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№ 86 (2017)
Requirements for papers arrangment for journal
“Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Survey”
Technical requirements for papers arrangement
for journal “Geodesy, Cartography and Aerial Survey”
UDC 528.66
Institute of geodesy, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine, e-mail: tach@i.ua
Purpose. The purpose of this study is to determine the reliability of the results obtained using a fully automatic method for orienting scans. The results are determined in two different common software tools and compared with the results of scanning scans by combining common points using special marks – 3D spheres. Methodology. A technique is proposed based on the creation of several scanning stations at a short distance and one at a relatively larger distance. One of the distant from the scanned stations will be determined by the basic. This station should cover all the reference points and objects, which will be used to register the scans, as well as most of the scanned object. The control of the obtained results will be carried out by modeling the surface of 3D spheres and their comparatively. Results. In 2015, during archaeological excavations at the corner of Krakow-Armenian streets, the task was to fix the boulders of historical buildings. These residues were a wall with a length of about 24 m. To ensure the completeness of the information, a terrestrial laser scanning was used as an optimal method for 3D surveying of long complex structures in the structure of objects. For a minimal effect of the orientation error of scans and a reduction in the preparatory work for scanning, the baseline scan method with a high overlap level was used and the results of the scanning orientation were investigated. Originality. The proposed technique for performing terrestrail laser scanning provides an iterative method of searching for the closest point. The way to monitor the results obtained is the most reliable from a practical point of view, because it is based on comparison of the location of point groups and 3D modeling. Practical significance. The use of the applied methods makes it possible to significantly shorten the time for conducting field work on laser scanning, to obtain data with minimal influence of the misleading registration of scans.
Key words: terrestrial laser scanning; methods for 3D scans registration; iterative closest point; scan registration error.
Література – 14.
UDC 528.2
Department of Higher Geodesy and Astronomy, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 6, Karpinsky str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine,
e-mail: teojuman@gmail.com
Aim. There are many methods for modeling a regional gravitational field in which the Legendre spherical functions of integer degree of the real order are used. They relate, however, mainly to the region which form represents a segment of the sphere. In addition, for their use, the input data must be transformed into a sphere segment with its center at the north pole. The aim of this work is to find a system of functions that would have orthogonal properties on an arbitrary spherical trapezium, as well as researching the properties of such a system. Method. Based on the Legendre spherical functions on the spherical segment, an orthogonal system of functions to an arbitrary spherical trapezoid was developed. Such functions can not be explicitly stated, nor do they have recurring relationships. Results. This article examines the associated Legandre spherical functions on the spherical trapezium where the functions are orthogonal and provide the formulas for defining the norms of these functions. The obtained functions can be used to build regional models of the gravitational fields on the arbitrary spherical trapezium. The orthogonality of the functions ensures a sustainable solution when determining the unknown model coefficients. To model the regional gravitational field with high accuracy, it is necessary to grid the input data (define the transformants of the geopotential), and then use the partial discrete orthogonality of these functions in longitudial direction or full discrete orthogonality similar to the second Neumann’s method. This allows significant reduction of computing time without any loss of accuracy, as the functions under study do not have any recursive relations and it is required to use the decomposition into the hypergeometric series to define these functions. The scientific novelty and practical significance. In this paper we first obtained a system of functions that were orthogonally consistent to an arbitrary spherical trapezium. It can be used to construct a regional gravitational field, a regional magnetic field, and also for high-precision interpolation or approximation tasks, for example the construction of a regional ionosphere model.
Key words: spherical functions, spherical trapezium, orthogonality.
Література – 7.
UDC 528.71
1 Department of Cartography and Geospatial Modeling, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine, tel.: 098-71-31-398, e-mail: viktor.lozynskyi@gmail.com
2 Department of Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine
Aim. An annual increase in the amount of wasteburied at the solid waste landfill has forced the necessity to control activity of such communal and private enterprises and carry out both ecological and engineering performance monitoring. The parameters controlled by engineering monitoring include geometric size of land parcels, size and dynamics of the waste body, control for spreading of sewage disposal, and other numerical parameters which can be obtained by geodesic methods and by means of remote measuring. To define particularities of performance of solid waste landfills in the past, it is important to use data from archive paper maps and materials from aerial surveys. These materials can be used to solve some scientific and practical tasks, and thus, there is a need to design a correct presentation of archive data in geoinformational systems and develop technologies to acquire geodata from archive maps and images by means of modern instruments. The main aim of the work is to determine space-time peculiarities of the performance of the Lviv city landfill for the last 60 years. Methodology and results of the work. According to the set goal, the authors of this article collected and analyzed archive cartographic materials, designed from 1950 to 2006 in the territory of Lviv city landfill. Using topographic maps of 1972, 1985, 1991, drawn at the scales of
1: 10 000 and 1: 25 000. The research determines the area of the land of waste storage for the corresponding period and defines space-time peculiarities of the landfill performance. The work studies archive aerial images of 1988, making a base for the development of a digital terrain model for the determination of the quantitative parameters of the Lviv city landfill, in particular its area and capacity. Basing on the topographic plan of 2006, the work developed a digital terrain model. Scientific novelty and practical value. In Ukraine, retrospective-geographic analysis of the Lviv city landfill in the period from 1950-2006, was first made from the base of archive materials. Results of the analysis supply a possibility to define tendencies of changes of space-time particularities of its performance, which include the design of digital terrain models and determination of geometric parameters of the solid waste landfill. The obtained results of geoinformational modelling presented in the work can serve for specialists in the field of waste handling (specialists of housing and utilities infrastructure, ecological inspection, and scientific-research organizations) to control the keeping to the rules of solid waste landfill misuse.
Key words: solid waste landfill, archive maps and plans, archive materials of aerial survey, digital terrain model, comparison of topographic surfaces.
Література – 21.
Вимоги до оформлення статей збірника “Геодезія, картографія і аерофотознімання”
UDC 332.5
1 Department of Cadastre of Territories, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine,
tel.: +38 (032) 2582631, e-mail: lev.perovych@gmail.com
2 Department of Cadastre of Territories, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine,
tel.: +38 (096) 6752001, e-mail: dariakereush@gmail.com
Purpose. The use of ground-mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) power plants to generate electricity has increased substantially worldwide over the past decade. This growth has been driven by policy incentives such as feed-in tariff, as well as low cost and high performance of solar panels. As the use of solar PV farms grows, the need to find the best locations for them will also increase. Optimally siting PV farms is important for maximizing beneficial characteristics of projects while minimizing negative ones. Specifically, optimal siting can maximize projects’ power generation while minimizing costs, and environmental, and social impacts. Therefore, the purpose is to design a technology which will realize an integrated framework to evaluate land suitability for the optimal locations of photo-voltaic solar power plants. Methods. This study develops a method to utilize a technology for identifying optimal locations for the construction of solar photo-voltaic power plants. It will realize an integrated framework to evaluate land suitability, which is based on a combination of GIS and remote sensing techniques (satellite image classification). The research work is realized by the exclusive use of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software). Results. The reliability of the technology for support decision makers in planning renewable solar energy development is testified and proven in the “pilot” Zastavna district in Chernivtsi region (Ukraine). Data Processing stage is divided into two parts: evaluation and exclusion criteria processing. On the final Map of Land Suitability for Solar PV power plants 58 potential most optimal sites for solar photovoltaic ground-mounted farms` construction were determined with a total area of 7.44 sq.km (743.91 ha) which is 1.2 % of “pilot” district area. To highlight commercial viability of chosen sites it is proposed to estimate how much energy could be produced by establishing on one experimental area a solar PV farm. As a tool for parameters` processing and estimation of grid-connected PV solar farm performance, “PVGIS” web application (EC JRC) was used. Therefore, the Annual Performance of PV utility on experimental area was near 250 MWh with an optimal slope (tilt) of the panels – 360. Total loss in this case is 20.3 %. Scientific novelty and practical significance. A comprehensive analysis of natural factors that influence the choice of the solar farm location, as well as the use of remote sensing and multi-criteria decision analysis methods for obtaining the final map are provided. According to literature reviews, expert opinions and international experiences it is proposed to classify particular criteria into multiple ranges based on suitability. For the first time in Ukraine, in particular, in Zastavna district (Chernivtsi region), reliable data on the optimal location of photovoltaic solar power plant construction are obtained. It should be noted that it is proposed to use only data that is freely available on Internet, free open source software.
Key words: solar photovoltaic power plants; technology; optimal site selection; criteria; GIS; Remote Sensing; FOSS.
Література – 16.
UDC 528.9
1 Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 44, Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
e-mail: golubtsovoleksandr@gmail.com01034,
2 Department of cartography and geospatial modelling, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine, e-mail: sossaua@gmail.com.
The aim. The aim of this research is a conceptual approach processing and elaboration of methodological designing principles of the interactive web application “Sites of commemoration of the Ukrainian revolution
1917–1921”, its structure and content; and the processing of a project implementation technical plan. Methods and results of work. The Ukrainian revolution 1917–1921 was a significant step in the history of Ukrainian state formation. An effective way to inform the society about these events is publishing and spreading through the Internet of the interactive cartographic web application, developed by means of Geographic Information System technologies. The principles of organization of the information about the sites of commemoration of the Ukrainian revolution have been processed and data distribution in two levels has been suggested: time-based (three forms of state government are established in chronological order) and event-based (within these forms of state government). Geological Information System is considered not only as a set of geoprocessing and geodata management tools, but also as a method of communication and information delivery to users through the Internet. The ESRI Inc software product line has been used in the development of the interactive web application. The works on creation of a source geodatabase, basic and thematic maps development and editing, have been carried out in the ArcGIS for Desktop software environment. The initial preparation of the map web-layers (styles, signatures and display scales setting) and web-layers publishing are performed in ArcGis Pro. The ArcGIS Online cloud service and the ArcGIS Online site designer have been used at the final stage of the cartographic web application development. The requirements to the specialized online-product have been defined and the advantages of web-mapping technologies usage have been justified. The development of such a product is performed by creating of an interactive cartographic web application (Web-App) on the ArcGIS Online platform. Web-App is complemented with and connected to the media-content (photos, illustrations, videos, texts). The Web-App’s functionality is ensured by usage of customizable widgets that not only provide the web-map interactivity (timeline map, pop-up windows) but also give the possibility of map analysis (advanced search by the map objects, finding of objects within a given radius). The collection of data on commemoration sites can be distributed among different state academic institutions. The database development is recommended to execute in digital tables MS Excel or Google tables / Forms which can be exported into attributive tables of spatial data classes in GIS. All the received information is processed and organized into the file geodatabase, consisting of the sets of object classes, for the purpose of holistic preservation and effective commemoration of sites` data management. The sets of object classes are created in the WGS 1984 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere) coordinate system, which is used while creating web maps and web applications. Two databases are used for base mapping in the project: with a basic scale of 1:100 000 for the territory of Ukraine and a basic scale of 1:10 000 for large cities. A demo version of the mapping interactive web application “Sites of commemoration of the Ukrainian revolution 1917–1921” for Kyiv city has been developed as an example of implementation of the processed conception. Scientific novelty and practical significance. For the first time in Ukraine the development conception of the interactive web map “Sites of commemoration of the Ukrainian revolution 1917–1921” which is based on modern geoinformation mapping methods, has been processed in order to restore and preserve the nation’s memory. Methodological principles of the interactive cartographic web application, its structure, and content development have been elaborated.
Key words: geological information systems, interactive web-application, web-mapping, sites of commemoration, Ukrainian revolution, ArcGIS Online.
Література – 17.
UDC 004.91
Land management and cadastre department, Uzghhorod national university, 14, Universytetska, Uzghhorod, 88000, Ukraine,
e-mail: roman.peresoliak@gmail.com.
Purpose. Given the importance of the land cadastre, the quality of the cadastral exchange file plays an extremely important role, both for the land cadastre and for all other cadastres as a whole. Despite the widespread use of cadastral XML exchange file formats in the field of land management, the lack of a sufficient understanding of the conceptual peculiarities of this thesaurus does not allow us to fully disclose its potential or functionally improve the cadastral exchange file and cadastral system of Ukraine. The materials of this article outline widely known files in the field of land management from a new point of view, such as the markup language. This article gives a detailed analysis and shows the disadvantages of the cadastral exchange file structure elements performed using XML technology. Result. Changing the point of view of the cadastral file offered by this article improves the mechanism for making changes to the structure of the cadastral exchange file and to directly identify it. Based on the analysis of the disadvantages of the existing station cadastral file sharing, a new design cadastral file sharing system was developed. In this work, manifestations of unproduction of the structure of the cadastral file and its uncontrollable dynamic changes where demonstrated. At the time of writing this article version 7 was available for the language determinant. Despite the fact that this determinant is developed solely for internal use in the Digitals environment, but with the absence of the same determinant specified by law leads to the arbitrary interpretation of the fidelity of the structure of the cadastral file implemented by software tools, such as Digitals and others. Scientific innovation. The obtained results give the opportunity to use them as a basis for further improvement of cadastral exchange files, as well as to eliminate existing disadvantages and differences with regulatory acts for cadastral file aspects and structure definition.
Key words: cadastral exchange file; xml; markup language; cadastre.
Література – 15.
UDC 528.3
Department of Geodesy, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine,
e-mail: periy_ss@ukr.net, tetiasek@gmail.com
Aim. To investigate the possibilities of applying non-simultaneous reciprocal trigonometrical levelling over water surfaces while partially taking into account vertical refraction. Methodology. Experimental investigations of vertical refraction over water surfaces during day time on a plain and hilly terrains in summer. Non-simultaneous reciprocal observations were made over different water surfaces with the use of an automated electronic tachymeter. For comparing the results, the elevations between the points of observation were determined by the method of geometric levelling. Results. Average integral quantities of vertical refraction have been computed. It has been revealed that either stable or unstable stratification of the terrestrial atmospheric layer can set in over the water surfaces. Average integral components of vertical refraction have been computed from the results of reciprocal observations and the extent of the fluctuations of zenith distances. The elevations obtained as a result of non-simultaneous reciprocal levelling with vertical refraction in the presence of fluctuations of zenith distances have been compared with those obtained from the equivalent heights elevations obtained by geometric levelling. Scientific novelty. The formulas for computing the abnormal component of vertical refraction according to reciprocal linear-angular observations, as well as for computing the extent of the fluctuation of zenith distances during reciprocal observation have been obtained. Practical applicability. The possibility of applying non-simultaneous reciprocal trigonometric levelling on the routs under 1 km in length instead of geometric levelling over water surfaces.
Key words. Trigonometric levelling, geometric levelling, vertical refraction, index of vertical refraction, fluctuations of zenith distances, automated electronic tachymeter.
Література – 19.
UDC 528.3
1 Department of Higher Geodesy and Astronomy, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine, e-mail: ssavchuk@polynet.lviv.ua
2 Department of Geodesy and Cartography, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, 11, Soborna str., Rivne, 33028, Ukraine, tel.: +38(096)7488449; e-mail: oleksandrtad@gmail.com; prokopchuka@ukr.net
Aim. This article analyses the modern usage of GNSS data for solving problems in geodynamics and examines the level of data suitability for estimation of regional motion and deformations of the Earth’s surface according to their accuracy and the overall time of observation during which the representative estimation results can be provided. Method. This research was prompted by the following factors: absence of clearly established motion parameters of lithospheric plates; different strategies in processing observations and related software; unregulated minimum duration of observations; the need to increase the density of the area coverage; the need to use numerous stations for specification of tectonic models, deformation analysis, area zoning, and identification of anomalous zones of potentially dangerous geological processes. As input data, we chose three public bases of time coordinate series of stations within the Eurasian plate in Europe that are in the SOPAC archive: SIO database, formed as a result of processed observations in GAMIT-GLOBK (177 stations), and two JPL databases (204 stations) where coordinate series are obtained by processing observations using GIPSY-OASIS and combined QOCA-solution. Subject to empirical investigation for each database were coordinate series during the period 1.01.2005–1.01.2015 with a one month sampling interval. The experiment aimed at determining such integrated motion parameters of the surface under study like the weighted arithmetic linear offsets, vector length and direction, and velocity. These parameters are computed for all stations after their culling according to two formal representativeness criteria: 1) absolute values of stations offsets are greater than their average squared errors; 2) absolute values of an offset are greater than their marginal errors. According to these criteria, we determined stations that were culled most often and, thus, needed to thoroughly and individually analyzed during their usage for the purposes of geodynamics. Results. The experiment results showed that the minimal duration of observations is not constant and must be determined for each set of empirical data. According to the most optimistic estimates, the millimeter accuracy of motion parameters computation can be achieved after more than 2.5 years observation and usage of coordinate time series of the JPL (QOCA) database. This period is achieved using both criteria for culling of the observation period of 2005–2008 that approximately fits the limits of the official ITRF version. The centimeter accuracy under the same conditions can be achieved after more than 0.8 of a year. For the entire 10 year research period, the specified periods are more than doubled. The only explanation for such considerable differences is that they are the consequence of the motion and unadjusted position of the origin of the ITRS. The scientific novelty and practical significance. The obtained results indicate that there is a need to introduce a modern ITRF and to adjust the position of the origin more frequently. If the specified minimal periods are adhered to, the culling according to the marginal criterion is inappropriate because as a result many stations are discarded. The experiment results proved the advantages of QOCA solutions in terms of usage of the obtained coordinate time series comparing to GIPSY-OASIS and GAMIT-GLOBK.
Key words: GNSS observations; accuracy of coordinate time series; recent crystal motion; linear displacements and velocities.
Література – 27.
Технічні вимоги до оформлення статей збірника
“Геодезія, картографія і аерофотознімання”