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- Вісник Національного університету „Львівська політехніка”
- Фірмова продукція
№ 893 (2018)
Баб’як В. І. Архітектурна складова у педагогічній технології інтеграції мігрантів у нове суспільство
УДК 728
В. І. Баб’як
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра архітектурного проектування та інженерії
© Баб’як В. І., 2018
Розглянуто передумови створення номенклатури спеціалізованого житла для мігрантів. Архітектурно-планувальні рішення висвітлено як один з методів розв’язання глобальних викликів ХХІ століття. Педагогіка, а саме педагогічна технологія у разі взаємозв’язку із засобами архітектури здатні стимулювати мігрантів до інтеграції у нове суспільство. Проблемам якісної інтеграції мігрантів у нове суспільство приділено мало уваги, не розкрито потенціалу інтеграції мігрантів через житло. Мало дослідженою залишається тема локалізації житла для мігрантів у структуру міста та її зв'язок з рівнем інтеграції в соціум та культуру приймаючого суспільства. Поза увагою багатьох досліджень залишається можливість застосування квартир малих площ, міні квартир, квартир з покімнатного заселення, житлових одиниць капсульного типу.
Ключові слова: житло для мігрантів, педагогічна технологія, модернізм, типи житла, інтеграція мігрантів у суспільство.
Кількість посилань 16
V. Babyak,
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Department of Architectural Design and Engineering
© Babyak V., 2018
The article considers the preconditions for the creation of a range of specialized housing for migrants. Architectural and planning decisions are shown as a method of solving the global challenges of the twenty-first century. Pedagogy (namely, pedagogical technology), in conjunction with the means of architecture, can stimulate migrants to integrate into a new society. The problems of quality integration of migrants into a new society are being paid little attention. The potential of integration of migrants through housing is not disclosed. The topic of localization of housing for migrants in the structure of the city, has been little research. And the relationship of housing localization level of integration of migrants into the society and culture of the host society. Without attention to many scientificresearch is the possibility of using apartments of small areas, mini apartments, apartments in a residential room, capsule dwelling.
In modern conditions, it is difficult to solve specific social problems within only one scientific discipline. There is a problem of finding concrete means that may be needed in solving phenomena of interdisciplinary nature. One such phenomenon is global migration, which creates a number of negative trends. An example of this is the problems of migrants and their integration into the EU [1].
The article analyzes the many interdisciplinary research, such as “Game Theory” T. Turocy, and
B. von Stengel; historical excursion Gorlov V. “The emergence of communal apartments in the early years of Soviet power”; Beatrice Kolomna its review of urban planning school of the first half of the twentieth century and its pedagogy “radical pedagogy”; materials by Kseniya Malik and Fiederer L. on the study of modernism, as well as scientific works in the direction of pedagogical technologies, in particular the work of Kojaspirov, Kuzminsky.
The interconnection of architecture and pedagogical technology becomes inevitable in the light of the rise of global challenges. One of these challenges is unregulated migration. Adapting migrants to the new environment is possible through effective integration. It should be implemented in accordance with the developed integral strategy of re-education of the migrant. The architecture has a number of tools, which are able to contribute to this process. Architects are faced with the need to create functional models. Models that meet the set tasks. Architectural models should fit both the scale of a residential unit of a particular building and the scale of the city and its infrastructure. Currently, there is an urgent need for interdisciplinary study of the phenomenon of irregular migration. The architectural aspect is one of the few lit and there is a need in their future scientific developments on the subject.
Key words: housing for migrants, pedagogical technology, modernism, types of housing, integration of migrants into society.
УДК 728
У. Ю. Вербицька
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра архітектурного проектування
© Вербицька У. Ю., 2018
Описано особливості житлового середовища у центральних частинах великих міст, основні проблемні питання в організації комфортних умов проживання та тенденції вирішення у сучасному будівництві та реконструкції. Розглянуто основні проблеми організації житлового середовища в умовах високої щільності наявної забудови та забезпечення екологічних стандартів середовища.
Ключові слова: житло, центр міста, висока щільність забудови, комфорт житлового середовища.
Кількість посилань 13
U. Verbytska
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Department of Architectural Design and Engineering
© Verbytska U., 2018
The article considers features of residential architecture in the downtown areas of large
cities. Described are the main problems in the organization of comfortable living conditions and trends of its resolving in modern construction and reconstruction. The article analyzes the establishment of the living environment in the conditions of high urban density and the problem of ensuring standard of living.
Today, one of the most intensive construction activity in large cities is situated in the downtown areas. It can be explained by the attractiveness of areas with already developed urban infrastructure and high concentration of the population for investors, and on the other hand, with historically composed ideas about the prestige of real estate in the downtown. However, the housing development in the downtown is influenced by the high urban density, which makes it difficult to ensure the comfort of the living environment.
The comfort of a living environment in the downtown area of large cities is a topical issue nowadays and is actively explored. The high level of education, culture and technological progress prompts a city resident to an active lifestyle, which in turn influences the organization of his dwelling.
Shortage of space due to the high urban dencity is a main feature of the living environment in the downtown area and is a major problem factor. One of the most common causes of stress is overcrowding. Housing crowding in adults has been linked to social withdrawal, stress, and aggression. Recent research also suggests there might be a trickle-down effect for children raised in these spaces. It is proved that the shortage of space in the school and on the playground negatively affects the behavior of children, contributing to greater aggressiveness in some and the timid behavior of other children. Another problem in higher-density built environment is arrangement of recreational spaces and lack of green space. There is no shortage of evidence to show just how important access to quality green open space is for health and wellbeing.
To achieve the appropriate level of comfort in high density environment, several following trends can be identified:
• The tendency to use underground space. Placement of infrastructure and other facilities underground presents an opportunity for realizing new functions in urban areas without destroying heritages or negatively impacting the surface environment, and at the same time brings opportunities for long-term improvements in the environmental impact of cities and more efficient use of space and resources.
• Vertical greening and green roof, where green open spaces are integrated in buildings, structures, such as sky gardens, roof terraces and green atria. This adds another layer of space for recreation and gathering.
Key words: housing, downtown, high density, living standards.
УДК 711.1+9
М. М. Габрель
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра архітектурного проектування
© Габрель М. М., 2018
У статті обґрунтовано містобудівні основи аналізу, оцінки (діагностики) стану та прогнозування розвитку здорового міста. Розроблено модель процесів у містах, визначено методи дослідження та прогнозування його здоров’я на основі аналізу сучасних урбаністичних концепцій і явищ розвитку міст. Виокремлено важливі елементи і чинники, що впливають на міське здоров’я; систематизовано показники і критерії його оцінки.
Ключові слова: здоров’я міста, аналіз, діагностика стану та прогнозування розвитку міста.
Кількість посилань 42
M. Habrel
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Department of Architectural Design
© Habrel M., 2018
The paper aims to outline the urban planning foundations of analysis, assessment (diagnostics) of conditions and prognosis of development of a healthy city. The tasks to be solved in the paper are the following: to clarify the nature of “city health” in the system of modern urban framework of categories and concepts; to develop the model of processes in the cities and their relation to the condition of a city; to pick out the parameters that influence the city health and to systematize them and explain the criteria of its assessment; to substantiate the methodical foundations of analysis, assessment (diagnostics) of conditions and prognosis of development of a healthy city, to verify the developed approach to the diagnostics of the condition of health on the example of a certain city and to the prognosis of development.
Healthy city is a city with socially and ecologically sound processes, which efficiently use the capacity and implement the mechanisms of self-organization. Clarification of terms and analysis of modern urban concepts related to the problem under research make it possible to confirm that the major factors that form and influence the city health are concentrated in the processes of life and activity of urban systems.
Two approaches were selected in order to explain the parameters of analysis and assessment of the condition of city health: selection of already existing parameters, which have been substantiated in various urban concepts; substantiation of parameters based on the model of five-dimensional space (person – functions – conditions – geometry – time). Major problems and deviations from healthy city on the example of Lviv, their causes and consequences are classified in accordance with the rules of causes and effects relations’ construction. The groups of processes in the cities, which produce the results negative for health and control and neutralize them, are defined. Harmonization of the processes at the system level contributes to revitalizing and efficient development of a city.
Key words: city health, analysis, diagnostics of the city and forecasting of the city development.
УДК 727.3:721.001
Г. О. Гнат, B. М. Черняєва
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра архітектурного проектування та інженерії
© Гнат Г. О., Черняєва В. М., 2018
Розглянуто питання пристосування горищних приміщень головного корпусу Національного університету “Львівська політехніка” під навчальні та офісні примі¬щення з метою збільшення аудиторного фонду Інституту архітектури та ефективнішого провадження навчального процесу.
Специфіка навчального процесу студентів архітектурних спеціальностей вимагає, окрім навчальних лекційних аудиторій, також: приміщень для можливості виконання макетів (макетних майстерень); креслярських залів для курсового та дипломного проектування; комп’ютерних класів для освоєння необхідного рівня основ комп’ютер¬ного моделювання; залів для рисунку та живопису, для забезпечення розвитку художніх якостей майбутнього архітектора; виставкових, викладацьких, архівних та складських приміщень.
Водночас у головному копусі є незадіяні площі горищного поверху, які можуть стати придатними до використання внаслідок реконструкції та перепланування.
Подано потенційні можливості пристосування незадіяних просторів горища головного корпусу Національного університету “Львівська політехніка” під навчальні і офісні функції для навчальних потреб Інституту архітектури та допоміжних служб ректорату університету.
Ключові слова: реконструкція, пристосування, горищні приміщення, навчальні приміщення, аудиторний фонд, ефективність навчального процесу.
Кількість посилань 7
H. Hnat, V. Cherniaieva
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Department of Architectural Constructions
© Hnat H., Cherniaieva V., 2018
The article deals with the issues of adapting premises in the attic of the main building of the Lviv Polytechnic National University for educational and office purposes, in order to increase the number of lecture rooms in the Institute of Architecture and to improve educational process.
Specifics of educational process of architectural specialties requires, in addition to lecture rooms, also: premises where students can make models (model workshops); drawing rooms for doing course and diploma projects; computer classes for mastering the necessary level of computer modelling; rooms for drawing and painting, to ensure the development of the artistic skills of future architects; exhibition, teaching, archival and warehouse premises.
At the same time, there are unused areas on the attic floor in the main building, which may be suitable for use after reconstruction and replanning. Therefore, the aim of this work is to consider potential opportunities and to propose the concept of adapting the unused attic area in the main building of the Lviv Polytechnic National University for educational and office purposes, so that they can suit the needs of the Institute of Architecture and the auxiliary services of the university administration.
According to preliminary calculations, adaptation of the attic area in the main building of the Lviv Polytechnic National University can give the university up to 4 thousand square meters of area necessary for educational and office purposes.
It will be possible to restore part of spacious lecture rooms on the first, second, and third floors, which were eliminated on separate occasions by means of their division into small offices, having moved the aforementioned offices to the attic floor of the main building. The need to restore two halls that serve lighting and recreational purposes in the central part of each floor is of paramount importance, which will give the main building, on a par with the main stairs, a particularly unique look.
It will also be possible to move to the attic floor certain functions from the premises that are now located in very unattractive one-story extensions built in the 50–60s of the XX century, which occupy the courtyards and at the same time deprive the galleries located on the first floor of natural lighting. The resulting attic area will give a chance to eliminate these extensions, which are completely alien to the architecture of the main building, and thus restore the primary recreational and presentational function of the inner courtyards.
The resulting additional areas make it possible to take a number of reconstruction and restoration measures aimed at restoring the original architectural image of the interiors in the main building. Accomplishment of the set objectives requires performance of a number of scientific, architectural and planning, and engineering works, which should become the next stage of this work.
Key words: reconstruction, adaptation, attic premises, teaching rooms, number of lecture rooms, efficiency of educational process.
УДК 711
Л. Б. Гнесь
Львівський національний аграрний університет,
кафедра архітектури і планування сільських поселень
© Гнесь Л. Б., 2018
На основі здійснених автором у 2016 р. натурних досліджень кварталів садибної забудови, запроектованих і реалізованих у 60–90-х роках ХХ ст. в селах Київської, Львівської, Хмельницької областей, проаналізовано практику нецільового вико¬ристання мешканцями просторів сільських вулиць з різними типовими профілями. Подано рекомендації стосовно ощадного використання територіальних та будівельних ресурсів під час проектування вулиць в сільській садибній забудові без шкоди для їх функціональних та естетичних якостей.
Ключові слова: сільські вулиці, стихійна реконструкція сільських вулиць, ширина вулиць, сельбищні території сільських поселень.
Кількість посилань 4
L. Hnes
Lviv National Agrarian University,
Department of Architecture and Planning of rural settlements
© Hnes L., 2018
On the basis of the author’s 2016 field researches of farmsteads development, which were designed and implemented in 60–90 years of the 20th century in villages of Kyiv, Lviv, Khmelnytsky regions, it is analyzed the practice of improper use of streets of rural settlements, with different standard sections, by their residents.
It was found that the most common parameters of farmsteads (15–10 m width, area 0,08–0,11ha) do not satisfy the needs of individual peasants, engaged in agricultural production, for proper functioning of the farmsteads. The lack of space or small width of farmsteads peasants compensate by using of spacial reserves of rural streets, such as zones between the roadway and the fences of farmsteads (roadsides, rainwater ditches, sidewalks, rows of trees or shrubs, lawns). When the width of the zone is wide enough, the owners of farmsteads use it for various functions: parking of agricultural machinery and implements, for storage of construction materials, fuel, agricultural production, as a volary and/or an aviary for livestock or poultry, or sometimes move the fencing boundaries of their farmsteads 1–4 m towards the roadway, etc.
All these examples of spontaneous reconstruction in town planning, prove that planning decisions for development of residential areas of rural settlements do not consider the specifics of the rural lifestyle and needs of management. As a result, it leads to significant changes in the planning of the streets by the residents.
Analysing the results of the researches one can notice that there is hidden and unconscious conflict between designers and consumers of their design practice. Ignoring by designers such a phenomenon as spontaneous reconstruction inevitably leads to the use of surplus space of rural streets unefficiently and to loss of their aesthetics. At the same time the researches show that such unauthorized actions of residents, as reducing the width of rural streets and variety of functional use of street’s side zones, are much less common or absent altogether in cases where:
– the width of the streets do not exceed 9.10 m;
– the width of farmsteads along the front side of a street was more than 30 meters each and the area of each farmstead was more than 0.15 hectares – these parameters allow to organize a spacious homestead yard;
– or when the back of the farmsteads provides utility passage.
The author gives some recommendations for reasonable using of local and architectural resources when designing streets of rural farmsteads – reducing the width of the rural streets to 8.10 m (at 40–75 % comparing to the recommended profiles) without causing any harm to functional and aesthetic qualities. Spare 1–3 meters of width on each side of the street it is recommended to attach to the farmsteads where the owners can use them more efficiently.
Key words: rural streets, spontaneous reconstruction of rural streets, street’s width, residential areas of rural settlements.
УДК 726.056
К. Т. Голубчак
Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу,
кафедра архітектурного проектування
© Голубчак К. Т., 2018
Ґрунтовно проаналізовано особливості функціонально-планувальної організації територій духовно-реколекційних центрів Української Греко-Католицької Церкви.
На основі аналізу функціональної програми та всього спектру процесів, що відбуваються у духовно-реколекційних центрах запропоновано перелік необхідних функціонально-планувальних елементів території ДРЦ та низку вимог, яким повинно відповідати архітектурно-планувальне вирішення територій поданих споруд. На основі глибокого аналізу світового досвіду організації споруд цього типу окреслено основні прийоми ландшафтного благоустрою територій ДРЦ УГКЦ.
Ключові слова: духовно-реколекційний центр, функціональні зони територій, ландшафтний благоустрій, архітектурна організація.
Кількість посилань 8
K. Holubchak
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas,
Department of Architectural Design
© Holubchak K., 2018
The article analyses the main features of the functional and planning organization of the territories of the spiritual retreat centers of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.
On the basis of the analysis of the functional program and the entire spectrum of processes taking place in the spiritual retreat centers, a list of necessary functional and planning elements of the territory of the SRC and a number of requirements which architectural and planning solutions of the territories of these structures should correspond to are proposed. Based on a deep analysis of world experience of organization of buildings of this type, the main techniques of landscape improvement of the SRC territories are outlined.
The problem of spiritual development and spiritual recreation of society at the present stage becomes of special urgency. Religious identity is an important factor of development of the individual, the cultural revival of the people and the formation of human consciousness in modern conditions, as well as the key to the formation of a conscious, patriotic nation. The modern stage of the development of sacred architecture is characterized not only by the need to preserve and restore existing temples and monastic complexes, but also by the need to fill them with new social functions that go beyond the limits of worship. One of the ways to solve this problem is creating the new type of sacral building - the spiritual retreat center, filled with a whole spectrum of spiritual and educational, sociocultural, recreational and leisure functions in order to meet the requirements of modern society. The lack of works that comprehensively cover this topic in the scientific literature caused the need of complex study of the issues of the architectural and planning organization of the spiritual retreat centers of UGCC, in particular the question of the functional and planning organization of the territories of this type institutions.
Considering the spiritual retreat center as a single territorial and compositional integral structure, it is important to provide a comprehensive design approach that will ensure the maximum consideration of all important factors and prerequisites for the creation of an optimal spatial structure that is designed to provide a comfortable stay and satisfy the full spectrum of spiritual and social needs of a wide range of visitors.
The design of the SRC territory is a very important and complicated task. The territory should contribute to the full realization of all the functional processes of the SRC. The article gives some recomendations that are advisable to be taken into account in the process of designing the territory of the DRC.
Functional assignment is one of the most important aspects of the planning decision of the SRC territory. The DRC performs a number of important functions that form the corresponding interrelated functional areas, interconnected by different technological connections.
Developing the master plan of any architectural structure, an important point is the successful, precise, functional zoning of the territory. In the case of SRC, the functional zoning of the territories may vary in some way depending on the type, size of the establishment and the choice of the territory.
The full set of functional zones includes the following zones: entrance, sacred core zone, exhibition, recreation and entertainment, quiet retreat zone, service area, parking.
Particular attention is paid to the landscaping of the territory of the SRC. The landscape park area is now an integral part of designing the territory of each public building.
For a clear demonstration of the mentioned principles of the SRC territory general plan formation, the article examines in detail the author's project proposal of the spiritual retreat center in Pohonya village, Tysmenitsya district of the Ivano-Frankivsk region.
In order to fully use the cultural, educational, recreational, leisure and spiritual potential of the Church, it is important to ensure the creation of spiritual retreat centers with a developed system of functional elements. In order to expand the functional program palette, it is important to provide a flexible planning structure for the territory of the DRC, which will allow changing the parameters of the functional zones, dividing or combining the spaces depending on one or another type of activity. This also applies to the territories of existing monasteries, temples and spiritual centers. The emergence of new socio-cultural functions will make it possible to improve the planning decisions of these territories during their reconstruction and to create new important infrastructure elements in accordance with modern requirements.
Key words: spiritual retreat center, functional zones, territory, landscape design, architectural organization.
Ю. Р. Диба
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра архітектури та реставрації
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7783-2284
© Диба Ю. Р., 2018
Проаналізовано реалістичне зображення елементів інтер’єру храму в іконі Покрову Пресвятої Богородиці зламу ХV–ХVI ст. з колекції Рівненського краєзнавчого музею, що походить зі Святотроїцької церкви в с. Річиці Зарічненського району Рівненсь¬кої області. Порівняльною характеристикою архітектурних елементів доведено, що архітектурним прототипом цього зображення слугував Собор святої Софії в Константинополі.
Ключові слова: Ікона Покрову Пресвятої Богородиці, церква св. Трійці с. Річиця, архітектурне тло ікони, елементи інтер’єру, Собор святої Софії у Константинополі.
Кількість посилань 11
Yu. Dyba
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Department of Architecture and Restoration
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7783-2284
© Dyba Yu., 2018
The author investigates realistic image of interior elements, depicted in the icon of “Intercession of the Theotokos”. This icon dates from the end of the 15th – the beginning of the 16th cent. and comes from Volhynian village Richytsia. Now it is stored in the collection of the Rivne Local History Museum. This work is considered to be a classic in Ukrainian late medieval art. The icon is distinguished by its elaborate composition and large groups of characters.
In the scientific community there are numerous questions regarding the identification of specific sources of the complex of its architectural elements of this icon. In this regard, many general statements, various interpretations and obvious fantasies arose in the scientific literature. This gives grounds for a more thorough historical-architectural analysis of the notable features of iconography of this image. In the monumental study of Volodymyr Aleksandrovich “Intercession of the Theotokos” an icon from Richytsia is considered in a separate section. A thorough analysis of the experience of studying the icon performed in this work greatly simplifies the work with literature. The researcher drew attention to the most obvious debatable forms of the architectural background of the icon and various interpretations of his integral composition. The identification of the elements of the architectural background of the icon from Richytsia was of interest to all the researchers of this artistic work. Is it possible to link the whole complex of architectural features of this to a particular temple? Such a question is not hopeless. After all, the fullness of the concrete forms of the architectural background of the icon is unique. The originality of the interpretation of all components of the architectural background does not give grounds to consider them as typical. Therefore, the identification of the source (sources?) of their origin will be a logical continuation of the thorough study of the icon.
The author argues that the source of the ideological program of the Icon of “Intercession of the Theotokos” is related to Constantinople. However, the facilities of the complex in Blacherna can not serve as a prototype. They do not have the appropriate set of architectural elements, characteristic of the icon. The study shows the fact that the prototype of the architectural background of the investigated icon was the Cathedral of St. Sophia in Constantinople.
The most striking element of the architectural background of the icon is the arcade. The four tiers of this arcade are depicted on the background of the figure of the Virgin. The three small domes served rather as signs of a constructive system of overlappings of the Constantinople Temple, which is formed from a massive central dome and two hemispheres. Other elements of the interior are similar. Comparison of such elements proves that the model served Hagia Sophia.
Key words: Icon of the Intercession of the Theotokos, church of St. Trinity from the village Richytsia, architectural background of icon, interior elements, Hagia Sophia in Constantinople.
УДК 725.21, 72.06
Р. О. Крушельницький
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра архітектурного проектування
© Крушельницький Р. О., 2018
Присвячено дослідженню розташування магазинів роздрібної торгівлі у примісь¬ких поселеннях та функціонуванню простору навколо них. На прикладі с. Зимна Вода здійснено тривалий емпіричний аналіз організації магазину та території довкола нього, соціальних відносин відвідувачів та впливу архітектури на характер поведінки і навпаки.
Ключові слова: громадський простір, торговельні заклади, магазин.
Кількість посилань 8
R. Krushelnytskiy
Lviv Politechnic National University
Department of Architectural Design
© Krushelnytskyi R., 2018
Nowadays, we have a situation in Ukraine, when large companies control the trade market; in this case, small companies have no chance to compete with them. Nevertheless, it should be understood that small shopes carry a very important mission in suburban settlements. In a situation when the property market demanded to sell any free territory for housing development, we got a situation with a deficit of “third places” located close to our houses where we can walk. In a situation when we do major purchases in supermarkets or shopping centres, we lose places where people could meet, talk or manage some small issues or ask for advice. It is important to understand that the problem of finding communication is most acute for older people who do not have enough money to visit expensive entertainment establishments, in this situation “third places” as shops, pharmacies, bazaars, etc. become a place where one can meet someone, and spend some time in a good company. In situation when the shop is close to their houses they don’t use thei own cars or public transport so it doesn’t load transport system. These third places work as a forum for discussion and exchange of views, give the opportunity to share and discuss the latest news, in such circumstances they become a real public space. Also, in such places we can often see working meetings of people who do not have their own office.
Therefore, the article is devoted to the study of the location of small shops in the structure of suburban settlements, the distances between them and the basic principles of choosing location. For research was chosen Zymna Voda village and conducted a long-term empirical analysis of the organization of the store and the surrounding area, the social relations of visitors and the influence of architecture on the behavior. The article analyzed the shop, the stages of its development and the functioning of the space around it. A brief comparative analysis with a neighboring object was also carried out and at the end of the article the main conclusions were drawn regarding the organization and functioning of the space. They do not require significant costs and the use of the car does not load the transport system.
Key words: public space, shopping objects, shop.
УДК 72.01(03)
C. М. Лінда, Ю. Л. Богданова*
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра дизайну та основ архітектури,
*кафедра дизайну архітектурного середовища
© Лінда С. М., Богданова Ю. Л., 2018
Проаналізовано розвиток сакральної архітектури Львова міжвоєнного часу. Наведено реалізовані та нереалізовані приклади римо-католицьких та греко-католицьких храмів. З’ясовано роль сакрального будівництва у становленні ідеології польської державності та формуванні української національної ідеї.
Ключові слова: Друга Річ Посполита, міжвоєнний період, сакральне будівництво.
Кількість посилань 22
S. Linda, Y. Bohdanova*
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Department of Design and Architecture Fundamentals,
*Department of Architectural Environment Design
© Linda S., Bohdanova Y., 2018
The results of the First World War did a major change in geo-political map of Europe. Poland obtained independence and started another stage of it's state building. Polish authorities had a complicated task in both economical and ideological aspects. The economical one included overpassing the stagnation of economic and modernizing, balancing economical development of very different level regions. The ideological one included creating of solid national state in conditions of having many ethnic groups and co-existion of some powerful religious confessions. Forming the national identity and creating a concept of “what does it mean to be a Pole” were the most necessary terms of statebuilding.
Catholicism played a major role in forming the special Polish identity in time period between World wars. In fact, being a pole meant being a catholic. The church progressed from religious-only institution into important and powerful tool for creating state and nation. And church architecture became an important way for visualizing Polish indentity of that time. It was formed with the tenet of creating national state, sanctified with one religion. That is the reason why it is possible to observe use of historical styles forms which may be called “national” (“the Sigmund's renessaince”, “the Upper-Visla gothic”) in the roman-catholic sacral architecture. They were also modernized and connected to the international modernism style. This was a great example of addressing own roots and in the same time – national modernization while building a single-nation state.
The important traits of the Ukrainian architects' creative work were the urge towards using highlights of the national heritage and achieving the unity of national and international, of ancient and modern. The national traditions were rethought according to stylistic trends of the new time. They were developed and refreshed, pointing at the awakening of people's conciousness and it's spiritual progress.
According to this, much attention was connected to the exceptional role of the church (roman-catholic for Poles and greco-catholic for Ukranians) and infulenced the style of sacral building. Because namely the shape was to visualize the ideological messages of the Polish state and was a carrier and manifestation of the national resurrection in that time. Intense building of sacral structures in time period between World wars has lead to stringed stylish mosaic of their architecture. Vernacularism and historism were co-existing with ar deco motives and functionalism. We may talk about creative competition and in the same time – mixing of two philosophic professional outlooks – historism and modernism. Historism was connected to visualization of national identity of the people and legitimation of it's presence at this land. Modernism was reflecting global trend of searching new style and new architecture paradigm which looked only into the future. Such paradigm was also built in Poland but they did not forget their own history and struggle.
Key words: Second Polish Republic, interwar period, sacred construction.
УДК 72.01(03)
С. М. Лінда, Л. О. Шулдан*
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра дизайну та основ архітектури,
кафедра архітектурного проектування та інженерії
© Лінда С. М., Шулдан Л. О., 2018
Розглянуто проблему трактування будівель доби соціалістичного реалізму у столицях країн колишнього соціалістичного табору. Репрезентовано різне ставлення до цих об’єктів у Бухаресті, Софії, Празі та Варшаві, що зумовлено відмінною інтерпре¬тацією свого соціалістичного минулого.
Ключові слова: архітектура, соціалістичний реалізм, столиці країн колишнього соціалістичного табору.
Кількість посилань 14
S. Linda, L. Shuldan*
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Department of Design and Ваses of Architecture,
Department of Architectural Design and Engineering
© Linda S., Shuldan L., 2018
In 1992 an extremely interesting study by professor Umeå University of Sweden, Anders Åman, “Architecture and Ideology in Eastern Europe during the Stalin era: an aspect of the history of the Cold War” was published. It was a rare and valuable work, which discussed the expansion of the architecture of socialist realism from Moscow to the west in order to establish a communist ideology. Expansion often took forms rather aggressive and brutal, however, the ideologists of the regime were positioned as good and visualized in the form of the construction of new buildings in the forms of socialist realism.
It will soon be 30 years since the socialist camp became a story. The governments of the country have changed, the vectors of their development and geopolitical priorities. But there are buildings. They stand and remind of a complex past, which many recall with nostalgia, and many with pain.
These buildings have now become part of a historic heritage, often an “undesirable” heritage, and in many countries a proper attitude towards these buildings has clearly formed, which is likely to reflect the attitude towards the socialist past, and perhaps actual relations with Russia as the successor to the Soviet Union.
The purpose of the article is to find out the value of buildings of the era of socialist realism in the modern ideological and cultural space of the capitals of the countries of the former socialist camp on the example of Prague, Bucharest, Sofia, and Warsaw.
Thirty years is still an insufficient chronological distance to appreciate the legacy of socialist realism. One statement, it seems, is still undoubted. This architecture is a very serious phenomenon whose significance is not limited to architecture alone. These buildings have their well-established and recognizable architectural vocabulary, they excite genuine emotions, make them think over many issues related to our relationship with the past (and, hence, to the future) and with the constant search for our own identity.
Their different fate today is a kind of “historical boomerang” in relation to the history of their uprising. The more aggressive and brutal forms were their construction, the more rejection can be observed in modern society. Examples of this are the attitude towards highs in Prague and Warsaw.
In the first case, the initiative came from the pro-Soviet Czechoslovak government, Czechoslovak architects designed the then-friendly Druzhba hotel, the building itself never played a significant role in the architectural image of the city and was located far from the historic center. Today, the hotel is relatively calm, there is no talk of dismantling, and even the star – a symbol of communist rule – remained in place.
Otherwise the situation in Warsaw: The Palace of Culture was designed and built by Soviet architects in record time, set in the heart of the city, built at a time when Warsaw was in ruins in need of money for housing and infrastructure renovation. However, the Soviet Union “presented” a gigantic palace that nobody asked for. He needed only as a symbol of ideological domination, and this is what he interpreted today (although, ironically, the palace became the symbol of today's Warsaw). The dismantling of stars and other communist symbols did not change anything: the talk of his disassembly constantly causes heated discussions. Instead, in Sofia and Bucharest, de-communization was limited to eliminating stars from coats of arms on the facades of buildings. The buildings stand, perform their functions, and it seems the story of their uprising is just a story page. Perhaps this is also supported by a rather stable political relationship with today's Russia, as the successor to the Soviet Union.
The history of the fate of the Stalinist skyscrapers in the capitals of the countries of the socialist camp is still being written. Still the attitude towards them is formed, which reflects the relation to its past, and the future of some buildings and still unpredictable.
Key words: architecture, socialist realism, capitals of the countries of the former socialist camp.
УДК 72.025.4/5
Н. А. Лещенко
Kиївський національний університет будівництва і архітектури,
кафедра інформаційних технологій в архітектурі
© Лещенко Н. А., 2018
Проаналізовано реконструктивні трансформації, які відбулися із забудовою ринкової площі малого історичного міста, що призвело до втрати нею її історичної функції, але водночас отримання нових, не менш важливих функцій. Показано, як це вплинуло на сучасне планування та забудову площі. Визначено стратегію ревалоризації як необхідної реконструктивної трансформації для її активізації. Надано рекомендації, як розвинути її наявні сучасні функції, відновити історичну і гармонічно їх поєднати для створення якісного міського публічного простору.
Ключові слова: ревалоризація, історичний центр малого міста, ринкова площа, площа Пам’яті, якісний міський публічний простір.
Кількість посилань 15
N. Leshchenko
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture,
Departament of information technologies in architecture
© Лещенко Н. А., 2018
The buildings and planing of the historical small towns always feel different qualitative changes in the process of their existence and development. It can be planned or chaotic. The results of these changes can improve the quality of architecture, urban environment and life in it, or, vice versa, can lead to its degradation and destruction. Very often, the disappearance of the historical buildings or the appearance of only one the new building are changing the functionality of the whole square. If it's planned, the changes are expected. And if the calculations are the correct, they usually lead to the better quality of the resulting architectural urban environment. In the case of chaotic changes, whether accidental or deliberately made, the urban architectural environment usually has a loss. They often become the cause of its functional depletion or disturbance and lead to the decrease in its activity and to its degradation, as a result, in the first case, or to the violation of its integrity and intimacy, in the event of the appearance of an undesirable function, in the second case.
Such qualitative changes are felt especially clearly in the historical environment of small towns. Let's consider them on the example of the former Market square, and the Memory square now in Bar, Vinnytsia region.
The reconstructive transformations, that took place with this square in the twentieth century, led to the partial loss of its historical market function. But, at the same time, it received the new functions, memorial and recreation, not less important.
The town park was organized in the center of the former Market square. It’s unordered right now. There are no elements of improvement in it. And, in spite of the fact that it has many old trees, it performs the transit function instead of traditional recreational function. People walk through it only to cross the square, but don’t come specifically to spend their free time. This space is not quite popular among the locals. How to change it?
So, the strategy of its revalorisation is determined as a necessary reconstructive transformation for its activization. Also, the recommendations are given on how to develop its existing modern functions and how to restore its historical function and harmoniously combine them to create high-quality urban public space.
The strategy of increasing the value of the existing urban historical environment is:
– to activate it through the organization as the multifunctional urban space, where the existing and historical functions are harmoniously combined;
– to attract local residents and tourists to the square and park by creating the comfortable urban space for staying and interesting for visiting and spending free time;
– to create the shopping arcade which will restore and organize the traditional historical function of the market square that currently exists in the form of spontaneous trade “from cars”;
– to enter the new building into the existing situation as correctly as possible. It can be modern architecture, but it must be coordinated with the existing surrounding buildings in scale, storeys, forms, material of facade decoration, color;
– to create the pedestrian zone on the territory of the square, extending the existing pedestrian zone of the Bona Sforzi street and of the St. Nicholas street.
The updated square has to delicately combine the restored historical market function (the new shopping arcade), the activated existing recreational function (the ordered existing park with landscaping elements, places for communication and recreation) and the supplemented memorial function (the new memorial complex of the ATO heroes). And this should be done so that the last function will be used not only on the official holidays, and people will come to this place in any of their free time. The square should be transformed from the transit and almost “empty” territory into the multifunctional friendly space.
So, the concept of the square updating is to create the interesting, comfortable public space for the people of all ages and preferences, which will harmoniously combine the existing and the new buildings, located around it. The general composition and new pedestrian directions are based on the already existing most popular directions of the movement that unite the territory of the Memory square with the existing monuments of local and national architecture: the Holy Assumption Church, the St. Anna's Church, the complex of the buildings of the Pokrovsky Monastery and the remains of the Bar Fortress and provide their species disclosure.
Thus, the overall strategy for the revalorisation of the Memory Square are the harmonious combination of the contextual historical and new architecture, the activation of the existing historical environment through its functional filling to create a coherent, qualitative, comfortable and interesting urban environment where the person is the main one. This will restore the regional traditions, will preserve the identity of the small town, will attract the tourists’ attention to it, will raise the social and architectural value of the urban environment, that will contribute to its sustainable development and will improve the living standards of local residents.
Кey words: revalorisation, small town historical center, market square, Memory square, high-quality urban public space.
УДК 711.4
Р. І. Любицький
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра містобудування
ORCID: 0000-0001-8666-7743
© Любицький Р. І., 2018
У статті досліджено бачення майбутнього розвитку міського транспорту у
м. Львові періоду 1970–1980 рр. Виділено містобудівні передумови, які зумовили виникнення ідеї будівництва підземного трамваю. На основі архівних матеріалів проаналізовано пропоновані варіанти прокладення ліній швидкісного трамваю із підземними тунелями у центральній частині Львова. Враховуючи сучасну транспортну ситуацію у м. Львові, оцінено сьогоднішню актуальність цих ідей, а також доцільність розвитку мережі підземного трамваю в майбутньому.
Ключові слова: підземний трамвай, швидкісний трамвай, метрополітен, міський транспорт, громадський транспорт, транспортні проблеми Львова, Львів.
Кількість посилань 15
R. Liubytskyi
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Department of Urban Planning and Design,
ORCID: 0000-0001-8666-7743
© Liubytskyi R., 2018
Rapid growth of the population of Lviv in the Soviet period had led to the functional supersaturation of the city center. It caused the necessity of its decentralization. In the 1970s, the city center was planned to expand along the modern Chornovola avenue, additionally moving the separate functions to three planned subcenters, which had to be placed on highways near the city entrances. The plans of the city center expansion were implemented only partially by construction of the separate buildings along Chornovola avenue. Only one of three proposed subcenters started to develop – in the south part of the city on Stryiska str.
In the 1970s–1980s, the transport infrastructure was planned to be developed in a way to ensure unobstructed access to the city center for buses, trolleybuses and cars. At the same time, it was believed that trams in the historical part of the city would complicate traffic. The development of a fast tram network (light rail) with dedicated lanes and underground tunnels under the historic city center was proposed. According to the plans, it had to ensure the unobstructed passenger transportation and reduce transport pressure on the historic city center of Lviv.
For the first time, the construction of the underground tram tunnels was proposed in 1975. According to the project, underground tunnels were supposed to appear on three tram lines – Kniahyni Olhy – Lychakivska, Sykhiv – Zamarstynivska and Sykhiv – Levandivka – Riasne. Assuming the growth of population density, next to the tram underground stations the development of other underground objects (such as garages, pedestrian crossings, highway tunnels and even cinemas and cafes) was planned also. The ideas of the underground tram network development in the 1970–1980s were constantly evolving from project to project, changing the lines direction. Considering the construction cost, some planned underground tunnels were replaced by on-ground lines.
As a result of the financial crisis, changes in the state system and engineering difficulties, the underground tunnels were not realized. Despite, by the end of the 1980s, the construction of separate dedicated tram lanes was finished, making possible an unobstructed tram traffic on a few streets.
Taking into account the current transport situation in Lviv, which is accompanied by significant complications of transport and pedestrian traffic, interest in the ideas of the development of the fast tram network is gradually reviving. The population and growing density of Lviv necessitates the implementation of bold urban planning projects and the adoption of unpopular administrative measures. Due to the lack of funds, it is worthwhile to pay attention and evaluate the possibility of realizing less costly measures – the continuation of on-ground tram lines and the creation of dedicated lanes for them.
In the case of the implementation of the network of Lviv fast tram, it would become the main type of urban transport, and today's transport problems would not be so acute. Moving a large passenger traffic between areas and downtown would be carried out regularly and without delays. In this case, the network of bus routes would be able to complement tram, providing a connection between uncovered tram areas. The attractiveness of driving a car within the city would fall. Today there is no comfortable city transport in Lviv – therefore residents often choose to move within the city with a private car, additionally overloading the street network.
Key words: underground tram, light rail, fast tram, subway, urban transport, public transport, transport problems of Lviv, Lviv.
УДК 72.01. (477)
А. І. Марковський
Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури,
кафедра інформаційних технологій в архітектурі
© Марковський А. І., 2018
Подано передумови виникнення сучасних критеріїв у естетиці щодо архітектури на тлі кризи у мистецтві в першій половині ХХ століття. Розглянуто категорії “краси” та “корисності” в архітектурі, як місці синтезу мистецтва та інженерних наук. Наведено дефініцію “традиційної”, “академічної” та “сучасної” архітектури.
Ключові слова: естетика, мистецтво, культура, краса, традиційна архітектура, архітектура сучасна.
Кількість посилань 10
А. Markovskyi
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture,
Department of information technology in architecture
© Markovskyi A., 2018
Architecture from the aesthetics criteria point of view is in unique position, is being the high art and utilitarian, material thing at the same time. The famous formula of Vitruvius, “utilitas, firmitas, venustas” [utility, strength, beauty] reveals synthesis of spirit and matter. Architecture, that have been a monumental art, at the same time is very visual: it is constantly around us, has created habitat and acquiring in this way has the obvious superiority in case of influence on people.
Monuments, that have extant, first was proclaimed as a landmarks of the epoch: their creating requires considerable investments and global efforts of cohesive society, sublimates a whole baggage of advanced scientific and aesthetic searches, that was available at the moment. Architect, with few exceptions, can not exist as an active agent of the field without proper recognition, acceptance of his work by the public. So architecture that is realized automatically becomes a reflection of aesthetic preferences that prevail in one or another society at a certain time.
Crystallization of the concept of “traditional” and “academic” art began to form at the border of nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This was due, on the one hand, by national liberation tendencies in Central and Eastern Europe, where, in line of the recovery of self-definition and national identity searches, the explorers began to carefully research and collect samples of traditional folk art. On the other hand – a rapid colonial and research expansion of Western European countries, which opened to European artists a rich layer of art of the East, the tribes of Africa, Oceania and America (at that time classification: “primary” or “primitive” art). “For early twentieth century art an opening of primitive society cultures, the revaluation of heritage of the medieval Europe and the East, archaeological findings in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, have provided powerful impulses in the search for a new artistic language, which have significantly differed from the usual system of European classical fine art” [4, p. 139–140].
At the same time with the opening of the other cultures traditions and research of its own historical heritage, had raises the question of self-definitions of the concepts of “traditional” and “nontraditional” (“academic”) art. Still there is no exact definitions and clear limits for these concepts and they can considerably differ for variety kinds of art at different countries and regions. If we are talking about the architecture of Europe, in a broad sense, traditional architecture is the architecture that was built by folk masters from traditional materials, according to the traditions of a cultural area.
The twofold nature of architecture, that associated with arts and practical engineering aspects simultaneously, have complicated the issue. This leads to the aftereffect that architects are often divided into two conditional subgroups: “theoreticians” and “practitioners”. The first are accused of lack of practice, which from the standpoint of their opponent eventually undermine their role in the development of architecture as a phenomenon. Practitioners in contrast, often venturing into application activity, leave society very few information about stimulus and motives of their own creative method. In this regard, the architecture is quite different from other plastic arts, because require from the viewer a relevant knowledge not only in theoretical aesthetics, but also in the engineering sector, which significantly reduces the number of qualified critics.
This means in our opinion that the question of “aesthetics” in architecture is quite different from the others arts and beyond the scope of the philosophical categories of “beauty”, “taste” and “culture”. According to Vitruvius, as has been said before, “beauty” in architecture is defined through its “utility” and “strength”. This concept now dominates in academic criteria of architecture that paradoxically is in common criteria between “academic” and “applied” art. The obligatory functionality and practicality of “high” “academic” architecture (even the most radical architectural concept should take into account gravity, carrying capacity of material and other physical components) by a straight line connect it with the “traditional” and “applied” architecture.
Accordingly, the definition of aesthetics in contemporary architecture can not be defined only as a theoretical category and should obligatorily take into account a practical experience.
Key words: aesthetics, art, culture, beauty, traditional architecture, modern architecture.
УДК 726.6:69.059.25
В. М. Мещеряков
Творча архітектурна майстерня М-СТУДІО, Одеса, Україна
© Мещеряков В. М., 2018
Наведено інформацію щодо актуальності теми збереження пам'яток як умови сталого розвитку історичних міст, згадані основні законодавчі та нормативні документи у сфері охорони культурної спадщини, збереження традиційного характеру історичного середовища та відтворення втрачених пам'яток.
Аналіз пам'яткоохоронного законодавства, чинної нормативної бази і практики їх застосування в Україні дають підставу вважати за необхідне вдосконалити цю сферу регулювання з огляду на численні порушення умов та обмежень у сфері містобудівної діяльності щодо територій з особливим статусом в історичних містах. Однією з важливих тем формування традиційного характеру історичного середовища є відтво¬рення видатних втрачених об'єктів культурної спадщини з огляду на їх містоутво¬рювальну функцію на прикладі відтвореного у 1999–2010 роках Одеського кафедрального Спасо-Преображенського собору.
Ключові слова: пам'яткоохоронне законодавство, нормативна база, історичне середовище, відтворення втрачених пам'яток.
Кількість посилань 11
V. Meshcheriakov
Creative architectural studio M-STUDIO, Odessa, Ukraine
© Meshcheriakov V. M., 2018
This article contains information about the importance of preserving the historical objects as a vital condition of a normal development of historical cities. The main legislative and regulatory documents in the fields of protecting of cultural heritage, preserving the traditional character and reconstructing of the lost objects are mentioned.
The analysis of the legislation of preserving the objects of cultural heritage, the current regulations and practices of their implementation in Ukraine give grounds for considering importance of improving the regulations with the consideration of numerous violations of conditions and restrictions of urban planning of the cities with the status of historical sites.
One of the important topics of the formation of traditional historical character is the re-creation of the lost objects of cultural heritage with the consideration of their role in the city-forming, using as an example the reconstructed in 1999–2010 the Transfiguration Cathedral in Odessa.
Key words: the legislation and regulations of preserving the objects of cultural heritage, historical environment, the reconstruction of the lost objects.
УДК 72.01
О. І. Моркляник
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра архітектурного проектування
© Моркляник О. І., 2018
Зроблено спробу проаналізувати ідеологічну складову радянської архітектури
30–80-х рр. ХХ ст. Підкреслено ідеологічне тло розвитку ідей (зокрема, утопічних) в радянській архітектурі аналізованого періоду. Розглянуто послідовність етапів розвитку і формування ідеї соціалістичного реалізму та суть ідеї пошуку соціалістичного стилю в архітектурі досліджуваного періоду.
Ключові слова: утопічна ідея, радянська архітектура, соціалістичний реалізм, соціалістичний стиль, архітектурне мислення.
Кількість посилань 13
O. Morklyanyk
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Department of Architectural Design
© Morklyanyk O., 2018
In this article the author attempted to analyze the ideological constituent of the soviet architecture utopian ideas in the 1930–80s. An ideological background of the ideas development in soviet architecture of the analyzed period is emphasized.
A new socio-political doctrine opposition to an existent one became the basis of the USSR State policy in 1930–80s, which was commemorated by internal contradictions. Ambiguity of USSR totalitarian policy was in free national development declaration and at the same time elaboration of the utopian doctrine of “national merger” into one soviet nation – historically new social and international unity, the component of which is “a new soviet person” as a top of moral perfection.
A sequence of development stages and an idea formation of socialist realism is examined. The characteristics and research of ideological reason of the inception, development and the socialist realism formation as a formative method testify of full engagement of the architectural activity in the examined period in a State dogmatic ideology. The essence of socialist realism as an architectural declared method was in architectural thinking method and architectural professional consciousness formation, where an attitude to a social utopia dominated. While summarizing the success in creating socialist realism in architecture, it is possible to state that formally we succeeded in its creation through architectural ways and means system elaboration, which made this architecture recognizable.
The essence of an idea of searching a socialist style in architecture in the examined period is solved. The problem of formation and definition of the socialist style became prioritized in the development of theory and practice of the soviet architecture in the second half of 50–80s of the 20th century. The essence of the problem was in architecture formation in this period which developed behind the architecture under the influence of the State ideology and a dominating in society myth of a “new socialist epoch”.
Ideological utopian idea constituent in architecture is obvious and is confirmed in normative acts, regulations, etc. according to architecture and in the form of architecture itself as a material representation of [utopian] architectural ideas of the examined period.
Key words: utopian idea, soviet architecture, socialist realism, socialist style, architectural thinking.
УДК 711
М. М. Обідняк, О. П. Олешко
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра дизайну та основ архітектури
© Обідняк М. М., Олешко О. П., 2018
Розглянуто питання засобів “мистецтва архітектурного шаржу” та його актуаль¬ність в сучасному урбаністичному середовищі як мистецтва архітектурного дизайну. Запропоновано для навчального практикуму студентів кафедри дизайну та основ архітектури (далі ДОА) використати мистецтво шаржу в сучасних проектах бакалаврських робіт, як різновид рекреаційного простору. Розглянуто тематику засобів атракційності дизайну мистецтвом архітектурного шаржу.
Ключові слова: шарж, атракція, архітектурний простір, середовище, архітек¬турний дизайн, рекреація, дозвілля.
Кількість посилань 5
M. Obidnyak, O. Oleshko
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Department of Design and Architecture Basics
© Obidnyak M., Oleshko O., 2018
An (editorial) cartoon – Ukrainian: “Sharzh” (from the French “Charge”; ironic) – in the art of architectural design is offered as one of the means of designing small architectural forms in the space of urban environments and as a kind of social leisure. In the design and architectural creativity of the cartoon is offered as a creative irony of the genre in which, without destructive ridicule, the ideological and stylistic first principle of the image is preserved. Such a creative tool becomes relevant as a proposed type of attraction of the socio-urban space and its emotional and psychological component in the field of leisure.
An (editorial) cartoon – Ukrainian: “Sharzh” (from the French “Charge”; ironic) – in the art of architectural design is offered as one of the means of designing small architectural forms in the space of urban environments and as a kind of social leisure. In the design and architectural creativity of the cartoon is offered as a creative irony of the genre in which, without destructive ridicule, the ideological and stylistic first principle of the image is preserved. Such a creative tool becomes relevant as a proposed type of attraction of the socio-urban space and its emotional and psychological component in the field of leisure.
An (editorial) cartoon – Ukrainian: “Sharzh” (from the French “Charge”; ironic) – in the art of architectural design is offered as one of the means of designing small architectural forms in the space of urban environments and as a kind of social leisure. In the design and architectural creativity of the cartoon is offered as a creative irony of the genre in which, without destructive ridicule, the ideological and stylistic first principle of the image is preserved. Such a creative tool becomes relevant as a proposed type of attraction of the socio-urban space and its emotional and psychological component in the field of leisure. Modern technology of the urbanized environment necessitates the search and implementation of updating the content and adequacy of professional training in the educational process. The problem of introducing corrected programs for the design of various types of psycho-emotional leisure in conditions of increased technological and socio-psychological stress on the inhabitant of the modern city allowed to diversify the theme palette of the recreational environment. Such an additional option may be the recommendations designing the design of the attraction environment and its kind of “space of architectural cartoon”. The need to reveal the peculiarities of the combination of urban space with the artistic designer's solution to its environmental zoning both as socio-functional, as recreational-attraction zones and its details of “small architectural and thematic spaces”. Achieving the goal as a result of the synthesis of design and architecture involves the development of new methodological recommendations and their implementation on the basis of project-workshops and new tasks to address the peculiarities of the formation of elements and spaces of the technologically modified urban environment. The creative and professional response to new urban challenges becomes the need to anticipate such changes and create an adequate recreational environment and its updated content. Design of space and elements of “architectural designer cartoon” is a kind of psycho-emotional (attraction) design in the architectural space of modern urban agglomerations.
Key words: cartoon, attraction, architectural space, environment, architectural design, recreation, leisure.
УДК 711.01
А. П. Павлів
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра дизайну та основ архітектури
© Павлів А. П., 2018
Розглянуто закономірності розвитку житлового будівництва в м. Львові за останні роки. Відображено основні причини цього розвитку. Зроблено аналіз, щоб забезпечити можливість прогресування в житловій галузі та участь в ній іноземних інвесторів.
Ключові слова: житлова політика Львова, розвиток житлового будівництва, іноземні інвестиції.
Кількість посилань 11
A. Pavliv
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Department of Design and Basics of Architecture
© Pavliv A., 2018
Residential architecture is the most common type of building in Lviv. State declaration of work on adjusting to European standards of living, including reaching the mean values of population housing and permanent housing demand, will ensure the future relevance of this type of construction. For efficient formation of housing policies, reliable forecasting in housing construction and management, we need to analyze current trends in the housing market in Lviv and Ukraine in recent years.
The author of this article examined the patterns of housing development in Lviv in recent years, highlighted the main reasons for this development, analyzed the availability of opportunities for further progression of this industry and involvement of foreign investors.
The analysis showed a sharp increase in rates and volumes of housing construction in Lviv in 2008 and 2014–2015 which was significantly higher than predicted.
The main factors that motivate people to invest money in real estate and led, despite the crisis, to the growth in housing construction are: 1) political; 2) economic (i. e crisis of 2008; instability of the banking system). More of the favorable factors to be mentioned here are: 1) social; 2) demographic; 3) economic (i. e availability of local construction companies, foreign investments); 4) legal factor.
Investigation of the current state of the housing market showed that the city has enough conditions for intensive housing, including existing territorial resources, plenty of land plots offers, healthy competition in the market of housing, participation of foreign investors in the housing of Ukraine on the whole and Lviv in particular. There are some weaknesses though, such as: insufficient quality of the offered architecture and the reputation of local businesses that does not contribute to the development of their cooperation with foreign investors.
Activation of foreign investors in residential construction of Lviv, though not acquired a massive scale, yet can lead to fundamental changes in the positioning of forces in the real-estate market of the city. This course of actions will positively affect the formation of a high-end residential city in all segments.
Key words: the housing development in Lviv, residential construction, foreign investors.
УДК 930:725.82
Р. Н. Савчак, Б. В. Гой
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра дизайну архітектурного середовища
© Савчак Р. Н., Гой Б. В., 2018
Окреслено стан вивчення архітектури польського театру в Україні та у світі. Висвітлено особливості та відмінності у дослідженні цього питання у зарубіжних та вітчизняних працях. Проблематику дослідження, незважаючи на багатогранність та складність для всебічного висвітлення, частково подано у сучасних роботах на якісно новому рівні.
Ключові слова: джерела, наукові дослідження, архітектура польського театру, Україна, світ.
Кількість посилань 29
R. Savchak, B. Goy
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Department of Architectural Design
© Savchak R., Goy B., 2018
The article outlines the state of studying the architecture of the polish theater in Ukraine and in the world. The peculiarities and differences in the study of this issue in foreign and domestic works are highlighted. It has been established that the study of the publication, depending on the time and place of creation, is not rarely highlighted in terms of specific weight and usefulness for scientific research on this topic, since, regardless of the views and efforts of the author, work is a reflection of the spirit of the era, cultural, social and scientific achievements. of this period. Domestic and foreign publications reveal only the drawings to the outline of the theme dedicated to the architecture of the polish theater in Ukraine. The research issue, in spite of its versatility and complexity for comprehensive coverage, is partially represented in modern works at a qualitatively new level.
The isolation of scientific research on the architecture of polish theaters on the history of architecture of Ukraine and Poland in a separate scientific direction is a natural phenomenon and represents a new stage in the development of both ukrainian and polish science and culture. Inclusion of historical and architectural studies of Ukraine in the general cultural context of the first ukrainian state, and then in the world, will promote the development of science and culture and integration processes in the world scientific and cultural environment. One of the aspects of studying the history of the theatrical architecture of polish communities is the discovery of scientific methods of researchers and their concepts as important components.
For a complete assessment of the issues in this study combines elements of historiographical, source study, bibliographic and other works. Without this work, many of the achievements of ukrainian historical and architectural science remain not incorporated into a broad cultural process. A brief overview of works on theatrical architecture shows that there is no despite considerable work on specific issues, a comprehensive picture of the development of research on the architecture of the polish theater in Ukraine, which would take into account and systematize all approaches and directions. Therefore, this study of the domestic and foreign architecture of the polish theater in Ukraine will provide an opportunity to identify the main sources for studying the peculiarities and differences of this scientific issue.
Key words: sources, scientific research, architecture of the polish theater, Ukraine, world.
УДК 727.364
А. Д. Смалійчук
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра архітектурного проектування та інженерії
© Смалійчук А. Д., 2018
За рівнем пристосованості середовища для потреб неповносправних оцінюється не лише комфорт, функціональність, але й етика архітектури, що відображає зрілість суспільства. Комфортні умови для неповносправних повинні забезпечувати можливість пересування, перебування та навчання. Тому необхідно провести чимало заходів з покращення та облаштування фізичного середовища, враховуючи, що кампус полі¬техніки складається із будинків різних функціонально-розпланувальних, кон¬струк¬тивних, об’ємно-просторових та художньо-естетичних рішень і які вимагають індивідуального підходу для розв’язання цієї проблеми.
Ключові слова: неповносправні, етапи, пристосування, кампус, безбар’єрність, пандус, ліфт.
Кількість посилань 8
А. Smaliychuk
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Department of Architectural Design and Engineering
© Smaliychuk А., 2018
The problem of accessibility for the disabled remains not only actual, but also acute, even painful for the whole society. Indicator of the adaptability of the environment for people with special needs is a litmus paper of compliance with European values and a civilized society choice of equal opportunities and real conformity to the ideas of humanism. Most people understand the need for measures to adapt the environment to the needs of the disabled. This is the most difficult part, but this accessibility problem is not limited. Comfortable conditions for the disabled should include ability for moving, staying, and learning. If you want to achieve it, you need to take a lot of steps of adaptability of physical environment. Also the communications in different aspects are important.
This process of adaptation is complex and prolonged in time, so it is reasonable to divide it in time into three stages. The process of adaptation will include a large number of different activities of various complexity and price. They can be grouped into 3 major stages. These stages can be called “small reconstruction” (stage 1), “extended reconstruction” (stage 2), “complex reconstruction” (stage 3),
The 1st stage will include various measures for redevelopment and arrangement of educational buildings without changing the vertical communications. After its implementation, the ground floors of educational buildings will be accessible, where the entry level is close to the ground level not more than 0,5 m. The 2nd stage will include various measures to create a barrier-free environment throughout the campus and student’s campus. It will be installation of internal and external ramps and elevators first of all. This stage will be the most expensive and technically complicated, since some of the educational buildings were designed without lifts.
The third phase will include a variety of facilities at the end of the adaptation of the learning environment for the needs of the impaired, most of which are osculant. Some of these will be measures to improve the physical environment, for example more efficient lighting and some develop virtual environment, such as new distant forms of learning.
The campus of polytechnics consists of buildings with different functional-planning, spatial and artistic-aesthetic solutions, and require an individual approach to solve this problem. It should not be forgotten that the correspondence of the environment with one or another requirement, especially for people with special needs, fundamentally affects to reputation of “Lviv polytechnic” and place among other education institutions.
Key words: disabled, stages, adaptation, campus, barrier-free, ramp, lift.
УДК 016:712.00
Н. С. Соснова
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра містобудування
© Соснова Н. С., 2018
Викладено основні життєві та наукові кроки професора Г. П. Петришин у становленні власної архітектурно-педагогічної школи: з учнями, реалізаціями та концепціями. Окреслено роль Галини Петришин у розвитку Львівської архітектурної школи та популяризацію її за кордоном у викладах, монографіях та конференційних дискусіях. Обґрунтовано наукову та педагогічну діяльність як таку, що сприяє поширенню інформації про культурологічні і архітектурно-містобудівні процеси в Україні та поглиблює співпрацю із закордонними вищими навчальними закладами.
Ключові слова: Галина Петришин, містознавство, ландшафтна архітектура, політехніка.
Кількість посилань 40
UDC 016:712.00
N. Sosnova
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Department of Urban Planning
© Sosnova N., 2018
The main life and scientific steps taken by professor Halyna Petrivna Petryshyn to establish an architectural and pedagogical school were set forth: with students, implementations, and concepts. Her role in the development of the Lviv architectural school was outlined. Scientific and pedagogical activity was proven to be the activity that promotes dissemination of information about cultural, architectural, and urban processes in Ukraine and deepens cooperation with foreign higher educational institutions.
In the course of her scientific and pedagogical work, professor H. P. Petryshyn, head of the Department of Urban Planning at the Institute of Architecture of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, has published 230 publications, including more than 80 publications in specialized Ukrainian periodicals and 35 publications in Polish, Austrian, Slovakian, German, Lithuanian, Russian, and Swedish periodicals. She is the author of 1 monograph, the head of the writing team or a co-author of 18 collective monographs and fundamental publications on the history of Lviv architecture and urban planning.
By organizing an interdisciplinary scientific and research group The Book of Galician Cities at the Western Scientific Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 1995, which was reorganized into the Ukrainian Center for Historical Knowledge about Cities in 1998, H. P. Petryshyn made an important contribution to the development of scientific thought in Ukraine.
Under her leadership, 9 applicants defended their dissertations for the degree of the candidate of architecture in the specialty 18.00.01 “Theory of Architecture, Restoration of Architectural Monuments”.
Since 1991, H. Petryshyn has been invited to give lectures on cities: in the University of Warsaw (1991), in Gdańsk and Poznań Universities of Technologies (1992, 1993).
H. P. Petryshyn is a repeat holder of the Vienna University of Technology scholarship (Department of Urban and Regional Planning – 1994, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2014), Austrian Academy of Sciences scholarship (Cities History Research Commission, 1995, 1996); Herder Institute in Marburg scholarship (Germany, 2000).
In 2003–2014, H.P. Petryshyn was a professor at the Department of Landscape Design of the Agricultural Academy in Szczecin (which was renamed West Pomeranian University of Technology in Poland in 2008).
Since 2003, she has been a member of the Commission of Architecture, Urban Studies, and Landscape Studies at the Polish Academy of Sciences (the branch in Lublin). Since 2009, she has been a co-founder and member of the SPAK Union of Polish Landscape Architects (the branch in Szczecin) and a member of the EGLAS International Union of Landscape Architects.
In 2014, she gave lectures as a guest professor at the Institute of Landscape Architecture of Kraków University of Technology under the Erasmus+ international program, which greatly deepened partner relations.
Activities carried out by the professor H. P. Petryshyn promote dissemination of information about cultural, architectural, and urban processes in Ukraine and deepen cooperation with foreign higher educational institutions.
Key words: Halyna Petryshyn, city studies, landscape architecture, polytechnics.
УДК 711.1
Б. С. Черкес1, Г. П. Петришин2, С. І. Коник3
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
1кафедра дизайну та основ архітектури,
2кафедра містобудування,
3кафедра містобудування
© Черкес Б. С., Петришин Г. П., Коник С. І., 2018
Розглянуто процес інтенсифікації міської території історично сформованого міста. Проаналізовано спроби інтенсифікувати квартали житлової забудови у різні періоди. Наведено визначення показників щільності. Прослідковано урбаністичні трансформації міської тканини, що впливають на зміни показників щільності та взаємозалежність між ними.
Ключові слова: міська забудова, урбанізація, щільність, інтенсифікація.
Кількість посилань 23
B. Cherkes 1, H. Petryshyn 2, S. Konyk 3
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
1Department of Design and Architecture Fundamentals,
2Department of Urban Planning and Design,
3Department of Urban Planning and Design
© Cherkes B., Petryshyn H., Konyk S., 2018
The urbanization processes of recent decades have been active in shaping of the urban environment and the image of a modern city. Significant intensification of the way of life of people also leads to an increase in the density of the city in its various manifestations. Cities of the metropolitan nature, such as Lviv, are maximally intensified within their existing boundaries, taking into account the potential of both the formed urban structure and degraded or undeveloped territories.
In connection with the crisis phenomena of 1990s and the decline of the economy of the Soviet model,a special impulse of development was given to the areas designated in general plans of cities for re-urbanization measures such as post-industrial, long-standing warehouse zones, transport service areas, territories of military units and warehouses, cooperative gardens and garages, etc. However, today's urbanization processes are intensively tied to existing infrastructure that meets the standards and creates a comfortable environment for living.
Modernization of cities and intensification of construction in conditions of high market competition causes an increase in urban density. City density (compactness) is a term used for urban development and urban planning, and takes into account the number of people who inhabit this urbanized area. The density of cities is considered an important factor in understanding of the functioning of cities.
City density surveys are carried in various spheres, including economics, health, innovation, psychology and geography, as well as sustainable development. It is generally believed that cities with higher density are more stable than cities with low density. Density idicator is widely used in urban planning practice (in general plans, rules of land use and development, land development projects, etc.), which characterizes the intensity of the use of territories. Transformations are especially vividly traced in the historical urban environment.
The study of the change in the density index is conducted on the example of Lviv residential development areas of different periods. In Lviv, very dense building was observed in the city center, as well as in quarters outside the walls, which were formed during the regulation of Lviv's development by the Austrian administration in the first half of the 19th century The growth of the status of Lviv influenced the intensification of the construction process in the city, which accelerated considerably in the 19th century, and the number of inhabitants gradually increased. From the 2nd half of the 19th century, before World War 1, a construction boom was observed in Lviv, accompanied by the spreading of urban development in the suburbs. The size of the building increased too – primarily in the number of the storeys and the size of the neighborhoods. In the interwar period in Lviv, construction was formed under the influence of functionalism, and in the periphery of the city the principles of the garden city were used, which affected the reduction of the density of the building and the creation of a comfortable environment. Lviv suffered the greatest crisis during the Second World War, when burgers of Jewish nationality were eliminated, Polish – resettled, and Ukrainian – subjected to repression. The population of Lviv resumed only in the 1970s due to its transformation of it into an industrial center, which also resulted in its territorial growth. The construction of a new mass housing, based on the principles of modernism on the principles of strict rationing, adopted for the entire USSR was applied. The General plan of 1970 predicted an increase in the number of inhabitants to 1 million in the 2000s. The period of independence began on the background of a protracted economic crisis, and the new construction was intensified only in the last decade.
Today in Lviv a process of intensification of construction of the territory of the city on selected sites is observed, which is due to increasing of the density and storey surface of the new building. Often, new residential complexes are not large-scale for a person's perception and affect the quality of the urban environment. Therefore, it is important, taking into account historical experience, to determine the optimal indicators of the density of the urban environment. The number of available population in Lviv, according to estimates, as of April 1, 2016 reached to 757.2 thousand people. In 2016, in Lviv (including Vynnyky, Bryukhovychi and Rudno satellites), residential buildings with a total area of 475.4 thousand square meters were put into operation. 55.3 % of the general housing of the region was introduced in Lviv, and 633.3 sq.m. of total housing area was built per 1000 inhabitants of the city. Such volumes of housing construction require the active development of infrastructure and an increase in the number of service facilities. This approach leads to the following changes: density of construction; load on transport infrastructure; additional load on engineering networks; increase in the number of sources of noise pollution; air pollution; visual pollution; closure of production; spontaneous building in suburban green areas; the decline of the natural landscape under anthropogenic influence; social and domestic conflicts.
Intensification of the urban environment during the period of growth of urbanization should take into account the needs of the city, take into account its problems and maintain the concept of sustainable development. Formation of developmental neighborhoods should be considered in the city context and create a good urban environment. Even more responsible task is to find approaches to the intensification of historic cities, especially their central parts.
Key words: urban development, urbanization, density, intensification.
УДК 72
Б. С. Черкес, Л. О. Шулдан *,
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра дизайну та основ архітектури,
*кафедра архітектурного проектування та інженерії
(частина І. Статус наукового фахового видання)
© Черкес Б., Шулдан Л., 2018
Кожному гарантується право на свободу думки і слова, на вільне вираження своїх поглядів і переконань. Кожен має право вільно збирати, зберігати, використовувати і поширювати інформацію усно, письмово або в інший спосіб – на свій вибір [1, Стаття 34].
Збірка наукових праць Вісник Національного університету “Львівська полі¬техніка” серії “Архітектура” та англомовний науковий журнал “Architectural Studies” (Архітектурні дослідження), два видання Інституту архітектури разом із сімома друкованими виданнями інших архітектурних інституцій (станом на вересень 2017 р.) входять до переліку наукових фахових видань України у галузі науки “архітектура”. Статтю присвячено дослідженню 20-річної історії фахових видань ІАРХ та перспективам їхньому подальшому розвитку.
Ключові слова: наукове фахове видання, збірка наукових праць, Вісник На¬ціонального університету “Львівська політехніка”, Architectural Studies, наукова діяльність, Інститут архітектури, наукометричні платформи.
Кількість посилань 19
B. Cherkes, L. Shuldan
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Department of Design and Basics of Architecture,
Department of Architectural Design and Engineering
(Part I. Status of Scientific Specialist Edition)
© Cherkes B., Shuldan L., 2018
Official Gazette of scientific articles 'Visnyk' of the National University “Lviv Polytechnic” series “Architecture” and the English-language scientific journal “Architectural Studies”, these are two editions of the Institute of Architecture, together with other seven printed editions of different architectural institutions (as of September 2017) are included in the list of scientific publications of Ukraine in field of science “architecture”.
The article is devoted to the study of the 20-year history of specialized publications and the prospects for their further development. During this period the 'Visnyk' of the “Architecture” series of its numbers were included into the list of scientific specialized publications of Ukraine in which the results of dissertational works for obtaining doctoral degrees of doctor and candidate of sciences can be published, and articles of authors can be justified in the lists of articles published in professional publications of Ukraine field of science “architecture”. The exception was the 2010 edition, when the assembly was mistakenly attributed to the technical field of science. Since 2015, twice a year, the English-language scientific journal “Architectural Studies” is published. As well as the 'Visnyk', since 2016 – this specialized edition
Orienting modern Ukrainian education to international standards of education and science put forward certain requirements for scientific works, articles, as well as for scientific publications. Entry into international science metric databases becomes a necessary condition for the existence of a scientific publication. Such tendencies induce to further increase the requirements for the formation of publications, reviewing, citing and quality of published materials
Key words: scientific specialized edition, Bulletins of scientific works, the 'Visnyk' of the National University “Lviv Polytechnic”, Architectural Studies, scientific activity, the Institute of Architecture, the scientometric platform.
УДК 721.01 727:534.3
М. Б. Яців, Е. А. Нестерович*
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра дизайну архітектурного середовища,
*кафедра архітектурного проектування та інженерії
© Яців М. Б., Нестерович Е. А.,2018
Здійснено комплексний аналіз архітектурно-інженерних проблем функціонування наявного актового залу, встановлено найважливіші чинники формування світлового та акустичного дискомфорту приміщення, запропоновано варіанти оптимізації світлового та акустичного середовища залу, визначено методи та засоби гармонізації середовища залу із урахуванням проектів реновації.
Ключові слова: реновація, сприйняття інтер’єру, природне освітлення, світловий дискомфорт, методи освітлення, акустика залів, реверберація, артикуляція.
Кількість посилань 16
M. Yatsiv, E. Nesterovich*
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Department of Architectural Environment Design,
*Architectural Designand Engineering Department
© Yatsiv M., Nesterovich E., 2018
Academic educational and laboratory building No.1 was the first new building of Lviv Polytechnic University. However, at the beginning of 2000 the hall ran out of technical and technological capabilities as well as functional ones. Apart from academic, methodical, ideological events significant space in the hall was occupied by artistic ones, however during 60 % of time this biggest of university spaces was kept half empty. At the request of the Rector the head of the department of architectural environment design and its leading pedagogues decided to broaden functional palette of an existing hall. Extending theatrically-performing function was chosen as the main renovation vector and it would satisfy the needs of not only students but also citizens and city guests.
The purpose of the renovation project – to develop architectural conception of renovating historical hall having secured using there a wide range of modern events and means of functional activity and having guaranteed aesthetic solution of its environment in accordance with the demands of the 21st century and at the same time having preserved tectonics and vividness of that time when the project had emerged and construction had been conducted.
Project of renovating assembly hall and improving its theatrically-performing function is conceptually connected with transforming space of the whole building taking into consideration existing and new functional premises. The study of the comfort of the assembly hall environment, after its architectural reconstruction, is the engineering context of the article.
The influence of new planning parameters, replacement of technological equipment of the hall and materials of wall surface coatings on the nature of visual perception, features of arrangement of natural and artificial lighting systems is considered. Modernization of hall acoustic equipment was suggested in accordance with modern demands.
Conclusion. Architectural, constructive, aesthetic and engineering-technological issues of renovation must be solved in a complex way, since introducing into the tectonic structure and room space of the new planning and subject-space elements and ignoring the requirements of the comfort of the environment of the hall can negatively affect the conditions of visibility, the nature of the visual perception, its illumination and acoustics.
Key words: renovation, interior perception, lighting discomfort, lighting methods, acoustics of halls, reverb, articulation.