№ 784 (2014)
УДК: 335.48: 37 (477)
Я.Я. Романовський
Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка
© Романовський Я.Я., 2014
Досліджено роль і місце правової культури в системі правової освіти військовослужбовця.
Визначено, що важливою проблемою сьогодення є питання формування правової культури військовослужбовця. Зазначено, що правова культура військовослужбовця неможлива без його високої правосвідомості та моральності.
З’ясовано, що правовий статус військовослужбовця характеризується такими ознаками: як державна особа, він наділений відповідними повноваженнями і здійснює державні функції; можливістю мати особливі, владні, організаційно-розпорядчі повноваження; наявністю суб’єктивних прав та юридичних обов’язків, пов’язаних зі здійсненням службових функцій; наявністю статусу особливого суб’єкта кримінальної, адміністративної та матеріальної відповідальності.
Ключові слова: правова культура, військовослужбовці, правосвідомість, моральність.
The experience of the development a legal culture of military in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The theme and content of the study are caused by the need of identifying ways of improving legal training in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The article deals with the questions of formation a legal culture in the country.
The major now – a - day problem is the issue of the formation a legal culture of a serviceman. It has its own characteristics and differs from the legal culture of others not only by the elements of the structure but also by the content. It is characterized by a complete legal knowledge and the ability to apply them in practice. Therefore, the legal culture of military personnel must be higher than in other people.
It is noted that the legal culture of a soldier is impossible without his high sense of justice and morality.
It has been researched that the legal status of the military personnel has the following features: as a public entity, he is endowed with adequate powers and performs public functions, the ability to have a special organizational and administrative powers, the presence of subjective rights and legal obligations associated with the implementation of the official functions, the availability status of a special subject of criminal, administrative and financial responsibility.
Analysis of guidance documents indicates about the existence in the army powerful capabilities of formation of legal culture.
These include appropriate management institutes and methodical support:
– Humanitarian Policy Department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine;
– Department of Humanitarian Affairs and Social Protection of Ukraine’s Armed Forces General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
– The Legal Department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine;
– Office of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The troops (forces) identified the main means for shaping the legal culture of the
military – legal training, which has a clear organization.
However, today it is evident that the formation of a strong system of legal culture military fails.
Key words: legal culture, servicemen, sense of justice, morality.
Література – 12
УДК 65.016.2(477)
О.О. Савченко
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
Савченко О.О., 2014
Висвітлено аграрне становище Галичини після війн 1914–1920 рр. Про¬аналізовано господарську діяльність та політичне становище українського населення в період польського осадництва. Показано активну участь кооперації у ліквідації повоєнних наслідків.
Ключові слова: Східна Галичина, польське осадництво, колонізація, коопера¬тивний закон, українське селянство, кооперативне життя, українська національна територія.
Cooperation in Western Ukraine had a very big importance in the life of the Ukrainian peasantry, which was mostly tiller. Cooperation as a rescue from economic oppression originated from the late 19th century and was interrupted by the war in 1914. The loss of military actions is supported by figures of that time period. Galicia has lost a lot of seeding areas of land, farm equipment was destroyed. Unstable financial position of Poland, to which belonged then the Eastern Galicia, currency fluctuations, devaluation of its currency, colonial oppression, practically not existing economy led to the catastrophic state of the living standards of Ukrainian peasants. Farmers were forced to rally in the collective production, and this was led by Ukrainian cooperation. Ukrainian banks were established to provide cheap credit to farmers, cooperatives of various types were formed. This created new jobs, gradually Ukrainians life was improved, but the administrative chaos of the Polish government did not give proper development of Ukrainian cooperation.
Key words: East Galychina, Polish осадництво, colonization, co-operative law, Ukrainian peasantry, co-operative life, Ukrainian national territory.
Література – 18
УДК 283 (477) (94)
І.М. Стасюк
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
Інститут гуманітарних і соціальних наук
© Стасюк І.М., 2014
Статтю присвячено висвітленню однієї з найтрагічніших сторінок в історії Української греко-католицької церкви – її підпільному функціонуванню у 1946–1989 рр., тобто у часи її офіційного перебування поза законом. Основну увагу у дослідженні звернено на форми і методи діяльності у зазначений історичний період.
Ключові слова: Греко-католицька церква, підпілля, Й. Сліпий.
This article is devoted to one of the most tragic pages in the history of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church - its underground operation in the 1946-1989 biennium, at the time of its official being outlawed. The main attention is paid to the study of form and methods of the specified historical period.
The place and role of the church in the life of the Ukrainian people on the eve of its “ self-destruct “ and highlighted the legal mechanism of destruction.
Based on the above facts and statistics illustrated specific actions Greek Catholics in the fight for the legalization of the church: liturgy and administration needs in different places, unauthorized takeover of the churches for applications for registration of believers Greek Catholic communities and clergy disseminate information about the government’s decision a positive decision legitimate operation of the church. Also describes the measures the state in combating the spread of “ opium for the people” and the final destruction of the remnants uniatism.
Considerable attention is given in the article personalities – their daily work on the development and strengthening of the underground. Highlighted as an activity of the church leadership, especially Y.Slipoho and ordinary priests. It is emphasized that their work was important for spiritual revival, as it does not contradict the Soviet legislation, including the Constitution of the USSR.
The study analyzes the close relationship of the underground Ukrainian Catholic Church of the center - the Vatican, are examples of their close cooperation on religious matters, especially in trying to official legalization of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.
In the context of the religious policy of the government highlights the problem of the scale of the underground church in different decades. There is both a negative and a positive effect on the size and number of the faithful of the UGCC policymaking Union- Republican government.
Key words: Greek Catholic Church, underground, Y.Slipy.
Література – 23
УДК 902(477.83)
C.В. Терський
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
Інститут гуманітарних і соціальних наук
© Терський C. В., 2014
Проаналізовано типологічні особливості ударної зброї X–XIV ст. – кістенів, знайдених на землях Волинського та Галицького князівств. Обґрунтовується висновок про місцеві особливості видового складу кістенів.
Ключові слова: археологічні знахідки, ударна зброя, кістень, Волинське та Галицьке князівства.
War-flails belongs to the axe type of weapon and consists of a weigh fastened to the handle with a flexible gążwa (eg. a thong). Flail fight was based on quick circular movements of the thong and weighs and hitting. As early as 3000 BC this type of weapon originated from the mace-like objects with holes containg thong fragments. The alleged exemplars of this type of weapon are associated with the 3rd -4th cent. Sarmatian tombs. The earliest flails in the early medieval Europe appeared among the Avars (7th – 8th cent.) later (second half of the 8th– 10th cent.) they became popular among the Khazars. This type of weapon was astonishingly popular in Ruthenia, where it appeared probably thanks to the Khazars, beaten in 965 AD by the Duke Svyatoslav. In the next centuries (to be more precise – till the 16th century) flails became one of the most distinctive features of the Old Ukrainian culture.
The current collection of flails found in Halych and Volynian land consists of more than 50 artefacts and their parts. Nine of them were made of bones and horns (pict. 1), others – of iron, lead and bronze (pict. 2).
Type I (Kirpičnikov classification) is represented by the artefacts made of bones and horns. The earlier artefacts of the Avar and Khazar stands in Ruthenia are dated on the second half of the 10th to the 13th cent. Flails from Halych, Plisnesk, Stupnycia, Cherven, Zvenygorod, castle near Shepetivka and castle Bozok are included in this type. There are some images associated with the Rurykowicze symbols which are placed on the artefacts from Zvenygorod; they can be dated on the 11th-13th cent. The flail from Cherven case looks similar. This unique exemplar has two relief images of the Ukrainian dignitary – Boyar as well as the image of half-woman and half-bird with a fish-like tail. The artefacts from Zvenygorod and castle Bozok is dated on the first half of the 12th–13th cent. and has a characteristic iron mandrel used for the thong fastening. The last one belonging to this type of flails is the one from Zvenygorod; due to its form has no direct analogies in the published material. It is dated on the second half of the 10th-13th cent. which is proved by the artefacts accompanying it.
Iron flails represent type II (Dorogobuzh, Zelenche, Cherven, castle near Shepetivka) and type IV (Peremyl). Due to the unclear character of the finding, the first one can be dated on the second half of the 10th-13th cent. Among bronze flails we can distinguish type IIA (Peresopnycia) and IIIA (Halychyna) which are examples of the greatest Old Ukrainian craftsmen artistry. These flails, primarily cast in copper forms mainly by the southern Ruthenian craftsmen are richly decorated in the manner characteristic for the 12th-13th cent. Because of that they were probably more a warrior status symbol than a real weapon. It is worth mentioning that the artefact from Gorodok due to its small size is treated like a toy.
The presence of flails on the western Ukrainian borders, belonging in the past to the Halych-Volynian kingdom cannot be surprising. They constituted an inseparable element of the old Ukrainian culture. Their splendid character indicates their value, certifying the high social and political status of the owners. Some of them were probably produced in that location.
Key words: archaeological finds, shock weapon, thong, Volyn and Galychina principalities.
Література – 40
C.В. Терський, А.Я. Підкович
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
Інститут гуманітарних і соціальних наук
Рецензія на книгу: Моргун В.А. “МАР. “Поема вольного народа”:
Вступ до сакральної історії України”. – Київ; Донецьк: Промінь, 2013. – 168 с.
УДК 904: 623.444.2 (477)“15/19”
Д.В. Тоїчкін
Інститут історії НАН України
© Тоїчкін Д.В., 2014
У статті розглянуто історію розвитку наукових уявлень про козацьку зброю від кінця ХІХ ст. до нашого часу. Проаналізовано українську, російську та європейську наукову історіографію. Вивчається шабля, відома як особиста зброя “можливо самого” гетьмана Юрія Хмельницького. Проаналізувавши характеристики шаблі, автор доходить висновку, що у цьому предметі поєднано риси різних історичних перідодів. Цей зразок, сумлінно виконаний “за історичними мотивами”, створює справжній прецедент, розширюючи поле для наукової дискусії щодо вигляду української карабелі, оправленої центрально- чи східноукраїнськими золотарями у другій половині XVIII ст.
Ключові слова: козацька зброя, шабля, Юрій Хмельницький, історіографія, золотарство.
The article deals with the history of scientific concepts about Cossack cold steel from the late nineteenth century to the present. Author analyses Ukrainian, Russian and European scientific historiography. For now in Ukraine have already been created sufficient theoretical, methodological and technical base, and also have been taken the first practical steps towards a comprehensive solution of weaponology problems with contemporary scientific level.
The identification of Ukrainian weapons is the actual problem now. This fact evidenced not only by increasing in quantity and quality polemical articles, but the appearance on the antiques market of artifacts, that form misconceptions about the original Cossack weapons in collector and even scholar community.
In this regard, the appearance on the Ukrainian market of antique saber, known as a personal weapon “perhaps of Hetman Yurii Khmelnytsky itself” was an important event. After studying of characteristics of saber, the author concludes that style of sample combines the features of different historical periods. If the saber is a fake, it could be produced only in modern times, when the serious scientific research on Ukrainian arts, crafts and morphology of Eastern European bladed weapons have been published.
One should note that the appearance of such creation must speed up scientific studies of antique Ukrainian cold steel. This pattern, made in “faithful historical style”, creates a real precedent for expanding the field of scientific discussions about the morphology of Ukrainian karabela, made by craftsmen of Central or Eastern Ukraine in the second half of the 18th century. Thus in the late 19th century, the heyday of the industry of fakes, none of the famous Ukrainian collectors or respected scientists already could not clearly explain how specifically would look like authentic Ukrainian sabre. The name “Cossack” is usually referred to the samples of Ottoman, Persian, Central Asian and Eastern European bladed weapons dating from 18 to 19th centuries. The similar concept accepted in contemporary museum collections of Ukraine.
At present the problem of identifying of Ukrainian cold steel of the early modern time is more relevant than ever. Many questions regarding the origin, development and distribution of Cossack armament are still unresolved.
Key words: cossack weapon, sabre, Yurij Khmelnytsk, historiography, золотарство.
Література – 27
УДК: 94(477)+355.48 +341.37
У. Р. Уська
Національний університет Львівська політехніка,
Інститут гуманітарних та соціальних наук
© Уська У. Р., 2014
На основі архівних матеріалів та мемуарів здійснено спробу дослідити політичне значення на наслідки домовленостей між Австро-Угорщиною та УНР 1918 р. у рамках колективного Берестейського мирного договору, розкрити причини ліквідації Таємного протоколу та зволікання Австро-Угорщини ратифікувати договір, висвітлити позицію української сторони стосовно спірних питань.
Ключові слова: Берестейський мирний договір, таємний протокол, Австро-Угорщина, УНР, дипломатична боротьба.
On the basis of the archived materials and memoirs an attempt to investigate a political value on the consequences of agreements between Austria-Hungary and UNR in 1918 within the framework of the collective Treaty of Brest-Litovsk is carried out in the article, to expose reasons of liquidation of the Secret protocol and delay of Austria-Hungary to ratify an agreement, light up position of the Ukrainian side in relation to the vexed questions.
The analysis of tactics of delegation of UNR on negotiations in Brest-Litovsk allows to assert that the young Ukrainian diplomats at first skillfully took advantage of foreign-policy and socio-economic difficulties of the Central Powers with the aim of providing of national interests. They succeeded to fasten in Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and Secret protocol the strategic requirements: confession of UNR by the countries of the Central Powers, transmission of UNR of part of the Province of Cholm and Podljaska, creation in the Cisleitania of the Ukrainian autonomy from the East Galicia and North Bukovina.
However delegation of UNR it admits a few serious tactical miscalculations, that leveled the above-mentioned achievements afterwards. In particular, Ukrainians agreed to the conclusion of secret treaty and on the unrealistic volumes of supplying with bread in short spaces, and except it, allowed to delegation of Austria-Hungary to subordinate implementation of these agreements one from other. Reasons of miscalculations were excessive propensity of the Ukrainian diplomats to political hazardous activity, groundless maximalism in requirements and absence of diplomatic experience.
Leaning on non-fulfillment by Ukraine of obligation about delivery to the Central Powers of bread by a volume in 1 million ton 31.07.1918 to, Austria-Hungary gave not only up realization of terms of Secret protocol but also from ratification of Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. And this fact put under a doubt completion of World War I at the East front, confession of UNR, as the independent state, and also existence of any state boundaries. After a general consent Germany and Austria-Hungary violated the terms of deposit storage of Secret protocol and his returning the Ukrainian side. Also the Empire resorted to the unprecedented in history of diplomacy step: on the consent of the ally of Germany liquidated the Ukrainian copy of Secret protocol from 8.02.1918, by such method to barrier itself from contingent claims of Ukrainian.
Reason of consent of hetman on non-fulfillment it is needed to see Austria-Hungary of terms of protocol in strengthening of military-political dependence of Ukraine from the Central Powers, by absence in international practice of mechanism for realization of collusions. At these terms any public requirement of hetman to Austria-Hungary about fulfilling commitment in relation to creation of the Ukrainian province could not only cause international scandal and blowup and so shaky foreign-policy positions of the Ukrainian state, but also negatively to influence on of home policy.
Key words: Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Secret protocol, Austria-Hungary, UNR, diplomatic fight.
Література – 34
УДК 323
Н.О. Химиця
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра соціальних комунікацій та інформаційної діяльності
© Химиця Н.О., 2014
Висвітлено роль і значення соціальних мереж в організації революційних та протестних рухів в Україні восени 2013 р. – навесні 2014 р. Досліджується специфіка та особливості історичних джерел про події Єврореволюції 2013–2014 рр. в Україні, що представлені в соціальних мережах.
Ключові слова: соціальні мережі, революційні та протестні рухи, Україна, історичні джерела, Єврореволюція.
The article considers the current problem of investigation of the role and importance of social networks in the organization of Ukrainian revolutionary and protest movements from autumn 2013 to spring 2014. The specifics and peculiarities of historical sources about the Eurorevolution events of 2013-2014 in Ukraine, which are presented in social networks, are studied.
The increasing of the social network’s role as a source of historical information during events of Eurorevolution in Ukraine in 2013-14 are proved based on the specific facts.
The main advantages of social networking are commented, it is as follows: ability to quickly consolidate the interested users, conduct surveys, share of ideas and organize the actions of users; the ability to unite Ukrainian citizens at many levels (at the level of families, communities, organizations, cities, regions, countries and the world). The social network’s key role in the beginning and development of the revolution as the mobilization and organization of forces took place via Facebook, Vkontakte and Twitter are played.
The phenomenon of community “EuroMaidan” is commented. Community “EuroMaidan” in March by means of Facebook is established. This community over 279,000 users is quickly increasing and is taken: the first place by popularity among Ukrainian pages on Facebook, the first place among Ukrainian pages by the growth rate of adherents for one month, the sixth place in the world by number of adherents in Ukraine.
The two groups of the most important historical sources are separate based on analysis of the social network content. There are sources of text, photo and video documentation. The specificity of eyewitness accounts (public activists, political leaders and local residents) of the revolutionary events is substantiated. Testimony from political leaders the information on the epicenter of the revolutionary events that are the most informative for a historian is contained. Interactive communication with eyewitnesses of events due to the modern Internet technologies is defined as a new tool of modern historical investigations.
The part of content on social networks, which publishes the records manager’s documentation, is analyzed. Acts, in which construed or confirmed facts and events, which related to the activities of establishments or their structural subdivisions, actions of officers, are selected among the total number of documents.
The importance of photos and video documents using for research of Contemporary history of Ukraine are defined. Among the specific features of video documents about Eurorevolution in Ukraine in 2013-14 are selected their dynamics and complexity.
In summary, it can be concluded that:
1. The events of Eurorevolution in 2013-2014 became the subject of special interest of users of social networking;
2. Information that represented in the social networks as Facebook, Vkontakte and Twitter covers a wide range of problems related to the study of history protest movement in Ukraine during the events of Eurorevolution in 2013-14;
3. The World Wide Web offers various information portals with different capabilities. They satisfy the needs of history researchers of various levels – from amateurs to professional scientists;
4. Information potential of social networks, as Facebook, Vkontakte, Twitter, concerning the scientific study of Eurorevolution in 2013-14, text, photos, and video information, which is the primary historical source for the researcher, are suggested;
5. Since the content of all social networking is personified, the researcher can apply to witnesses and update all details. Thus, in the ХХІ century the historian who studies of modern events, a new research tool – a social network with its multichannel and feedback communication – is used for their investigations;
6. The effective online-search work of the historian in social networks depends on its information and communication competencies and skills;
7. Internet-content, which includes historical information, can to be removed or temporarily closed to unauthorized users. Therefore, the researcher faced with the task of operational monitoring of information content, copying and archiving of historical sources.
8. Social networks become the universal encyclopedias of social and political events that combine text, photo, audio and video information about events of Eurorevolution in 2013-2014 in Ukraine.
Key words: social networks, revolutionary and protestmotions, Ukraine, historical sources, Eurorevolution.
Література – 6
УДК 94(477)”1918-1920”
І.Я. Хома
Національний Університет “Львівська політехніка”,
Інститут гуманітарних та соціальних наук
© Хома І.Я., 2014
У загальних рисах проаналізовано основні здобутки сучасної української історіографії в дослідженні становлення та діяльності військ Червоної армії на території України в кінці 1918 – 1920 роках.
Ключові слова: Червона армія, Україна, історіографія, більшовизм.
Modern Ukrainian historiography of Ukrainian National Revolution (1917 – 1921) has been presented by hundreds of research papers, theses, monographs that covervarious aspects of that age. The vast majority of works concern the problems that until 1991 were suppressed, falsified an derased from the memory of society. Clearly there is a need in scientific reappraisal of the establishment of Bolshevik government history, bothin general and in detail. It comprises new problems and aspects that were not consideredin Soviet historiography, suppressed or distorted. The reappraisal and new scientific publications should be based on modern methodological approaches, sources, factsetc. According to historian V.Verstyuk “Ukrainian historians practically stopped to study the history of Bolshevism. This is very interesting phenomen on that... was not examined critically” [1, p. 129].
The aim of the article is to determine the general state of researchin modern Ukrainian historiography the formation an dactivities of the Red Army against the forces of the UNR in the end of 1918 – 1920. The modern historiography refers to scientific researches that have been issued since independence.
In general the historiography of this problem is divided into two groups. Works that briefly concider this perspective, as well as those that are directly related to current military events in Ukraine of 1918 – 1920.
The first group include monographs written by S.Kulchytskyy, M.Doroshko and G.Kuriy. S. Kulchytskyy under the scheme of communismin Ukraine is considering the problem of “military and political alliance” between Bolshevik Russia and Ukrainian Soviet government. M.Doroshko raises the general questions about coming of Bolsheviks’ regime. The value of H.Kuriy’s monographis in collected and summarized factual material that refers to G. Petrovskyy’s activities, who was involved in the military and political processes of that time. V.Verstyuk’s publication “Ukrainian Revolution: metaphors, object, interpretation” motivated to write the article.
These condgroup is presented by monographs of V.Verstyuk, V.Kuzmenko and A.Rukkas, V.Savchenko’s scientific and popular publication, the sis researches of O.Bozhko and O.Chihradze.
In addition to N. Makhno’s military units that were apart of Bolshevik forces, V.Verstyuk’s monograph presentsa number of legitimate critical views about the military and political alliance, the formation and activities of the Red Army.
V.Kuzmenko’s scientific paper considers the specificity of state building in the USSR, where the focus of attention on the attitude of the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Ukrainian Soviet Army is especially interesting.
A.Rukkas describesin details the condition of Soviet troops and the major battles that were held on the territory of Ukraine during the Ukrainian-Polish-Soviet War in 1920, as well as directly against the UNR’s troop sin November of that year. That paper is the latest significant achievement in Ukrainian militaryhistory.
The thesis presented by O.Bozhko did not lose its relevance because it is the only comprehensive work about the Ukrainian Soviet Army before the military and political union of 1919.
In O.Chihradze’s work there are presented schemes of the Bolshevik forces structure, comparison of the warring parties’ military capability, ethnic composition is mentioned and other issues are considered.
Scientific and popular book written by V.Savchenko is an achievement of historiography. The structure of the book shows the author has thorough knowledge in the topic of military events in Ukraine during 1917 – 1921. However V.Savchenko avoid the implication of archival documents and links for the scientific apparatus on which his work is based.
In general, the problem of Ukrainian Soviet Army, and later Bolshevik forces that have been operating in Ukraine did not become the subject of a separate research in modern Ukrainian historiography. Every of the mentioned researches who worked in it sown field during scientific analysis draws attention to the different aspects of military construction, military activities of the armed forces of the Ukrainian Soviet government and the institutions that are under its controll. In analyzed works the historians raise the question of chronological boundaries of the military actions, compare strength and combat cap ability the of warring armies, tactical and strategic principles of the activities and others. The combination of these aspects shows that inmodern historiography, onthe background of a large number of works about military construction of the UNR and fight on various fronts, there was formed a common vision for the establishment and activities of the main enemy camp in 1917–1921 years – the Red Army.
Key words: the Red army, Ukraine, historiography, bolshevism.
Література – 11
УДК 94(477)
Л.О. Шелюк
Рівненський інститут слов’янознавства
© Шелюк Л.О., 2014
На основі аналізу архівних документів та наукових досліджень показано процес втрати Україною своєї державності в умовах більшовицької окупації.
Ключові слова: Україна, державність, більшовицька окупація, Росія.
The article is based on an analysis of archival documents and scientific studies have shown the loss of Ukraine statehood under Bolshevik occupation. Revealed the main causes and background elimination of state and public structures.
Key words: Ukraine, state system, bolshevist occupation, Russia.
Література – 30
УДК 94(438) “1924 – 1939”
Л.В. Юрчук
Рівненський інститут слов’янознавства
Київського славістичного університету
© Юрчук Л.В., 2014
Автор статті, використовуючи архівні джерела, наукові праці польських істориків, мемуари, польську пресу, з’ясовує форми організації Корпусу охорони прикордоння (КОП) у Волинському воєводстві в 1924–1929 рр. Дослідник аналізує роль КОП у військовій доктрині Польщі та соціально-політичному житті краю.
Ключові слова: архівні джерела, польські історики, мемуари, преса, Волинське воєводство.
In this article the author investigates the ways of the cooperation of the frontier defense Corps with the organs of governmental administration in the strengthening of Polish state system in Volhynia in 1924-1939 as wellas the methods of their realization.
Also the author analyzes the influence of the eultural and educational activity of the Corps as wele its economic activity on the lives of the population in the frontier areas.
Key words: the archived sources, Polish historians, memoirs, press, Volyn province.
Література – 45
УДК 904 (477.43) „11/13”
В. І. Якубовський
Кам’янець-Подільський національний педагогічний університет
© Якубовський В. І., 2014
Досліджуються особливості фортифікаційної системи військово-стратегічних центрів Болохівської землі. На тлі археологічних досліджень автор аналізує стан оборонних споруд в окремих укріплених центрах означеного адміністративного осередку та подає реконструкції однієї з оборонних смуг літописного міста Губина.
Ключові слова: городище, археологічні дослідження, археологічний комплекс, городня, кліть, оборонні споруди, пам’ятка.
This article investigates the features fortification system of military-strategic centers Bolohivskoyi earth. Against the backdrop of archaeological research by analyzing the state of defenses in some fortified centers appointed administrative branch and submit the reconstruction of one of the defensive zone chronicle of Gubin.
Key words: fort, archaeological research archaeological complex, vegetable, crate, defensive structures monument.
Література – 7