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Volume 2, Number 2 (2017)
Alexey Botchkaryov, Yuriy Kraikin
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Computer Engineering Department, 12, S. Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
Authors e-mail: alb2@ukr.net
Submitted on 03.12.2017
© Botchkaryov A., Kraikin Yu.. 2017
Abstract: The problem of wireless sensor-actuator network design as a part of the mobile cyber-physical system is considered. The ways of implementation of the wireless connections scheme are analyzed. The network structure and algorithms of its operation are proposed. The design of the sensor and actuator nodes based on the wireless SoC ESP8266 is presented.
Index Terms: wireless sensor-actuator network, cyber-physical system
Література – 14.
Anatoliy Melnyk
Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
Authors e-mail: aomelnyk@lp.edu.ua
Submitted on 01.12.2017
© Melnyk A., 2017
Abstract: In this paper, after analyzing the known me¬mory access methods, conventional memory organization and its challenging problems, we propose new ordered memory access method and a new type of memory – the ordered access memory. This method is aimed at working with data arrays and provides memory access in the prescribed manner. Proposed method unlike widely used method of sequential memory access allows extending the functionality of the memory as it provides not only sequential, but also any other ordered memory access. Unlike another widely used method of address memory access, the implementation of the proposed method provides parallel conflict-free memory access. It also allows eliminating data binding to a specific memory location that makes it possible to disintegrate the apparatus for data ordering and eliminates the need to store addresses of locations the data are placed in, and the need to submit the address to the address inputs during data writing and reading.
The new method distinctive features compared to the known memory access methods are considered. Input data, their indices and output data of the ordered access memory are described as well as the approaches to this type of memory design and use. The interface of the ordered access memory is considered as well as its advances compared to the random, associative, and sequential access memories. An example of the ordered access memory usage in application-specific processors with parallel and pipeline structures is demonstrated and the results of the ordered access memory implementation in FPGA are considered.
Index Terms: Computer memory, Memory wall, Memory types, Parallel memory, Memory access method, Ordered
Література – 31.
Andriy Salo
Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
Authors e-mail: ansalo@yahoo.com
Submitted on 09.11.2017
© Salo A., 2017
Abstract: Multilevel structure of cyber physical parking lot operation system. Classification of the ways of driver identification has been given. The functions and algorithms of parking lot equipment unit’s work have been described. The succession of cars entering the parking lot has been shown. Structural scheme of parking equipment control board has been suggested. The calculation methods of the configuration parameters for cyber physical parking lots operation system have been produced.
Index Terms: vending, cyber physical systems, vending cyber physical systems, parking lot operation, processing, monitoring, vending machines, server system, database, transaction, configuration, physical world, automated system.
Література – 8.
1Bohdan Stadnyk, 2Thomas Fröhlich, 1Mykola Mykyychuk, 3Ihor Klos,
1Svyatoslav Yatshyshyn, 3Iryna Kalinovska
1Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine;
2Ilmenau University of Technology, 29, Ehrenbergstraße, Ilmenau, 98693, Germany;
3 Scientific and Production Enterprise “Technobalances”, 3, Nadiina str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
Authors e-mail: slav.yat@gmail.com
Submitted on 01.11.2017
© Stadnyk B., Fröhlich T., Mykyychuk V., Klos I., Yatshyshyn S., Kalinovska I., 2017
Abstract: The aspects of design and operation of information measuring subsystem of Cyber-Physical System of coke and chemical plant are considered. This subsystem of mass parameters definition, based on industrial internet, provides coded remote access aiming at the execution of both weighing and verification metrological operations by using an embedded multivalued mass measure. To ensure the quality and reproducibility of Cyber-Physical System a remote access on the basis of TCP/IP protocol to balances was studied and developed. Installation was equipped with the standard built-in mass measure that enabled to perform in-place operations of metro¬lo¬gical checking, verification, calibration etc. not interrupting the production cycle.
Index Terms: information-measuring subsystem, cyber-physical system, coded remote access, embedded multivalued mass measure.
Література – 8.
Elena Nyemkova
Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
Author’s e-mail: cyberlbi12@gmail.com
Submitted on 13.11.2017
© Nyemkova E. 2017
Abstract: The article is devoted to the invariant of internal electrical noise of electronic devices, which are components of cyber-physical systems. Time series of noise signals show chaotic behavior. Invariants are based on the autocorrelation function of dynamic time series. Insignificant differences on the micro-level devices lead to changes in the dynamics of time series. It is shown that the form of the autocorrelation function is unchanged for each electronic device of the cyber-physical system. The dynamic authentication algorithm has been developed, which consists of choosing a range of time series, defining and calculating invariants, making decisions about authentication. The result of the operation of the algorithm can be transferred to the executive mechanism, depending on the practical problems in cyber-physical systems. Also for the pseudorandom sequence of the embedded program generator, the following values are predicted on the basis of invariants. Estimated errors are calculated.
Index Terms: autocorrelation function, dynamic authentication, cyber-physical systems, chaotic time series, internal electrical noise signals.
Література – 20.
Valerii Hlukhov, Andrii Kostyk, Ivan Zholubak, Mohammed Rahma
Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
Authors e-mail: glukhov@polynet.lviv.ua
Submitted on 01.12.2017
© Hlukhov V., Kostyk A., Zholubak I., Rahma M., 2017
Abstract: Currently, elliptic curves are the mathematical basis for digital signature processing. Elliptic curve points processing is based on the performance of operations in Galois field GF(2m) in normal or polynomial bases. Characteristics of multipliers for these bases are different. In this paper, the time complexity of software multipliers for binary Galois fields GF(2m) and fields GF(dn) was investigated. Fields with approximately the same number of elements were investigated. Elements of these fields were represented in a polynomial basis. It is established that the Galois field GF(3т) provides the greatest time complexity of software multiplication, and the prime Galois field GF(P) has the least time complexity. It is also shown that the use of polynomial basis allows, in contrast to the normal basis, to realize larger part of multiplier on FPGA chip.
Index Terms: Structural complexity, time complexity, Galois fields, extended fields, field degree, field order, normal basis, polynomial basis, multiplier.
Література – 17.