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Volume 4, Number 1 (2017)
UDC 339.137.22:654.072
N. Kosar
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
N. Kuzo
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Abstract. It has been established that despite the global trends, in Ukraine, the number of subscribers to services of mobile operators reduced. In order to strengthen the competitive position of mobile operators it is proposed to increase the level of the services provided in customer service centers, based on the evaluation of their current level. The research proved that special attention should be given firstly to the reduction of the waiting time of customers, to the increase of the speed of service provision as well as professionalism of the employees, providing consultation services.
Keywords: mobile communication, market of services, mobile connections, customer service centers, level of service.
Кількість посилань 22
UDC 658: 005.3: 621 (477.8): 631.16
O. Kuzmin
Doctor of Economics, Professor
I. Prokopenko
PhD student
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Abstract. The article presents the results of building a model of economic evaluation of intellectual capital (IC) of machine-building enterprises suitable for the IC current level, its individual components and their potential. A typology of factors influencing the choice of IC evaluation methods in the industry has been developed. Factors of internal and external environment are described to consider when choosing a basic evaluation method of IC in machine-building enterprises, the direction and the impact of these factors in the current economic conditions in Ukraine being determined.The basic matrix selection method of evaluation of IC of machine-building enterprise, grounded priorities and a combination of different evaluation methods by defining their weighted grades are constructed. The graphical model of economic evaluation of machine-building enterprises IC and its development potential is designed. According to this model, indicators of the level of development of IC and its components in their cost measurement are calculated.
Keywords: intellectual capital, human capital, consumer capital, institutional capital, economic evaluation, development potential.
Кількість посилань 14
UDC 330.341.1
O. Kuzmin
Doctor of Economic Science, Professor
N. Stanasyuk
Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor
Lviv Polytechnic National University
M. Olikhovska
Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor
Lviv Institute of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management
Аbstract. In modern conditions, the role of industrial potential is increasing, which will ensure the modernization of the national economy. The emergence of crisis phenomena of clusterization in the industrial sector of the state is deepening due to the lack of directions in the management of its development. Therefore, the purpose of our article is to study the peculiarities and benefits of using the cluster approach in the management of industrial potential, to identify the main disadvantages of domestic clustering, taking into account foreign experience, and to elaborate of proposals for the development of industrial clusters in Ukraine.
The article deals with the economic interpretation of the term ”cluster” and highlights the main characteristics and factors of the cluster problem presented in the scientific papers of scientists. The authors ground the main advantages of the cluster approach to the development of industrial potential and identify the main obstacles to the successful application of clustering in Ukraine. The relationship between the benefits and results of the application of the cluster approach for the formation of innovation-industrial policy in the state is established. During the research, the world experience in applying the cluster policy mechanism has been studied, and the directions of state support in the formation of favourable conditions for the development of clusters in industry have been proposed.
Keywords: cluster, cluster approach, clustering, industrial cluster, industrial potential.
Кількість посилань 21
UDC 657.4: 658.12
O. Kuzmin
Doctor of Economics, Professor
Lviv Polytechnic National University
N. Tsisar
PhD in Linguistics, Associate Professor
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
M. Yastrubskyy
PhD in Economics, Associate Professsor
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Abstract. The article proposes the concept of harmonious development and state regulation of the activities of higher education institutions with the aim of its adaptation in the system of higher education in Ukraine. The preconditions that lead to the development and introduction of a qualitatively new way of development of higher education are outlined. The main characteristics of the harmonious path of development are presented. As an example, the harmonious functioning of the Shanghai International Studies University is considered. The combination of the American approach to the organization of higher education with the traditions of the East is described. Emphasis is placed on the factor of mentality when organizing the university education system. The work focuses on the expansion of student international horizons, the priority of international development of the university. The influence of the university on the formation of general public opinion in China is indicated, and the university’s role in the adoption of diplomatic decisions is noted. The role of research institutes and university centers united in one academic space with the help of powerful multilingual programmes and interdisciplinary resources is emphasized. The importance of internship visits within China and abroad to exchange scientific and academic achievements and experience in higher education has been emphasized. The accent is made on the close connection of the University with the state administration, which is manifested at the level of discipline selection, the regulation of the system of faculties or specialties corresponding to the needs of the region or the country as a whole. On the basis of the survey, a scheme for the harmonization of the development of a higher educational institution was developed. There is offered the method of implementing harmonious development and state regulation of Ukrainian higher education institutions as a result of attracting effective factors, which will allow to succeed in the project realization.
Key words: harmonious development, higher education institution, state regulation, concept, foreign experience.
Кількість посилань 10
UDC 658.5
N. Lytvynenko
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Abstract. Modern approaches to the organization of effective control system, which is considered as a component of effective activity and development of enterprises, institutions and organizations, are summarized. The following basic objects of control organization: the structure of the controlling authorities, work of responsible parties, control maintenance, technology of the control process, program of the control system development, are formulated It is substantiated that the structured combination in the system interconnection of the above-mentioned objects of the control organization provides an integrated approach for rational construction of the system of organization of external and internal control.
Key words: control, the organization of the control process, objects of the control organization, the structure of the controlling authorities, control maintenance, the technology of control process, work of responsible parties, the program of the control system development.
Кількість посилань 15
UDK: 339.14
T. Nakonechna
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
N. Hryniv
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Abstract. The authors emphasize the special significance of customer service on the primary market of residential real estate. There is carried out segmentation of the primary real estate market with the account of such a criterion as a residential housing class. There are singled out the following segments of this market: premium-segment, business-segment, comfort-segment, and economy-segment. The features of each market segment are described. An analysis of the cost of housing on the primary real estate market is carried out, depending on the readiness of the facility, namely: “foundation pit”, “foundation”, “readiness of floors”, “the gray key readiness” and the supply of housing in the primary real estate market. A detailed elaboration of strategies for cooperation with clients in the primary real estate market and strategies for establishing cooperation “client-enterprise” for certain segments of the primary real estate market are proposed. The strategy of servicing the clients of the primary real estate market according to the specifics of the product and services programmes is offered.
Key words: segmentation, service, client, strategy, market, competitiveness.
Кількість посилань 24
UDC 338.43: 658.4
O. Stets
PhD student
Ye. Krykavskyy
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Abstract. It has been found that optimum distribution of incomes has undergone certain transformational changes in current market conditions. Thus, internationally, the largest share of income (60 %) is the salary, while in Ukraine it makes only up to 35 % of the total income. Other 65 % comes from other sources. The purchasing power of the population is an important factor. In general, it has been proved (based on the average salary) that Ukrainians spend more than 50 % of their income on food.
Main suppliers and brands operating on the Ukrainian dairy products market (Molokiya™, Yagotynske™, Bila Linia™, Voloshkove Pole™, Slovianochka™, Activia™, Prostokvashino™, Galychyna™) have been assessed under such criteria as target audience, consumption purpose and product value. It has been established that there is a segment of premium goods consumers on the milk market who are ready to pay more for high quality products.
The expediency of introducing non-traditional methods of competition on the fast moving consumer goods markets has been substantiated. The most common example of such market is the market of dairy products, which are reasonably priced and have high level of nutrients, ensuring proper, normalized human diet.
The effectiveness of implementing innovative solutions to the marketing-mix development has been identified, the solutions focusing on such human values as natural and healthy food, environmentally friendly attitude (Fresh Milk technology, Pure-Pak Sense Aseptic packing).
It has been established that due to active use and modification of traditional marketing tools, Ternopil Dairy Factory PJSC (Molokiya™) showed impressive results as for the market share and geographic coverage of the market. The basis of these decisions was value-oriented approach, i.e. focusing marketing activities not only on the product and the customer, but also on the traditional human values that are often not directly related to any goods or consumers. These are the following three topical areas:
– in the product policy – creation and/or modification of the products included in the healthy food diet with maximum preservation of natural properties;
– in the distribution policy – dramatic shortening of the production-consumption cycle, resulting in a very slight loss of natural properties, thus, radical reduction of the requirements for protective functions of packaging;
– in the distribution policy – maximum convenience of dairy products complete use and packaging recycling.
Keywords: dairy market, marketing-mix innovative solutions, human values.
Кількість посилань 13
UDС 331.556.46 (410)
V. Voytsekhovska
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
A. Symak
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Abstract. In the article the recent immigration processes in the UK are studied. The key factors, which influence the global immigration policies, are considered.
The study is dedicated to the contemporary immigration processes in different countries and from different prospectives. The key factors, which influence global immigration processes were identified.
The significant difference in income inequality is observed, and the study of International Monetary Fund shows that as inequality increases, the growth decreases and will continue to do so in the future. The effect that the employment of immigrants has on the wages of workers depends heavily on the nature of the labour if immigrant labour is complementary to the labour and skills of native workers, it is likely to have a positive effect on wages. The extent to which immigrant labour is complementary or substitutable can also influence the long-run and short-run effects of immigrant labour. Substitutive immigrant labour provides competition for the native citizens, therefore decreasing the average wage in the host country. Nevertheless, in the long term, because a larger proportion of working immigrants can lead to an increase in productivity and consumption, the investment will also rise, so households will have more benefits. In such a way the presence of immigrants in the workplace helps the productive potential of the economy. These factors could benefit the host country, since they outweigh the loss made initially when immigrant labour is substitutive and lowers the average wage through increasing employment. The conclusion is made conserning the immigration trends and factors, which is necessary for the decision making for better immigration processes in Europe and the UK, in particular.
Keywords: immigration processes, labour market, wages, immigration policy.
Кількість посилань 111
UDC 005.3:621:330.14
I. Yaremko
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
V. Karkovska
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lead. The article demonstrates a factor model of due performance of all norms and rules by officials in a governmental body. It singularizes the following basic indices of the factor model: index of official’s adherence to rules and norms and performance of them; index of adherence to rules and norms and performance of them during inspection in a governmental body by an employee of an organization, performing the inspection; index of safety of governmental bodies, covering the whole of statistic reporting regarding violations of this governmental body. It substantiates the opportunity of using the factor model for assessment of governmental officials’ activity results.
Keywords. Governmental bodies, assessment of officials’ activity results, factor model, official’s adherence to rules and norms and performance of them, level of knowledge, level of violations.
Кількість посилань 8
UDC 336.22
A. Zagorodniy
PhD in Economics, Professor
V. Olikhovskyi
PhD Student, Assistant
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Abstract. One of the main tasks of financial and economic activities of the enterprise is the receipt of a profit, which remains at its disposal after the payment of taxes and other mandatory payments. Therefore, the focus of enterprise management should be on increasing revenues, reducing costs and minimizing tax payments.
For the effective enterprise management work on minimizing tax payments, the authors offer to use a systematic approach to the organization of tax planning at the enterprise, which is a new concept of tax planning.
In the article the essence of the term “concept of tax planning” and its components is disclosed, the principles of tax planning are studied and the content of each of them is shown up, as well as the methods of tax planning and the sequence of their use. The authors offer to distinguish three groups of special methods of tax planning, consider tax planning tools and ground the sequence of steps for the development of tax planning tools.
Keywords: taxes, tax planning, minimization of tax payments, concept of tax planning, principles of tax planning, methods of tax planning, tools of tax planning, schemes of tax planning.
Кількість посилань 22
UDC 378.1
L. Zhuk
PhD, Associate Professor
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Abstract. The article analyzes basic principles and specifics of managing and financing research activities in higher education institutions. The state of scientific research and the sources of its financing are analyzed, problems and prospects of scientific activities are explored. The necessity of introduction and implementation of state target scientific and technical programmes, as well as procedures of state certification of scientific activities of higher education institutions is justified. Recommendations for improving management and financing of scientific research are formulated.
Keywords: higher education institutions, management of scientific activities, financing of scientific research.
Кількість посилань 33