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Карий О. І., Подвальна Г. В. Логістична інфраструктура України у світових рейтингах
УДК 339.188.4
О. І. Карий, Г. В. Подвальна*
Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»,
кафедра менеджменту організації,
*кафедра маркетингу і логістики
© Карий О. І., Подвальна Г. В., 2017
У статті розглянуто міжнародні рейтинги логістичної інфраструктури за країнами та регіонами, проаналізовано місце України у цих рейтингах. Продемонстровано проблеми розвитку складових логістичної інфраструктури відносно видів транспорту та представлено перспективи їхнього розвитку у світлі інтеграції нашої держави в світовий економічний простір та європейську логістичну інфраструктуру.
Ключові слова: логістична інфраструктура, рейтинг розвитку логістичної інфра¬структури, транспорт.
O. Karyy, H. Podvalna *
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Management of Organizations Department,
*Marketing and Logistics Department
© Karyy О., Podvalna H., 2017
The analysis of international rankings of logistic infrastructure by country and region, analysis of the place of Ukraine in these rankings are made in the article. In particular, Logistics Performance Index (LPI) shows that Ukraine performs one and a half worse than the leader – Germany. Ukraine shows a negative trend of LPI even against countries with lower average incomes. The undisputed leader in this group is India. Ukraine occupies only 35th place in accordance with the index of developing logistics markets, according to the Agility Emerging Markets Logistics Index. Ukraine ranked 137th out of 144 in the road quality rating from the World Economic Forum. The problems of the components of logistic infrastructure in terms of types of transport development are demonstrated, and the prospects of their development in the light of integration of our state into the world economic space and European logistics infrastructure are presented. The main problems of virtually all structural elements of logistic infrastructure in Ukraine are the high level of its physical and moral deterioration. In fact, the logistics infrastructure of all types of transport for years has not been properly supported, has not been updated and now does not meet the requirements of international logistics operators. The development of transport infrastructure is an important factor not only for integrating Ukraine into the world economic market, but also for integrating the social and economic space of Ukraine, which not only links the regional system of settlement and production but also contributes to the specialization and co-operation of economic agents. The modernization of logistic infrastructures, which has remained since the 90s of the previous century, raises not only the task of replacing obsolete equipment and engineering structures, but it also requires complex and systematic reengineering of logistic infrastructure in accordance with new technologies of freight flows processing. Accordingly, the problems of research of implementation of innovations into logistic infrastructure are raising their importance.
Key words: logistic infrastructure, international rankings of logistic infrastructure, transport.
Література – 20.