence on Long-Term Constructional Properties under Compression of Thermoplastic Polymer Composites Michael Bratychak, Galyna Strap, Olena Astakhova and Olena Shyshchak Phenol-Formaldehyde Resins of Novolac Type with Unsaturated Side Bonds Orest Kondratovych, Iryna Koval, Volodymyr Kyslenko, Liliya Shevchuk, Lesia Predzumirska and Natalia Maksymiv Whey Disinfection and its Properties Changed under Ultrasonic Treatment Ryszard Steller, Grazyna Kedziora, Monika Trojanowska-Tomczak, Katarzyna Ciesla and Jakub Skorupski Polymer Based Composites with Interpenetrating Networks Structure Sergiy Varvarenko, Ihor Tarnavchyk, Andriy Voronov, Nataliia Fihurka,, Iryna Dron, Nataliia Nosova, Roman Taras, Volodymyr Samaryk and Stanislav Voronov Synthesis and Colloidal Properties of Polyesters Based on Glutamic Acids and Glycols of Different Nature Tamaz Marsagishvili, Jimsher Aneli and Gennady Zaikov On the Processes of the Charge Transfer in the Electrical Conducting Polymer Materials Valentyn Sviderskyi and Taras Karavayev Composition and Physico-Chemical Properties of Ukrainian Kaolins Surface Vasyl Mezhybrotskyi, Volodymyr Starchevskyy and Lilianna Oliynyk Methods of Dithiodimorpholine Production Viktor Yavorskyi, Andriy Helesh and Ivan Yavorskyi Principals for the Creation of Effective and Economically Sound Treating Processes of Industrial Emissions with Sulfur Oxide Low Content Vira Lubenets, Olena Karpenko, Mykola Ponomarenko, Gleb Zahoriy, Aelita Krychkovska Volodymyr Levytskyj, Victoria Kochubei and Andrij Gancho Influence of the Silicate Modifier Nature on the Structure and Properties of Polycaproamide ![]() |
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