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Стоцько Р. З. Архітектурні та історичні особливості духовно-просвітницького центру УГКЦ в с. Скнилів
УДК 725.82
Р. З. Стоцько
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра дизайну архітектурного середовища
© Стоцько Р. З., 2016
Висвітлено і проаналізовано історичні аспекти, сучасний стан та перспективи розвитку архітектури комплексу будівель Духовно-просвітницького центру Української Греко-Католицької Церкви ім. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького в с. Скнилів Пустомитівського району Львівської області; подано пропозиції щодо архітектурно-планувальної організації цього центру в контексті інтеграції духовної освіти у навчальні програми Скнилівської сільської школи та дитсадка.
Ключові слова: історія, духовна освіта, церква, монастир, сакральна архітектура, духовно-гуманітарний простір, навчальні заклади.
R. Stotsko
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Department of Architectural Environment Design
Stotsko R., 2016
The article highlights and analyzes the historical aspects, the current state and the perspectives for development of the architectural building complex of the Theological Educational Center of the Greek Catholic Church named after Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi in Sknyliv. It gives suggestions concerning the architectural and planning organization of the above mentioned Center within the framework of integrating theological education with secular educational institutions of the village.
During the period of social upheaval, it is particularly important to restore the spiritual core of our nation by creating theological and educational centers that would act as structures integrating theological and secular education. One of such centers named after Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi appeared in Sknyliv, Pustomyty district, Lviv region, on the lands that were bought by the Metropolitan in early XX c. for establishing monasteries and attached schools. The architectural component of this socially significant project requires conducting profound research and giving suggestions regarding space organization, building design and stylistic decisions for the whole theological and educational complex. In the light of new ideas of economic, political and social life decentralization, the Ukrainian society pays more and more attention to the development of small towns and villages. Sknyliv is one of such unique settlements with rich spiritual history, which should be investigated in different aspects. In the year of 150th anniversary of birth of a great spiritual leader of Halychyna Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi, the current article raises for the first time the question of restoring Theological Educational Center founded by the Metropolitan before the World War II. It investigates the history and architecture of buildings of the mentioned center and highlights the perspectives for development of architectural and planning organization of the spiritual, educational and cultural center of Sknyliv village.
The rich and dramatic history of the Sknyliv village, as well as the events unfolding in different time and space, which are connected with the figure of the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi and his aspiration to develop education on the religious grounds encourage us to conduct the scientific research and implement the conception of the united theological and humanitarian education by means of creating the theological and educational center in the Sknyliv village and designing the architecture of the center bearing in mind the historical aspects, the modern theological and educational needs of the community and the project vision of the village development and the spiritual life of its citizens. The research of the historic events, the activity of the proclaimed public figures, the spiritual and social life of Sknyliv and its architecture has shown that the architectural and space-planning design and the artistic and stylistic solutions of the buildings, constructions and spaces of the theological and educational center depend on multiple factors, the most important among which are the following: spiritual and historic factor, city-planning factor, functional factor, nature-climatic factor, national architectural and building traditions factor and economic factor. Taking into account the influence of the above mentioned factors on the architecture of the theological and educational center of the Sknyliv village, it is recommended to consider the following conditions in the process of designing the buildings, constructions and spaces of the center: the mandatory list of the existing and planned objects, the required set of accommodations therein, the provision of the necessary facilities on site, the dominant feature of which should be the monument of the Metropolitan Andrey with the cobweb of alleys, the design of recreation zones and installation of small architectural forms, the arrangement of transport entrances and parking lots, and the general stylistic combination of the existing objects with those that are planned.
Key words: history, theological education, church, monastery, sacred architecture, spiritual and humanitarian space, educational institutions.
Література – 10.