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- Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". АРХІТЕКТУРА. Journal of Lviv Polytechnic Narional University. Archite
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Volume 5, Number 1 (2018)
UDC 339.331.5
JEL Classification Code F13, N40
L. Chernobay
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, PhD, Professor
E-mail: liana_chernobaj@ukr.net
V. Adamyk
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine, PhD, Associated Professor
E-mail: viktoriia.v.adamyk@lpnu.ua
S. Malibroda
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Master in International Economic Relations
E-mail: smalibroda@gmail.com
Abstract. Being an objective element of the global economic system, international migration produces a significant impact on the performance of individual countries nowadays. The economic impact of international migration is driven by various factors, primarily the type of international migration (labour migration, refugee migration, family migration, or student migration) and the legislation of a receiving country which determines the ability of international migrants to interact with the host country’s economy and to produce the respective impact. The hypothesis of this study builds on the premise that legislation of the receiving country determines the “capabilities of migrants”, that is a set of actions that can be performed by an international migrant on the territory of receiving country, the consequences of which will produce an impact on the economy of receiving country. We identified the following capabilities: the ability to enter and stay in the country; the ability to be employed; the ability to obtain social protection, education and citizenship; the ability to own and dispose of property. Capabilities are not firmly attached to particular types of international migration. For example, the capability to be employed is associated with such types of migrants as labour migrants, refugees, family and other migrants, depending on the country. The influence of international migrants on the economy of receiving country is determined not by the type of migration, but by the combination of actual capabilities that correspond to certain types of migration. We found five combinations of migrants’ capabilities that determine four types of economic relationships between the migrants and the receiving country’s economy. Each type of economic interaction produces a different effect on the economy of receiving country and can be changed by means of expanding or constraining certain capabilities of migrants, which requires that respective amendments be introduced in the legislation of the receiving country. The scientific appropriateness of our approach to modelling the impact of international migration on the economy of receiving country is based on the analysis of the global legal framework for purposes of identifying the rights that ensure the respective capabilities of migrants, as well as on the application of SNA-2008 principles to modelling the impact of international migration on the economy of receiving country. In this study, we used the method of analysis to single out the rights that ensure the migrant’s capabilities; the method of generalization to reveal attributes, based on which separate rights could be matched with respective capabilities; the method of explanation to describe the notions of “migrant’s capabilities” and “type of economic interaction”; the method of classification to separate specific types of economic interaction; and the method of modelling to describe the relationship between the legislation of the receiving country, the migrants’ capabilities, the types of international migrants, and the impact of such migrants on the economy of receiving country.
Key words: Impact on the economy, international migration, legislation, migrant’s capabilities, modelling.
Кількість посилань 62
УДК 304.4:323(477:4)
(грудень 1919 – березень 1920 рр.)
Іван Хома
Інститут гуманітарних і соціальних наук
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
© Хома І., 2018
Розкрито перебування та діяльність Є. Коновальця в організованому поляками таборі для інтернованих, куди він потрапив у середині грудня 1919 р. разом із частиною особового складу Групи СС армії УНР, якою і командував. Після цієї події військове формування Січових стрільців більше не відновиться.
Ключові слова: Євген Коновалець, Андрій Мельник, Стрілецька рада, Січові стрільці, інтерновані, Луцьк.
(december 1919 – march 1920)
Іvan Khoma
Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Khoma I., 2018
The study of historical figures, which is associated with the creation and development of various processes that have determined historical changes, require special attention. After all, each stage of the activity of such figures is decisive, it provides an opportunity to understand the sequence of actions, decisions, etc., the environment that helped, supported or criticized. In this context, the objective is to deal with the almost 3.5-month history of Е. Konovalets's stay as a former commander of the SS Army Group of the Ukrainian People's Republic and his entourage in a camp for interned in Lutsk. E. Konovalets, officers and ordinary soldiers were in the camp for interned in Lutsk from the middle of December 1919 – until mid-March 1920. E. Konovalets, commanders and soldiers of the SS group of the army of the Ukrainian People's Republic were interned by the Polish. After internment, this military formation will no longer resume its activities. Staying in a camp in Lutsk will be an important stage for Y. Konovalets and his entourage in understanding the events that took place in Ukraine and took place in the cities of the concentration of Ukrainian state centers (Warsaw, Vienna and Prague), as well as preparation for new organizational forms of activity in the struggle for independence. They assumed responsibility for organizing a new military unit on the basis of one of the camps of interned Ukrainians in Czechoslovakia to move to the territory of the UPR.
Key words: Yevhen Konovalets, Andriy Melnyk, Sichovi strilʹtsi, interned, Lutsk.
Література – 14
УДК 94 (100): 355. 318. 2 (430)
Микола Гетьманчук
Інститут гуманітарних та соціальних наук
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
© Гетьманчук М., 2018
Проаналізована політика нацистської Німеччини щодо створення та використання іноземних збройних формувань СС у роки Другої світової війни. Висвітлено мотиви й цілі перебування іноземних громадян у військових формуваннях СС. Особливу увагу приділено проблемі комплектування іноземними громадянами дивізій військ СС, їх місця у агресивних планах нацистського керівництва Третього Рейху.
Ключові слова: Друга світова війна, Третій Рейх, колабораціонізм, війська СС, іноземні добровольці СС.
Mukola Hetmanchuk
Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Hetmanchuk M., 2018
The issue of the participation of foreign citizens in the SS military groups of Nazi Germany during the Second World War has been studied. It has been shown that foreign citizens, who served in the SS forces, were conditionally divided according to racial and national principle and functional purposes. According to racial and national criteria, foreign citizens in the SS were divided into separate categories: 1) the first category – ethnic Germans – “Volksdeutsche”, as opposed to the German citizens – the imperial Germans – “Reichsdeutsche”; 2) the second category – the so-called “Germanic” peoples – English, Deutsch, Norwegians, Danes, Flemish, Swedes; 3) the third category of foreigners, the most numerous one, consisted of representatives of peoples of the former Soviet Union and the Baltic States; 4) the fourth category of foreigners – citizens of all other countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Three groups can be distinguished among them according to the motivation of their admission to the SS troops. The first one included foreign volunteers, who joined the SS troops mainly on ideological grounds. The second group was made up of foreigners from the territories annexed to Germany, who were mobilized into the SS forces. The third group consisted of prisoners of war from the armies of the Anti-Hitler coalition, who forcibly or voluntarily served in the SS. During the Second World War, Hitler and his entourage harnessed nationalism and general fear of Bolshevism that dominated in Europe. They realized that for the proclaimed Crusade against Bolshevism participation of all peoples of Europe is vital. Therefore, foreign military groups of the SS, according to the Nazi leadership, should have become: 1) the basis for the creation of a new “European Army”; 2) the embodiment of the concept of the development of a confederative “New united Europe”; 3) a powerful means for the creation of the European Reich after the victory over the world communism; 4) an important source of replenishment of SS military units with personnel. Two allied armies for Germany were created organizationally at the end of the war with the help of the SS – Russian and Slovenian.
The study of the problem suggests that SS troops were traditionally considered not only to be the elite of the German Army during the Second World War, but also a unique phenomenon in military history. During the Second World War, 38 SS units, individual brigades, legions and special-purpose SS units were formed that were not part of the German Wehrmacht and the police. Among them, only 20 SS divisions, including the ethnic Germans – “volksdeutsche”, can be considered purely German. During 1939–1945, according to the researchers’ estimates, 530 thousand foreign citizens served in the SS forces: the ethnic Germans “volksdeutsche” – 180 thousand; representatives of the peoples of the former USSR – 150 thousand; Dutch – 25 thousand; French – 10 thousand; Italians – 10 thousand; Danes – 6 thousand; Hungarians –
41 thousand; Croats – 28 thousand; Romanians – 5700; Serbs – 9 thousand; Albanians – 9275; Indians – 3 thousand, etc. By the end of the war, the number of foreign nationals in SS troops was significantly higher than the number of imperial Germans.
Most foreign divisions of SS troops were used only on the Eastern Front. Only three foreign SS divisions participated in the battles with the Allied troops on the Western Front – 34 – a (Dutch), 29 – a (Italian), 30 – a (Russian). Another four foreign SS divisions created in the Balkans (7, 13, 21, 23) and the Serbian Volunteer Corps of SS took part exclusively in the fight against the guerrilla movement. It has been emphasized in the historiography of the SS forces that the units that were created from Western European citizens proved to be the most combat-effective. At the same time, it has been stressed that the level of combat capability was determined by the motivation of the personnel.
Key words: Second World War, Third Reich, SS troops, collaborationism, foreign SS volunteers.
Література – 43
УДК 94 (100): 355. 318. 2 (430)
Роман Пономаренко
кандидат історичних наук, історичний координатор ГО “Дух нації”
https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-8006-5095
© Пономаренко Р., 2018
Досліджено передісторію та мотиви започаткування капеланської служби в 14-й добровольчій дивізії військ СС “Галичина” в роки Другої світової війни та проаналізував військову підготовку капеланського корпусу дивізії. Висвітлено статус українських капеланів у військах СС та визначено їх кількість. Крім цього, окрему увагу приділено аналізу результатів діяльності капеланів та їх ролі у дивізії.
Ключові слова: Друга світова війна, Третій Райх, Галичина, Україна, війська СС, іноземні добровольці СС, дивізія “Галичина”, капелан.
DIVISION “GALICIA” (1943–1945)
Roman Ponomarenko
Phd, historical coordinator of the PO “The Spirit of the Nation”
© Ponomarenko R., 2018
In the article author researched the background and motives for the establishment of the Chaplaincy service in the 14th SS-Volunteer Division “Galicia” during the Second World War and analyzed the military training of the Chaplain Corps Division. This training took place in the SS-Training Camp Sennheim (Cernay) in 1943 and consisted of a politico-ideological and military training of Ukrainian priests of the Greek Catholic Church. The article also research the status of Ukrainian chaplains in the Waffen-SS and their number – both Greek Catholic and Orthodox. In addition, special attention is paid to the analysis of the results of the chaplains services and their role in the division. The military chaplains were a important element in the division, responding not only for the fulfillment of religious functions, but also for the moral state of soldiers. They performed worship and conducted propaganda activities. Ukrainian chaplains had an officer rank in the Waffen-SS and enjoyed all the privileges accorded to the status of SS-officer. At the same time, Vasil Laba became one of the three Ukrainians who received the high rank of Waffen-Sturmbannführer. Despite the thorough preparation, the chapel's Corps was not monolithic, because often their duties depended primarily on their personal qualities. After the Battle of Brody, there were only two chaplains in the division, but soon new ones came to replace those who died or were captured. However, more another specialized training for Ukrainian chaplains in the SS did not organized. Nevertheless, the chaplains existed in the Ukrainian division of the Waffen-SS until the end of the war and the transfer of the division into the Ukrainian National Army.
Key words: Second World War, Third Reich, Galicia, Ukraine, Waffen-SS troops, foreign SS volunteers, division “Galicia”, military chaplain.
Література – 18
УДК 821.1612-92Демкович-Добрянський.304.2(477)”195/198”
Danylo Kravets
Vasyl Stefanyk Lviv National Scientific Library of Ukraine
Visiting researcher at the University of Minnesota (USA)
© Kravets D., 2018
Presented paper is based on the Mykhaylo Demkovych-Dobriansky personal archive and it deals with his articles and radio programs devoted to cultural situation in the Soviet Ukraine (1950s–1980s). It focuses on his biography and intellectual heritage. M. Demkovych-Dobriansky was an author of hundreds radio programs on Radio Liberty and dozens of publications in different Ukrainian diaspora periodicals. His writings were dedicated to: Ukrainian-Russian relations (especially huge influence of Ukrainian scholars on Russian history), problems of Ukrainian culture in the Soviet Union (russification, lack of dictionaries and audio types with Ukrainian songs etc.), role of Ukrainian dissidents in the USSR (series of programs devoted to V. Chornovil, I. Dziuba etc.) etc.
Key words: M. Demkovych-Dobriansky, Radio Liberty, diaspora, dissidents, Soviet Ukraine, culture.
Данило Кравець
Львівська національна бібліотека імені В. Стефаника
дослідник Університету Міннесоти (США)
© Кравець Д., 2018
На основі особового архівного фонду М. Демковича-Добрянського та його опублікованих робіт простежено ставлення автора до подій у радянській Україні 1950–1980-х рр. М. Демкович-Добрянський (1905–2003) – відомий історик, очільник української редакції радіо “Свобода” (1956–1972), публіцист та громадсько-політичний діяч, член Українського національно-демократичного об’єднання (УНДО) та голова Союзу українців у Великій Британії (СУВБ). Архів фондоутворювача зберігається у відділі рукописів ЛННБ України ім. В. Стефаника (фонд № 298). Висвітлено життєвий і творчий шлях фондоутворювача, автора численних праць на тему українсько-польських та українсько-російських відносин; акцентовано увагу на радіопрограмах, які висвітлювали різні сторінки історії України: проблеми українсько-російських взаємин, історію, мову, аналіз феномену шістдесятників та дисидентів
у СРСР тощо.
Ключові слова: М. Демкович-Добрянський, радіо “Свобода”, діаспора, дисиденти, УРСР, культура.
Література – 21
УДК 008:930.85:316.42
Поліна Вербицька
Інститут гуманітарних і соціальних наук
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
© Вербицька П., 2018
Статтю присвячено проблемі актуалізації потенціалу культурної пам’яті як соціального інструменту в процесі конструювання ідентичності особистості. Виокремлено та узагальнено проблеми, які існують у сфері колективної, суспільної і культурної пам’яті. Розкрито феномен культурної пам’яті як рушія змін та його зв'язок із теорією прав людини як індикатора демократичних змін. З’ясовано потенціал дослідження ролі культурної пам’яті у період демократичної трансформації українського суспільства як посередника нового суспільного наративу минулого, що інтегрує різні перспективи.
Ключові слова: ідентичність, трансформація, культурна пам'ять, права людини, місця пам'яті.
Polina Verbytska
Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Verbytska P., 2018
The article deals with the problem of actualization of the cultural memory potential as a social tool in the process of identity construction in the conditions of the Ukrainian society democratic transformation. The main thesis of the article is that the cultural memory has mighty resources in the conditions of a democratic and lawful state, securing forming, preserving, transferring and developing of cultural norms, values, knowledge and meanings, contributing to integration, social consolidation.
The representation of the historical past and of historical events which are created and disseminated in society within the limits of specific cultural markers and political context was outlined. It was found out that social memory is produced by mediated ideas of the past which represent selective, simplified inclusion and exclusion of information. It has been underlined that memorizing and forgetting are selective processes.
There has been analyzed the notion “complex of memory” (according to Sharon Macdonald), which includes the interaction of three important components – memory, heritage and identity.
It has been stated that actualization of historical narrative in places of memory is aimed at forming a personality’s identity, feeling of belonging to a certain community and its historical past. There has been underlined the connection between historical consciousness and cultural memory in the process of formation of a personality’s identity. It has been identified that values are an important component in the structure of historical consciousness of a personality.
There has been explained the phenomenon of cultural memory as a mover of changes and its connection with the human rights theory as a democratic changes indicator. The significance of the role of human rights in the conditions of modernization and transformation has been substantiated. The role of the human rights idea in the modern transformation of Ukrainian society has been characterized.
It has been allocated and summarized that recognition of the priority of human rights, human dignity gives possibility to form value attitude of an individual to memory and recollections of various individuals and communities, the willingness to transmission of values and experience of the past to other members of society, to overcome possible negative consequences of social interaction.
Key words: identity, transformation, cultural memory, human rights, places of memory.
Література – 15
УДК 930.85:008:37
Надія Барановська
Інститут гуманітарних і соціальних наук
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
© Барановська Н., 2018
У статті проаналізовано особливості розвитку світового освітнього простору як успішної трансформації традиційної освітньої системи у гуманізований простір культури освіти в нових глобалізаційних, конкурентних умовах. Теоретично обґрунтовано різносторонній вплив світового освітнього простору на створення нової освітньої та культурної реальності, в якій відбувається самореалізація особистості, розширення діалогу культур та збереження національно-культурних особливостей. Увагу закцентовано на ролі та значенні світового освітнього простору для модернізації європейської системи вищої освіти та зміни освітніх і культурних парадигм.
Ключові слова: світовий освітній простір, глобалізація, культура, освіта, взаємодія, спадщина.
Nadia Baranovska
Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Baranovska N., 2018
The article analyzes interaction of the educational system and culture during the process of world educational space development. Versatile influence of the world educational space on the creation of a new educational and cultural reality, in which take place self-realization of the individual, enhancement of the dialogue of cultures and preservation of national and cultural peculiarities is theoretically grounded. The emphasis is on the role and significance of the world educational space for the modernization of the European system of higher education and the change of educational and cultural paradigms.
It was determined that the formation of the world educational space, as space of culture and education, was the result of global integration processes in the modern world and constructive multi-purpose interstate cooperation in the field of education. Different educational systems, having national-state and cultural identity, integrate on certain, commonly recognized and accepted by all sides single principles of educational activity. It facilitates the updating of educational systems with distinct traditions in the field of education and culture, the variability of the forms of interaction between states and institutions providing a range of educational services, the implementation of the necessary innovations for optimization and organization of the educational process on a humanistic democratic basis. As a result, modern world education becomes an international, multicultural, competitive, developing the ability of a person, regardless of his place of residence, basic educational level, cultural characteristics and identity, to evaluate phenomena from the standpoint of other people, cultures, state and socio-economic models.
The formation of the European Higher Educational Space takes place within the world educational space, that ensures the convergence, harmonization and change of educational and cultural paradigms in the system of higher education on the territory of the European continent. It depends on it today, with what knowledge, worldview, value orientations, civic principles and cultural potential the young generation of Europe will be formed.
In general, legacy of the world's educational space testifies to its versatile influence on the interaction of education and culture as the main means for self-realization of the person, formation of its skills and professional competencies, ability to apply them in future professional activity. Culture humanizes education, creates its unified image and forms the cultural values of person, society and era. Thanks to education, young people get acquainted with rich cultural legacy of the world, creatively comprehend its achievements, forming a new educational and cultural reality, in which enhancement of the dialogue between cultures takes place, and the national peculiarities are maintained.
Key words: world educational space, globalization, culture, education, interaction, legacy.
Література – 19