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- Журнал "Львівська політехніка"
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- Вісник Національного університету „Львівська політехніка”
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- Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку
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- Теорія і практика будівництва
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- Вісник Національного університету „Львівська політехніка”
- Фірмова продукція
№ 899 (2018)
УДК 365.26
О. І. Баланська, А. В. Панченко, В. М. Мельник
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
© Баланська О. І., Панченко А. В., Мельник В. М., 2018
Проаналізовано ситуацію, що склалася на ринку житла в Україні, зокрема рівень забезпеченості ним населення. Виділено основні проблеми, що існують у цьому секторі економіки, зокрема низький рівень купівельної спроможності населення країни. Досліджено стан житлового забезпечення у країнах Європи та визначено основні відмінності між ними та Україною. Запропоновано заходи, які ґрунтуються на вико¬ристанні досвіду розвинених країн у забезпеченні населення житлом, для використання в Україні, зокрема розширення іпотечного кредитування та впровадження інституту соціального житла.
Ключові слова: житло, іпотечне кредитування, забезпеченість житлом, середня заробітна плата, житловий фонд, фінансування житлового будівництва.
O. Balanska, A. Panchenko, V. Melnyk
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Balanska O., Panchenko A., Melnyk V., 2018
Despite the recent increase of the size of the minimum and average wages and due to high inflation, the purchasing power of the population has not increased. There is the stable low level of housing in Ukraine and a significant number of people in queues for housing or housing improvement, have all the chances not get the desired at all according to the pace of housing. Also, in the country, even housing that is considered habitable is often even not close to the norms of European countries.
Although the volume of housing construction in Ukraine is increasing every year, there is a significant number of people in the country who are not members of the socially vulnerable population or are not below the poverty line, but they can not afford themselves to buy housing. That is why there is a need to search for such ways of providing the population with housing, which made it possible to solve the problem on a personal basis, instead of transferring it to the state. To accomplish these tasks it is expedient to study the European experience in providing the population with housing and find ways to use it in domestic conditions.
One of the main differences between Ukraine and Europe is that we have no social housing institute that would be in state ownership and provided to low-income groups of the population for a low rent for a certain time before improving their financial status. It is also typical for Europeans that most of the population does not own a home, but permanently resides in rented accommodation.
Mortgage loans are the main source of financing for housing construction in developed countries, in Ukraine they account for a very small share in total. This is particularly due to very high lending rates, as well as the instability of the country's economic system and, consequently, the lack of confidence in the future of the majority of the population.
The calculations made in article show that in Ukraine, at the lowest wage, housing prices are quite equal to European ones. At the same time, we have the highest mortgage rates and, accordingly, payouts on issued loans. Thus, for the majority of the Ukrainian population to buy housing on their own is an overriding task, and even lower mortgage rates can not drastically change the situation and therefore there is a need to find other ways to solve the housing supply problem.
The article substantiates that for the gradual solution of the problem of housing provision in Ukraine, first of all, it should be developed by the institution of social housing, which would allow to at least partially reduce the number of people in queues. As soon as possibility to receive free housing in property does not stimulate people for improving their living conditions themselves. And if people know that they will be provided with housing temporarily and only on lease rights, then some of them will be removed from the queues. Reducing interest rates on mortgages, along with the introduction of social housing will encourage people to buy their own housing.
Key words: housing, mortgage lending, housing provision, average wages, housing fund, housing financing.
Кількість посилань 16
УДК 339.924
М. І. Бублик, Р. В. Медвідь
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
© Бублик М. І., Медвідь Р. В., 2018
Досліджено особливості ведення, організування та перспективи розвитку елек¬тронного підприємництва в умовах імплементації Угоди про асоціацію між Україною та ЄС. Оцінено ефективність діяльності підприємств, що здійснюють електронну ко¬мерцію комплексними факторами рівня забезпечення доступу населення до Інтернету, налагодженості механізму оплати та доставки, зручності сервісів поштово-логістичних фірм. Сформовано основні переваги імплементації Угоди про асоціацію у сфері ведення електронного підприємництва, які полягають у гармонізації інституційних заходів щодо діяльності електронної комерції на вітчизняному та європейському ринках, підтримці розвитку вітчизняного електронного бізнесу та розширенні потенційних ринків збуту за рахунок залучення мешканців ЄС, стимулюванні розвитку електронної бізнес-інфраструктури.
Ключові слова: національна економіка, електронний бізнес, електронна комерція, електронне підприємництво, цифрова економіка, європейська інтеграція.
M. Bublyk, R. Medvid
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Bublyk M., Medvid R., 2018
The e-commerce as an integral process of e-business every year plays a more significant role in everyday life of a society. Today it is not only an information retrieval tool, but also a new way of producing, redistributing and marketing goods and services. The development of e-commerce in Ukraine is extremely important as it is an effective means to enter the global market, and in particular the European one, for many Ukrainian companies. This will give an impetus to the further development in Ukraine of both Internet technologies and the entire
e-business infrastructure. Comprehensive solution to all problems and elimination of the causes of obstacles to the development of e-commerce in Ukraine will make it possible to reduce the gap in the growth rate of e-commerce in the world as well as in the national economy.
In order to solve a complex of problems in the field of conducting and organizing
e-business in the article, the peculiarities and prospects of the development of e-business in the context of the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU were studied. The direct impact of the Agreement on the field of e-business has been established through the implementation of a permanent regulatory dialogue to stimulate the development of e-commerce, the recognition of certificates of e-signatures, the continuous process of protecting the interests of consumers, and ensuring the confidentiality of users of e-commerce systems. The main advantages of implementing the Association Agreement in the field of e-business are formed, which consists in harmonization of institutional measures on e-commerce activity on the domestic and European markets, support of the development of domestic e-business and expansion of potential markets by attracting EU residents, stimulating the e-business infrastructure development. The impact of such factors as: growth potential, saturation of the goods and services market, the share of people using the Internet for business operations in the network, the level of use of bank cards, e-money and payment systems, e-commerce infrastructure, readiness for cooperation with European partners, solvency of the population, etc. were evaluated. The dynamics of sales volumes and their growth rates on the Internet, structure of online purchases are investigated. The current global trends of e-commerce development are analyzed in order to ensure the growth of the Ukrainian segment of e-business. It is proposed to determine the complex criteria of the number of pages viewed per visit, the time of stay on the site, the volume of goods turnover for the possibility of full and thorough research of e-business. A comparative analysis of world and Ukrainian e-commerce leaders has been conducted. The key aspects of prospects of development of e-business in Ukraine in the conditions of European integration are substantiated.
Key words: national economy, e-business, e-commerce, e-entrepreneurship, digital economy, European integration.
Кількість посилань 12
УДК 338.14.001
О. О. Галаченко*, Н. М. Стручок**
*ПрАТ “ВНЗ “МАУП” м. Вінниця,
**Львівський інститут економіки і туризму
© Галаченко О. О., Стручок Н. М., 2018
У статті визначено основні тенденції розвитку санаторно-курортних підприємств у межах регіону, систематизовано основні негативні аспекти їхнього функціонування та окреслено ключові напрями необхідних змін. Запропоновано науково-обґрунтований підхід до трактування сутності поняття “санаторно-курортна послуга”. Узагальнено теоретичні основи щодо визначення сутності поняття та видів санаторно-курортних послуг, визначено стратегічні напрями підвищення рівня конкурентоспроможності санаторно-курортних послуг. Запропоновано комплексну систему маркетингового управління розвитком санаторно-курортних послуг, яка побудована на сучасних трендах та поєднує складові структури комплексу маркетингу.
Ключові слова: послуга, санаторно-курортний комплекс, маркетингова стратегія, регіон, тренди маркетингової стратегії.
О. Halachenko*, N. Struchok**
*Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (IAPM),
**Lviv Institute of Economy and Tourism
© Halachenko О., Struchok N., 2018
At present market`s conditions, with the uncertainty of the effects of globalization processes in the context of decentralization of weighty importance in the study of the implementation of sanatorium and resort services, the trends that shape the hard conditions of competition are becoming actuality. At the same time, for a qualitative analysis of the effectiveness of development and forecast of the future expected state of sanatorium and resort services, an appropriate scientific base is needed. Taking into account the specifics of the object which is researched, it is important to form a system of priority trends of marketing strategy at the regional level.
The article defines the main tendencies of development of sanatorium and resort enterprises in the region, the main negative aspects of their functioning were systematized and the key directions of necessary changes were outlined. There was proposed a scientifically grounded approach to the interpretation of the essence of the concept of “sanatorium and resort service”. The theoretical bases for the definition of the essence, concepts and types of sanatorium and resort services were generalized, strategic directions of increasing the competitiveness level of sanatorium and resort services were defined. There was offered a complex system of marketing management for sanatorium and resort services development, which is based on modern trends and which combines the structure of the marketing complex.
Key words: service, sanatorium - resort complex, marketing strategy, region, trends of marketing strategy.
Кількість посилань 9
УДК 658.3
С. Й. Гончар, В. В. Кузяк
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
© Гончар С. Й., Кузяк В. В., 2018
Розглянуто наукові підходи до визначення сутності поняття “стрес” та типології стресів. Вивчено призначення та роль стресів на підприємствах різних видів госпо¬дарської діяльності. Виявлено вплив стресів на прийняття управлінських рішень щодо виробничої діяльності підприємства та створення сприятливого корпоративного клі¬мату для його ефективного господарювання. Оцінено вплив стрес-факторів на ефективність діяльності персоналу підприємства, виділено негативні та позитивні наслідки стресових ситуацій.
Виокремлено певні принципи та побажання, яких необхідно дотримуватись для дієвого управління в умовах стресу. Охарактеризовано можливості запропонованих заходів боротьби з джерелами виникнення стресів на підприємствах. Запропоновано певні напрями для подальшого здійснення досліджень, котрі пов’язані із веденням кредитно-інвестиційної політики в умовах стресу.
Ключові слова: стрес, кредитно-інвестиційна політика, стрес-менеджмент, управління, підприємство.
S. Honchar, V. Kuziak
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Honchar S., Kuziak V., 2018
In this article authors consider the scientific approaches to the definition of concept of “stress” and the typology of stress. The purpose and role of stress at the enterprise of different types of economic activity were studied. The influence of stresses in making of managerial decisions on the production activity of the enterprise and on creation of a favorable corporate climate for its effective management is investigated. The influence of stress factors on the effectiveness of the personnel of the enterprise is evaluated, negative and positive consequences of stressful situations are identified. The principles and actions that must be followed for effective management under stress conditions are presented. The possibilities of the proposed measures to combat the emergence of sources of stress at the enterprises are described. The author also proposed the directions for further research related to the conduct of credit and investment policy under stress conditions.
In the modern world, the stress is an integral part of life, because the frenzied rhythm of life, continuous diverse changes, constant scientific implementation in everyday life or work lead to stress. The physical and psychological state of the person and his health are closely related. The higher is the stress level, the worse it affects the person. As a result, the productivity of labor decreases, which entails negative consequences for the enterprise.
Let's consider more in detail the application of methods of stress management, and we will start with the creation of a favorable climate in the enterprise. This process is complex, spacious and long, requiring considerable time expenditures, as a complete team is not formed in one day or one week. The management, in turn, also needs a time for the evaluation of workers both in skills and personal qualities. It should be noted that the perfect formation of the corporate climate has several types, in particular: for enterprises with low staff turnover and for enterprises with a high turnover of personnel.
The ideas of HR specialists in order to encourage employees to perform their work qualitatively and quickly is an important element of the stress management system. Competent and skilled HR specialists study the characteristics of employees, enable them to express themselves and apply their abilities and skills for performing certain important tasks. Such use of the system of stress management provides a positive attitude to the tasks, increases their interest in the work, and prompts them for certain ideas about the development of the enterprise.
This approach to management is extremely important for conducting credit and investment activity at the enterprise. Credit and investment activities are very important for the quality assurance of production and economic activity of the enterprise and they require teamwork of the personnel. The impact of stress on the personnel conducting credit and investment activity can lead to very negative consequences, in particular: the choice of unsuccessful investment projects, the incorrect execution of the issuance or receipt of credit, the late payment or receipt of interest, etc., and as a result, total lack of funds or even bankruptcy.
Consequently, we can conclude that the stress management system is a wide range of different methods aimed at eliminating the sources of stress and reducing its negative impact. The methods differ in complexity, formality and possible costs, but each enterprise can choose the most effective, most suitable or most effective method according to management's opinion.
Key words: stress, credit and investment policy, stress management, management, enterprise.
Кількість посилань 4
УДК 37.07: 005+378
А. М. Дідик, Ю. С. Погорелов
Рахункова палата України
Дідик А. М., Погорелов Ю. С., 2018
Розглянуто напрями та форми співпраці закладу вищої освіти із бізнесом. Узагальнено наявні бар’єри співпраці бізнесу та закладів вищої освіти. Сформовано теоретичний базис, який описує співпрацю закладів вищої освіти та бізнесу. До такого базису належить модель Г. Іцковіца, ланцюжок цінності за М. Портером та теорія стратегічних альянсів. Визначено інтереси закладу вищої освіти та бізнесу у їхній співпраці. Встановлено ресурси кожного з учасників такої співпраці. На основі задово¬лення інтересів кожного з учасників співпраці із використанням ресурсу іншого учасника побудовано принципові засади організування співпраці закладу вищої освіти із бізнесом, до яких належить п’ять аспектів такої співпраці (комунікативний, змістовий, організаційний, контрольний, рефлексивний). Розкрито зміст кожного з аспектів, показано приклади та наслідки його відсутності.
Ключові слова: заклад вищої освіти, співпраця, бізнес, бар’єри, теоретичний базис, організація, інтерес, ресурс, аспект.
A. Didyk, Y. Pogorelov
Accounting Chamber of Ukraine
Didyk A., Pogorelov Y., 2018
Nowadays Ukrainian institutions of higher education face a significant number of problems: a drop in the number of students and university entrants, the low level of funding for higher education, outdated material resources, lagging behind scientific research, a slow pace of integration into the European and world intellectual space, etc. One of the possible directions of their solution is the establishment of cooperation between institutions of higher education and business structures on mutually beneficial terms. Such cooperation can be beneficial for both parties. For now, in such cooperation, there are many problems, however. There are even reasons to talk about the parallel existence of two interrelated but not interconnected sectors, that do not understand each other: business and higher education. Although it is obvious that such sectors not only depend on each other, but their interaction is an important condition for normalizing the national economic situation of any country. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the foundation of the cooperation of domestic higher education institutions and business structures; the foundation of such cooperation should be a theory of interaction.
The idea of cooperation between domestic institutions of higher education and business structures is not fundamentally new. At least in the program documents of most domestic higher education institutions, this idea is actively supported. The construction of the fundamentals of organizing the cooperation of business and higher education institutions in Ukraine requires clarification of its content. It is proposed to use G. Itskovits’ model, M. Porter’s chain of added value and the concepts of the theory of strategic alliances. It is proved that the nature of cooperation between higher education institutions and business structures corresponds to the conditions for the creation of strategic alliances, and therefore appropriate concepts that explain the creation and functioning of alliances can be applied to explain the cooperation between higher education institutions and business structures.
There are singled out sources of cooperation between higher education institutions and business structures. There are determined factors of the basic possibility of such cooperation: absence of conflict of interests, including those because of cooperation with competitors or probability of spreading confidential information; lack of regulatory restrictions on cooperation; preconditions for the satisfaction of each cooperation participant’s interests and balance between such interests. There are described interests of higher education institutions and business structures in cooperation.
It has been explored that in each particular case of cooperation between higher education institutions and business structures, the combination of interests of participants may be different. Moreover, such a combination may change in time, as well as the degree of satisfaction of interests may change. But it is evident that in cooperation between a higher education institution and business structures, at least some interests of each party must be satisfied. When the number of satisfied participants' interests is greater, the participants’ concernment in the cooperation increases, too.
There are singled out resources of cooperation between higher education institutions and business structures. There is constructed a model of organizing a cooperation between higher education institutions and business structures. The absence of interaction between the higher education institutions and business structures is classified by its aspects, as well as the corresponding consequences.
Key words: higher school, business, barriers, theoretical basis, organization, interest, resource, aspect.
Кількість посилань 27
УДК 330.341.2
М. Л. Данилович-Кропивницька
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
© Данилович-Кропивницька М. Л., 2018
Досліджено вплив довіри як основної складової мережевої підприємницької культури на зростання рентабельності підприємств, які потенційно можуть стати учасни¬ками мережі. Запропоновано методику розрахунку інтегрального показника, який визна¬чає вплив мережевої взаємодії бізнес-одиниць. Дослідження проводилося на прикладі малих і мікропідприємств Львівської області, для яких встановлено позитивний ефект впливу вагомості довіри на економічну ефективність у процесі взаємодії з партнерами.
Ключові слова: мережева взаємодія, довіра, індекс споживчої довіри, бізнес-структури, рентабельність, інтегральний показник.
M. Danylovych-Kropyvnytska
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Danylovych-Kropyvnytska M., 2018
The goal of this paper is to determine the impact of active interactions that have a potential to develop into network-type relationship, on profitability of small and micro businesses in Lviv Oblast. The author defines a network interaction as a specific type of relations among business entities that is recognized for its high professional qualities, trust, mutual responsibility, a shared reasonable risk.
In Ukraine, the institutional environment is transforming dramatically, and such changes precondition the development of a networking society that is known for its unique culture, which combines norms of traditional entrepreneurial culture with new information and communication technologies, and manifests a high level of trust and empathy that become its key determining factors. However, the trust of people in public institutions, each other and commercial entities is at an extremely low level.
Given the general growth of the global consumer confidence (The Conference Board) reaching its historic peak in the first quarter of 2018, Ukraine's consumer confidence remains one of the lowest in the world. By this indicator, Ukraine is one of the world’s most pessimistic countries, with still underdeveloped market institutions.
Trust as a phenomenon requires a thorough theoretical and methodological research, as in the past it was analyzed mainly in the context of social capital. Therefore, the current study is aimed at describing a method of calculating a single integral efficiency criterion, which defines an impact of active, network-prone interactions among business units.
The study consists of five stages, involves owners and directors of small and micro businesses of Lviv Oblast, and results in establishing an integral indicator for each of these groups, which allows for making trustworthy conclusions. The study demonstrates that for the studied companies, an increased value of trust while interacting with partners, as well as shared goals, values and behavioral norms, ultimately lead to a positive impact on their profitability.
Key words: network interaction, trust, consumer confidence index, business structure, profitability, integral indicator.
Кількість посилань 5
УДК: 331.339.9
Р. З. Дарміць
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
© Дарміць Р. З., 2018
У статті проаналізовано наявні підходи до визначення поняття “компе¬тентність” впродовж тривалого проміжку часу, за який воно еволюціонувало; розглянуто зміст цієї категорії та деякі різновиди; запропоновано авторське уточнення терміну з урахуванням різних аспектів у відношенні працівників апара¬ту управління підприємства.
Виявлено і конкретизовано основні властивості компетентності з враху¬ванням поділу на основні і специфічні; запропоновано критерії/показники оціню¬вання компетентності працівників апарату управління в системі кадрового забезпечення підприємства.
Ключові слова: компетентність, апарат управління, аспекти та властивості компе¬тентності, критерії/показники оцінювання компетентності.
R. Darmits
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Darmits R., 2018
Growth of competition, globalization, structural changes in the labor market in the system of requirements of employers to potential employees form a permanent dynamic update in the views of scientists, entrepreneurs, managersin relation to the criteria for selecting staff for the respective positions of the management apparatus to achieve the goals of the organization.
The management apparatus is a complex, coordinated system, part of the organization's management subsystem.
Variability, versatility and complicacy of predicting the dimension and nature of changes in the external environment require the owners of enterprises to recruit staff with characteristics that would allow them to professionally, promptly and adequately respond to existing and possible situations, taking into account the interests of interest groups of influence. In accordance, the efficiency and effectiveness of such responses by the management of an enterprise is in the concept of competence of management personnel.
The review and analysis of the interpretation of the concept of “competence” allows us to generalize that this concept is complicated (as a rule, it allows to achieve more than one goal), collective (as a rule, is a set of constituents, other unit concepts), multivariate. Since, in fact, the term itself is on the verge of pedagogical and managerial use, it is expedient to interpret its meaning depending on origin, purpose and measurement.
Competence in the broadest sense covers a set of knowledge, skills, abilities and features of personality. These components should be considered as a kind of toolkit for performing certain activities, labor.
At the same time, the manager at the enterprise fulfills his direct functional duties according to the position and staff list, using the acquired competencies.
Every competence that owns an employee of a managerial staff of an enterprise is characterized by a certain level of development, necessity, sufficiency, expediency. That’s why it is important to assess the level of formation and development of competence of the manager, which causes the existence of such a characteristic as an empirical assessment. In other words, the expression of competence points to an evaluational or empirical aspect consideration while the concept is under investigation. This approach allows us to highlight several aspects of the concept: resourceful (instrumental, functional) and empirical.
Analysis of the content, characteristics and specifics of management activity allows to allocate a number of properties of competencies of employees of the administrative apparatus, considering the etymology of the concept, the logic of forming interrelations among its components. The revealed properties should be summarized in two blocks: general (flexibility, additivity (cumulativity), evolutionary, emergence, measurability (empiricity), elasticity, relevancy) and specific (interdisciplinarity, synergy, discrepancy, heterogeneity (multiplicity), dynamism, functional limitations, prognosticity).
During the process of assessment of the level of competence of the employee of the managerial staff in the office, ettention should be payed to the parameters of the implementation of works, i.e. functional responsibilities; for this purpose, the parameters of accuracy (quality, timeliness and compliance) should be used.
Key words: competence, management apparatus, aspects and properties of competence, indicators of competence assessment.
Кількість посилань 22
УДК 658.152:336.563
З. П. Двуліт, Н. В. Стасів, У. І. Моторнюк
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
© Двуліт З. П., Стасів Н. В., 2018
Сформовано етапи комунікування з донорами для забезпечення системності дій та злагодженості робіт учасників проекту. Виділено форми фандрайзингу з урахуванням їхніх переваг і недоліків. Проаналізовано основні джерела фінансування некомерційних організацій. Наведено мотиви участі донора у фандрайзингу. Визначено пріоритетні напрями реалізації фандрайзингових проектів в Україні, здійснено характеристику можливих проектів та запропоновано базу потенційних донорів для кожного напряму.
Ключові слова: фандрайзинг, некомерційна організація, донор, фандрайзер, фінансування.
Z. Dvulit, N. Stasiv, U. Motornyuk
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Dvulit Z., Stasiv N., 2018
Nowadays Ukrainian society has become more open for active development of international relations, adding new ideas and using the positive experience of other countries, what created a possibility to develop fundraising as a new and very important phenomenon that has not been previously inherent to socio-economic reality of Ukraine. However, despite the international experience, this activity has great prospects in our country, because of a significant number of unresolved social problems, what requires a new approach to finding the necessary resources to implement social business initiatives aimed at harmonizing social relations and improvement of functioning nonprofit organizations.
The article investigates the main sources of fundraising and priority areas for its implementation in Ukraine. It mentions the importance of analyzing the main sources of fundrasing and confirms that the state policy is characterized by fragmentation of the implemented measures and by ignoring the opportunity to receive the necessary funds from different sources of income.
The stages of communicating with donors are formed. For better understanding the nature of fundraising, the article specifies and describes its basic forms with its advantages and disadvantages. The motives of donor participation in fundraising are noted. The priority directions of realization of fundraising projects in Ukraine are defined, the possible projects are described, and the potential donor base for each direction is proposed.
The research showed that the process of raising funds from donors of different categories could turn into a structurally organized instrument of social assistance effective mechanism for attracting and redistribution of funds or other resources to those who need them. Therefore, the development of theoretical and applied provisions in this area is not only to ensure the possibility of effective implementation of this process, but also to help to solve many issues of social sector.
Key words: fundraising, non-profit organization, donor, fundraiser, financing.
Кількість посилань 19
УДК 658:339
З. П. Двуліт, Н. Р. Стасюк, А. Р. Куцин
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
Двуліт З. П., Стасюк Н. Р., Куцин А. Р., 2018
Розглянуто тлумачення поняття “толінг”, виділено ключові критерії визнання толінгових операцій. Сформовано типовий алгоритм імплементації толінгових операцій та охарактеризовано ключові його етапи. Узагальнено перелік документів, необхідних для отримання дозволу на переробку на митній території України. Розвинуто принципи толінгу як базові постулати його здійснення.
Ключові слова: толінг, толінгові операції, толінгер, давальницька сировина, переробне підприємство, митний режим переробки на митній території.
Z. Dvulit, N. Stasyuk, A. Kutsyn
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Dvulit Z., Stasyuk N., Kutsyn A., 2018
The actuality of research is caused by the fact that presently the crisis situation of a number of domestic enterprises prompts managers to find alternative ways to use their own powerful production, technical, technological and human resources. In such conditions tolling is one of the methods of maintaining and developing the activities of domestic business entities. There is no legal interpretation of the essence of the term “tolling” in Ukraine, but it is widespread in scientific sphere. Therefore the scientific definitions of tolling operations are considered in the article.
Development of organizational principles for the implementation of tolling operations determines the following objectives: to consider the essence of the concept of "tolling" in existing scientific works, to identify the key criteria of tolling operations, to reveal the algorithm of tolling, to reveal the peculiarities of state responsibilities of the processing enterprises, to develop the principles of tolling as the basic postulates of its implementation.
The process of tolling operations’ implementation includes following stages: determination of restrictions or prohibitions for the import of certain types of goods for processing in Ukraine, conclusion of a foreign economic agreement, obtaining a written permission to process goods in Ukraine, customs clearance of raw materials in the customs regime of processing in the customs territory, the manufacturing process of transforming raw materials into finished goods with the registration of all necessary documents, customs clearance of products, raw materials’ waste and residual in the customs regime of re-export, conducting mutual settlements, preparation of reports for submission to the customs authorities to confirm compliance with the customs regime of processing in the customs territory.
An important aspect of the implementation of tolling operations is the conclusion of a contract. The main provisions of contract are: conditions of supplying raw materials and finished products in accordance with the rules of INKOTERMS, norms of raw material consumption per unit of finished goods, standards for the output of finished products, quality of raw materials, assortment of finished products, a list of other enterprises involved in the processing, if any, terms of orders’ execution, technology of processing, the form, volume and procedure for payment for services on the processing of tolling raw materials, conditions for handling residues and waste of raw materials, responsibilities of sides. Execution of the contract is carried out in the form of raw materials, finished goods, money or combination of these three forms.
To effectively manage tolling operations, the following principles should be observed: the principle of informativeness, the principle of functional expediency, the principle of balance, the principle of target orientation, the principle of objectivity, the principle of multivariateness, the principle of participativity, the principle of a process approach.
Key words: tolling, tolling operations, tollinger, raw materials, processing enterprise, customs regime of processing in the customs territory.
Кількість посилань 13
УДК 303.823.3:339.564: 658.7:658.8.012.12
А. С. Завербний, М. С. Псуй, Г. І. Пушак
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
Завербний А. С., Псуй М. С., Пушак Г. І., 2018
У статті проаналізовано проблеми формування системи управління збутовою діяльністю. Виокремлено проблеми, з якими стикатимуться національні виробники в умовах відкритості економіки, євроінтеграції. На основі проведеного аналізування наукових досліджень вітчизняних, зарубіжних вчених виділено та розглянуто основні методи управління збутовою діяльністю в умовах виходу на зовнішні ринки збуту.
Ключові слова: збут, система управління збутовою діяльністю, експорт, експортна діяльність.
А. Zaverbnyi, М. Psyj, G. Pushаk
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Zaverbnyi А., Psyj М., Pushаk G., 2018
The issue of sales produced by the national producer of products becomes great importance in the context of European integration. This applies not only to exports. The gradual liberalization of foreign trade policy will align the working conditions of domestic and foreign producers. The article is devoted to the problems of forming a system of sales management.
The purpose of this article is the study the problems of the formation the management system sales activities of the export direction in the context of European integration.
Results of the research. The main goals of the sales activities of enterprises are derivatives of its general. The main components of the sales of enterprises are systems, forms, channels of sales. The ratio of these elements of parts in certain market situations will allow national commodity producers to effectively realize the relevant marketing goals.
Enterprises should take into account, developing a system for managing sales activities, that it should correspond to the main activities.
The most important factors necessary for the success of national enterprises must be progressiveness, foresight, focus on the prospect of the top management according to market conditions, economic integration. This is possible provided the professional formation of a flexible and efficient sales management system is possible.
Conclusions. The correct separation of the market segment will ensure a high level of efficiency of sales activities. Segmentation of the market has an advantage. All resources of the enterprise can be concentrated on the most perspective segments (markets). This will allow you to plan the volume of production, sales of goods that meet specific demand. This will help to select the appropriate means of communication, in coordination with the target segment (market). This is a way to optimize your marketing costs, and more.
It is necessary to formulate plans for this activity for the effective planning of sales activities. These plans should be based on forecast data relating to the market segment in which the company operates, sales management systems, its elements, etc. The development of forecast models should be carried out in accordance with the main methodological forecasting principles.
The organization of sales activity is a part of the functional subsystem of the enterprise. It should provide for the coordination of workers who carry out comprehensive work on management of marketing operations. Sales organization should include the selection of specialists to all sales divisions, the assessment of the quality level, the effectiveness of work, measures for material, moral motivation, etc.
Key words: sales, marketing management system, export, export activity.
Кількість посилань 22
УДК 378.4
А. Кісьолек*, О. Карий**, П. Кобіс***, О. Прокопенко****
*Великопольська соціально-економічна вища школа в м. Шьрода-Вєлькопольська, **Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
***Політехніка Ченстоховська,
****Сумський державний університет
Кісьолек А., Карий О., Кобіс П., Прокопенко О., 2018
Ринок освіти на сьогодні змушує ВОЗ активно працювати в сфері управління маркетингом. З цього боку роль Інтернету є інструментальною. У статті подано окремі результати дослідження використання Інтернету у загальній маркетинговій діяльності ВОЗ Польщі та України. Результати, що збігаються в обох країнах, вказують на важливість та маркетинговий потенціал веб-простору, а відмінності, пов’язані зі сприйняттям цього середовища серед респондентів двох країн, не повинні розглядатися як ознаки різно¬манітних тенденцій. Істотніші розбіжності можна простежити щодо конкретних марке¬тингових заходів в Інтернеті, які можуть стати предметом окремого дослідження.
Ключові слова: маркетинг вищих навчальних закладів, Інтернет-маркетинг, електрон¬ний маркетинг, управління вищою освітою.
A. Kisiołek*, O. Karyy**, P. Kobis***, O. Prokopenko****
*Wielkopolska Higher School of Social Sciences and Economics in Środa Wielkopolska,
**Lviv Polytechnic National University,
***Częstochowa University of Technology,
****Sumy State University
Kisiołek А., Karyy О., Kobis Р., Prokopenko О., 2018
The education market nowadays forces higher education institutions to be active in the field of marketing management. In this respect, the role of the Internet is instrumental. Dynamic changes on the educational services market, especially in the domain of e-marketing in higher education, are multidimensional and require a separate study. The article presents the selected results of the study of the use of the Internet in the general marketing activity of higher education institutions in Poland and the Ukraine. An analysis along these lines becomes additionally relevant in the context of comparative research of two markets of educational services (i.e. Polish and Ukrainian). The results obtained uniformly hint at the importance and marketing potential of the Web, and the differences relating to the perception of this medium among the respondents in the two countries should not be taken as indicating diverse trends. The results presented are yet to be analyzed in more detail and call for a broader discussion. Part of the research was conducted under the international research project entitled “the Internet in the marketing activity of higher education institutions” and the results obtained will constitute the subject matter of separate publications. More significant differences were noted with respect to the specific online marketing activities, which may constitute the subject matter of separate research.
Key words: marketing of higher education institutions, Internet marketing, e-marketing, higher education management.
Кількість посилань 9
УДК 330.341.1:330.341.2(477)
О. М. Луцків
Державна установа “Інститут регіональних досліджень імені
М. І. Долішнього НАН України”
© Луцків О. М., 2018
Приділено увагу дослідженню проблем інституційної підтримки інноваційного розвитку в Україні. Проаналізовано нормативно-правову і законодавчу базу забезпе¬чення інноваційної діяльності та запропоновано способи її коригування. Виокремлено суб'єкти інституційного забезпечення інноваційної діяльності. Вивчено проблеми в сфері інституційного забезпечення інноваційного розвитку та інституційний інстру¬ментарій економічної політики держави. Охарактеризовано основні інститути інноваційної діяльності. Проаналізовано європейський досвід інституційної підтримки та стимулювання інноваційних процесів.
Ключові слова: інституційне забезпечення, інституційні зміни, інституції, іннова¬ційний розвиток, інноваційна діяльність, нормативно-правова база, інноваційна інфраструктура.
O. Lutskiv
Institute of Regional Research
named after M. I. Dolishniy of the NAS of Ukraine
© Lutskiv O., 2018
The article focuses on the research of institutional support of innovative development in Ukraine. It is noted that the main obstacle of economic development is the low innovation activity in the regions of Ukraine. This is because, on the one hand the low efficiency of innovation sector, innovative infrastructure and innovative businesses that operate in isolation from each another, and the other – not incapacitated and effective institutional support innovation.
The article aims to research the characteristics and problems of institutional support of innovative development in Ukraine and finding ways to improve it.
It is indicated that institutional support of investment and innovation is a combination of public and private institutions that ensure the availability of legal, organizational and economic conditions that are necessary for the introduction and development of investment and innovation.
The basic tasks of institutional support of innovative development in Ukraine which is to create a favorable business climate in the region for support and of innovation consumer demand on innovative products, production conditions forming the base of knowledge, effective system of financial support of innovation process, effective innovation potential are analyzed. In general, institutional support of innovative development of the region creates a regulatory and legal framework, as it provides the legal basis of its support. The basic laws and regulations governing the general principles of economic development in Ukraine are analyzed. It is noted that despite the significant number of adopted laws and regulations aimed to supporting of innovative development, the formation of the legal framework of innovation activity in Ukraine is incomplete because it is fragmented, inconsistent and incomplete in line with the principles of innovation and knowledge economy and therefore needs to be reviewed in the perfection context.
It is noted that the effective functioning of the national innovation system needs to form and ensure a close interaction between such types of innovative institution, as: financial, innovation, production and technology, information, training for the innovation process; expert advice, management and control and so on.
Studied the European experience of the approaches, principles, forms and methods used in the institutional system. Innovative EU strategy ensure effective functioning of an innovative economic model, tax and credit incentives, targeted funding of individual innovation, public order, the restructuring and modernization of public enterprises, the use of venture capital creation and development of innovative new structures.
It is concluded that the effective functioning of the innovative environment of institutional support for innovation is not possible without the creation of social and economic, organizational, institutional and regulatory conditions for effective reproduction, development and use of scientific and technical potential, to ensure mass adoption of modern technology production activities, production and sale of new types of competitive products.
Key words: institutional support, institutional changes, institutions, innovative development, innovation, regulatory framework, innovative infrastructure.
Кількість посилань 10
УДК 316.3
М. Мaмchyn*, I. Furtak**, I. Parobecka**
*Lviv Polytechnic National University,
**Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
© Мaмchyn М., Furtak I., Parobecka I., 2018
This article analyzes the nature of the process of informatization of modern society, characterized by it sposition in the global and domestic space culture. The attention is paid щo historical aspects of information. Defined features of the information society, features the information culture in society. Prospects of informatization of modern societies. The modern stage of development of civilization is also characterized by the growing role of information and of communication technologies. Conlusion. Thus, the main goal of information processes is to provide the required information level of awareness caused by the objectives of socio-economic development. The main result of information processes will become free timely public access to regional, national and global information fund and formation of needs and necessities of its use. Creation and development of information processing industry is main direction of informatisation, because just this industry, using the latest tools and technology, produces the final product – information that fills and supports information fund, provides each person’s access to it and use. The information relates to such aspects of scientific progress that can’t flourish without broad international cooperation. No country in the world could effectively develop all areas of information. Only active participation in international cooperation and division of labour in the informational fields creates opportunities for providing the necessary pace of information in our society. Computerization should mean an increasing of effective development of country’s potential, realisation of the implementation mechanisms of civilization development in general and be oriented to meet the information needs of all members of society.
Key words: informatization of modern society, role of information technology in medical science, use of IT in medical education, the impact of information technology on medicine, the importance of information technology in medicine.
М. М. Мамчин, І. І. Фуртак, І. М. Паробецька
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
© Мамчин М. М., Фуртак І. І., Паробецька І. М., 2018
Досліджено хід процесів інформатизації сучасного суспільства, зокрема історичні аспекти, проблеми та перспективи формування інформаційного суспільства у сфері охорони здоров’я. Проаналізовано характер процесу інформатизації сучасного суспіль¬ства, характеризується його позиція у глобальній та вітчизняній космічній культурі. Висвітлено історичні аспекти інформації. Визначено риси інформаційного суспільства, особливості інформаційної культури в суспільстві, перспективи інформатизації сучасних товариств. Встановлено, що основною метою інформаційних процесів є забезпечення необхідного інформаційного рівня обізнаності, спричинене цілями соціально-еконо¬мічного розвитку, а основним результатом інформаційних процесів стане безкоштовний своєчасний доступ громадськості до регіонального, національного та глобального інформаційного фонду та формування потреб та потреб його використання.
Ключові слова: інформатизація сучасного суспільства, роль інформаційних технологій в медицині, використання інформаційних технологій у медичній освіті, вплив інформаційних технологій на медицину, важливість інформаційних технологій у медицині.
Кількість посилань 17
УДК 338.486 (477)
О. В. Музиченко-Козловська
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
© Музиченко-Козловська О. В., 2018
Запропоновано комплексний підхід до економічного оцінювання туристичного потенціалу території, який передбачає такі етапи: вибір та обґрунтування сукупності показників оцінювання туристичного потенціалу території; оцінювання складових турис¬тичного потенціалу місцевості; визначення рекреаційної та туристичної місткості території; визначення туристичного потенціалу місцевості за видами туризму; оціню¬вання кількості економічно активного населення як трудового потенціалу місцевості; здійснення мар¬кетингових досліджень доцільності освоєння туристичного потенціалу регіону; розрахунок економічного ефекту від освоєння туристичного потенціалу території.
Ключові слова: дестинація, туристичний потенціал території, рекреаційна та ту¬ристична місткість місцевості.
O. Muzychenko-Kozlovs’ka
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Muzychenko-Kozlovs’ka O., 2018
The essence of potential and tourist potential is determined in the article. The components of the tourism potential are defined, namely: technical, economic and real tourist potential. Formulated approaches to assessing the components of tourism potential.
The expediency of using an integrated approach to the economic evaluation of the tourist potential of the territory is substantiated. The research task is determined.
A set of indicators for assessing the tourist potential of the territory is formulated, namely: the region's natural tourism resources; the number of anthropogenic tourist resources, including unique (UNESCO World Heritage); number of accommodation facilities for tourists, including 5 star hotels; the number of beds in the means of accommodation of tourists.
The complex approach to economy assessment of the tourist potential of the territory is proposed, which includes the following stages: the choice and justification of the aggregate of indicators of evaluation of the tourism potential of the territory, by which we will analyse the availability of natural, historical and cultural tourist resources and material and technical base of tourism; assessment of the components of the tourist potential of the area; definition of recreation and tourist capacity of the territory, taking into account the norms of recreational and tourist load on the relevant areas; definition of tourist potential of the area by types of tourism. The greatest number of resources available for the development of such types of tourism in the Lviv region: cultural and cognitive; health-improving; recreational-recreational; religious; business; ecological (green); rural; mountain; organized; amateur; sports; estimation of the number of economically active population as a labour potential of the area; realization of marketing researches of expediency of development of tourist potential of the region by the number of served visitors (including foreign citizens who settled in hotels) in the means of accommodation of tourists of Lviv region; calculation of the economic effect from the development of tourism potential of the territory of Ukraine and the expediency of developing tourism potential there by calculating the efficiency of the activity of the population of sanatorium and resort, tourist and hotel establishments of Lviv.
Key words: destination, tourist potential of the territory, recreational and tourist capacity of the area.
Кількість посилань 12
УДК 330.341.2
І. С. Процик, М. В. Михалик
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
© Процик І. С., Михалик М. В., 2018
У статті досліджено поняття та види міграції, процеси міграції українців за останні роки, встановлено основні причини, що спонукають українців до еміграції. Здійснено аналіз міграційних процесів за останні роки та виявлено низку особливостей міграційних процесів в Україні. Розроблено анкету для аналізу та характеристики емігрантів. Наведено основні сфери зайнятості українських емігрантів та встановлено істотне зростання чисельності жінок серед емігрантів. Встановлено наслідки міграції для України.
Ключові слова: міграція, види міграції, чинники міграційних рухів, причини міграції, наслідки міграції.
І. Protsyk, M. Mykhalyk
Lviv Polytechnic National University
© Protsyk І., Mykhalyk M., 2018
The article deals with the concept and types of migration, approaches to the definition of the concept of migration of different authors are presented. The structure of demand and supply of labor in Ukraine for the year 2017 is presented. The main reasons that motivate Ukrainians to emigrate are determined. Having analyzed migration processes in recent years, a number of peculiarities of migration processes in Ukraine have been identified.
Established countries are the leaders in the number of immigrant Ukrainians admitted in 2017 (Poland, Canada, USA, Brazil, Italy, Germany), as well as the countries most popular for studying students: Poland, Germany, Russia, Canada, Italy, Czech Republic, the USA. Spain, Austria, France and Hungary.
The main areas of employment of Ukrainian migrants abroad are determined at the beginning of 2017. Analyzing the scope of activities involving Ukrainian emigrants in other countries, there is more employment opportunities for men. Although there has been a tendency in recent years to increase the rate of emigration among women, and especially this has been observed in 2016. The main factors of restraining influence on decision making about migration are established.
The consequences of increasing the scale of migration for Ukraine are established.
Key words: migration, types of migration, factors of migration movements, causes of migration, consequences of migration.
Кількість посилань 16
УДК 005:001.8:330.342
І. І. Свидрук, Н. О. Батьковець*
Львівський торговельно-економічний університет
Інституту підприємництва та перспективних технологій*
© Свидрук І. І., Батьковець Н. О., 2018
Розроблено та методологічно обґрунтовано моніторинговий комплекс для ефективного управління креативним розвитком персоналу. Наявний методологічний апарат аналізу якості управління трудовим потенціалом запропоновано доповнити методикою багатовимірного аналізу компетенційної складової управління людськими ресурсами, що дає змогу з високою достовірністю аналізувати ступінь впливу частко¬вих компетенційних ознак на ефективність креативної діяльності організацій. Дослідження компетенційних аспектів, проведене за результатами опитування 80 менеджерів різного рівня управління у 27 підприємствах Львова та Львівської області показало певну розбіжність в експертних оцінках, однак виявило загальний для всіх респондентів вектор визнання важливості таких вмінь, як здатність аналізувати, передбачати та використовувати інформацію, виконувати фахові функції та поставлені завдання відповідно до вимог проекту, а також такі особистісні ділові якості як самоорганізація, ініціативність, освіченість та креативність. Сформована на основі множинної регресії модель дала змогу виявити та оцінити з високим ступенем достовірності кількісні та якісні характеристики кореляційних зв’язків компе¬тенційних ознак з показниками економічної ефективності. Порівняльний аналіз карт компетенцій, отриманих в результаті психодіагностичного тестування та матема¬тичного розрахунку, про¬демонстрував важливість розвитку компетенції ТОР-менед¬жменту як для особистих ключових показників ефективності, так і для досягнення креативних цілей розвитку організації загалом.
Ключові слова: менеджмент, управління персоналом, експертне оцінювання, креатив¬ність, економічна ефективність.
I. Svidruk, N. Batkovets
Lviv Trade and Economic University
Entrepreneurship and Advanced Technologies
© Svidruk I., Batkovets N., 2018
The article is devoted to the development and methodological substantiation of the monitoring complex for effective management of creative development of personnel.
The strategy of creative organization renewal involves the presence of a highly skilled and creatively inspired team. The obligation of this requirement for the successful implementation of the tasks of creative development prompts consideration of the peculiarities of the management of creative personnel and the definition of its main competency characteristics. The modern paradigm of management of creative personnel was formed as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of the organization, undergoing evolutionary changes from the economic to the humanistic model. Modern strategies for working with creative personnel of organizations are based on both concentrating on the goals of creative business and internal restrictions of the possibilities of the enterprise. In particular, the staffing policy of small and medium-sized enterprises is aimed at reducing staff costs, widespread use of the combination of positions, delegation and redistribution of powers and responsibilities. The functions of personnel management are limited, mainly, to administrative procedures and control, and the system of motivation is simple enough and reduces only to the procedure of remuneration, which determines the urgency of developing a methodology for monitoring the competency component.
The need for special approaches to the management of creative teams, which manifests itself in expanding the powers of the employee and greater freedom in the performance of functional duties, is unquestionably recognized by all modern researchers in the field of economics. The successful development of the knowledge economy is based, first of all, on the available scientific and technological potential taking into account the peculiarities of the human resources potential. Therefore, it is this postulate that most scientists base on assessing the effectiveness of creative management.
The existing methodological apparatus for analyzing the quality of management of labor potential is proposed to be complemented by the method of multidimensional analysis of the competence component of human resources management, which allows with high reliability to analyze the degree of influence of partial competency attributes on the effectiveness of organizations' creative activity.
The study of competency aspects carried out on the results of the survey of 80 managers of different levels of management in 27 enterprises of Lviv and Lviv region showed some differences in expert assessments, however, it revealed a general for all respondents a vector of recognition of the importance of such competencies as the ability to analyze, predict and use information, perform professional functions and tasks in accordance with the requirements of the project, as well as such personal business qualities as self-organization, initiative, education t and creativity.
The model, based on multiple regression, allowed to identify and assess with high reliability the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the correlation links of the characteristics of the characteristics with the indicators of economic efficiency. A comparative analysis of competency cards obtained from psychodiagnostic testing and mathematical calculations has demonstrated the importance of developing the competence of TOR management both for personal key performance indicators and for achieving the creative goals of the organization as a whole.
Key words: management, personnel management, expert evaluation, creativity, economic efficiency.
Кількість посилань 21
УДК 316.3
Т. О. Яригіна, Х. С. Передало, Ю. В. Огерчук
Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
© Яригіна Т. О., Передало Х. С., Огерчук Ю. В., 2018
Подано класифікацію природних ресурсів, наведено статистику поточного забезпе¬чення природними ресурсами та частки наявності родовищ природних ресурсів у країнах світу та в Україні, досліджено водний та лісовий потенціал України, охаракте¬ризовано програму збалансованого природокористування, ратифіковану в Україні, обґрунтовано заходи щодо збереження природних ресурсів, перераховано поради для їх оптимального використання на особистісному, підприємницькому та міжнародному рівнях.
Ключові слова: ресурси, природні ресурси, водний та лісовий потенціал, збереження природних ресурсів.
T. Yarigina, Kh. Peredalo, Yu. Oherchuk
Lviv National Polytechnic University
© Yarigina T., Peredalo Kh., Oherchuk Yu., 2018
The problem of using natural resources is very relevant. Today, media are often alarmed about the exhaustion of natural resources and the emergence of a catastrophe that is awaiting humanity as a result of its ineffective use. And this problem is not only world-wide. In Ukraine, there are also problems regarding the rational use, conservation, and, if possible, the multiplication and restoration of components of natural resource potential. It should be noted that regarding the availability of natural resources, according to the Ministry of Nature of Ukraine, our country is one of the leading countries in the world for the richness of mineral resources.
The main problems solved today by many countries, in addition to inefficient use of natural resources, economically unjustified exploitation of natural sources, etc., and include climate change as a result of the above activities. It is believed that one of the most effective ways to combat this problem is to reduce the carbon footprint of the economy. Reducing the carbon component of the environmental footprint by 50 % could put off the Day of Environmental Debt for 93 days.
As for Ukraine, the unstable situation of the Ukrainian economy is still being solved by the exhaustion of national natural resources. At the national level, our state has ratified the program of balanced development, which provides for the rational use of natural resources. Thus, the priority direction of optimization of the use of natural resources is the introduction of the regulatory legal system of balanced nature operating in many European countries, namely the program entitled “Main directions of state policy in the field of environmental protection, use of natural resources and ensuring environmental safety”, approved by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
In general, the article describes the classification of natural resources, statistics on the current provision of natural resources and the share of natural resources in the countries of the world and Ukraine, the water and forestry potential of Ukraine are researched, the program of balanced nature management, ratified in Ukraine, the reasons for conservation of natural resources, were enumerated the recommendations for their optimal use at the personal, business and international levels.
Kay words: resources, natural resources, water and forest potential, conservation of natural resources
Кількість посилань 12