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- Volume 1, Number 1 (2019)
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- Volume 2, Number 1 (2020)
- Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". АРХІТЕКТУРА. Journal of Lviv Polytechnic Narional University. Archite
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№2 (25) / 2018
UDC 528.21/22
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Geodesy, 6, Karpinsky St., 79013 Lviv, Ukraine, march@pancha.lviv.ua
Purpose. We examine the change in the Earth’s second degree zonal harmonic coefficient derived from UTCSR SRL time series of given (a) for the period from 1976 to 2017 as monthly solutions of the zonal coefficient and (b) for the period from 1992 to 2017 as weekly solutions of the zonal coefficient obtained via the eigenvalue-eigenvector problem and related to the principal axes system. The mean difference between the coefficients or given in various systems consists of the value which is smaller than time variations in the coefficients or . These time series of were modeled by polynomials’ different degrees simultaneously with Fourier series with seasonal signals (for annual, semiannual, and quarter-year periods). Final representation was chosen at the epoch J2000 by means of the polynomial of second degree. Then the models for the time-dependent astronomical dynamical ellipticity and the precession constant with respect to the common value were constructed using the model for the zonal coefficient for the time-interval of about 25 yr. As the third step these time series of were applied to determine a basic trend and periodic variations of the time-dependent Earth’s polar flattening from 1992 to 2017. A variation of the global dynamical and geometrical figure of the Earth was investigated and some important quantitative results were found: the polar flattening is increasing within the considered 25 year time-interval. Therefore, this study aims to derive the variation of the global geometrical figure of the Earth, represented by the second-degree coefficients of time-series and the astronomical dynamical ellipticity . As a result, a special attention was given to the study of temporally varying components including seasonal variations of some fundamental parameters of the Earth.
Key words. SLR, change in the zonal harmonic coefficient , Earth’s polar flattening, dynamical ellipticity.
References – 22
UDC 551.733.3:553.981/982 (477.8)
Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of the NAS Ukraine, 79060, Lviv, Naukova str. 3-а,
tel. +38(032)2634161, e-mail: kosagri@ukr.net
Objective. To elucidate the dynamics of catagenetic processes that occurred in the Silurian sediments against the background of an oil and gas systems formation. Method. The method includes lithology-facies, mineralogical-petrographic, catagenetic, and litho-fluido-dynamic analyses. Results. The spatial-temporal development features of carbonate (bank-reefal facies), argillite (outer and inner shelf), and argillite-carbonate (transition facies) complexes located in the Silurian sediments (profile of boreholes: Lishchynska-1 – Peremyshlyany-1 – Baluchin-1 – Olesko-1) have been determined. The main post-sedimentary transformations of clayey compound rocks consistent in the formation of quartz, calcite, pyrite, as well in the formation of caverns and fractures, which in most cases are combined with thin channels forming a single system, have been studied. It has been established that during the Palaeozoic and Early Mesozoic, the regime of catagenesis of the Silurian sediments of the considered structures was identical. Its further differentiation caused by the individualization of various tectonic block development occurred. In the first catagenetic cycle, the Silurian deposits reached the temperature conditions of the main zone of gas formation. The hydrocarbon (HC) generation centre was located in the western part of the studied profile (the Lishynskaya area), and within the zone of hydrocarbon accumulation a number of lithogenetic reservoirs were localized, the formation of which took place at different catagenetic substages. The main phase of hydrocarbon accumulation is confined to the Late Cretaceous. At this time in the Lishchino-Peremyshlyanskaya area there was a knot of reservoirs pertaining to the heterogeneous morphology, genesis, and the time of their formation. The spatial superposition of these reservoirs and the presence of a multi-directional system of fractures led to the formation of a single fluid system. In the Palaeogene, the accumulated oil and gas accumulations were destroyed as a result of the regional fracture zone development. Hydrocarbon fluids migrated both laterally and vertically with their possible accumulation in structural or lithological traps in the Silurian and Devonian sediments. Scientific novelty. The novel periodization of the Silurian deposits catagenesis has been determined, and the difference in the regime of catagenesis which occurred in various tectonic structures has been established. Practical relevance. The hydrocarbon fluids migration stages and the history of conditions during the formation of the lithogenetic reservoirs have been determined, which allowed assessing specific aspects of the oil-and-gas potential of the Silurian and adjacent sedimentary complexes.
Key words: Silurian, Volyno-Podilia, lithological complexes, catagenesis, litho-fluido-dynamics, reservoir rock.
References – 22
УДК 550.382.3:553.98(477)
1 Subbotin Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 32 Palladin Ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680.
E-mail: Tory_D@ukr.net, тел. 0681190381
2 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of Geology, 90 Vasylkivs’ka Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03022
3“DТEК Naftogaz”, 57 Lva Тоlstogo Str, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01032
Purpose of the study. To study physical properties of the reservoir rocks of Semyrenkivske field in the Hlynsko-Solokhivskyi oil and gas region (OGR) of the Dnipro-Donets Aulacogene with the aim of evaluating their filtration-capacitive properties as well as to justify the relationship of oil and gas fields with sources of local magnetic anomalies that occur during the passage of hydrocarbons. The research methodology consists in the experimental study of rock samples (cylinders), namely, measuring the magnetic susceptibility with the MFK1-B kappabridge and determining the density and open porosity according to standard methods, analyzing, and comparing the obtained data with the geological-tectonic maps of the study area. Results. The obtained values of magnetic susceptibility, density, and open porosity of reservoir rock samples were obtained from 11 wells in the Semyrenkivske field, which are represented by sandstones, aleuritic sandstones, aleurolites, and limestones. The distribution of these parameters with depth was investigated, and their correlation dependences were calculated. In all wells, the inverse correlation between open porosity and density for all types of rocks is fixed. No clear patterns regarding the relationship of magnetic susceptibility and density have been identified. The integrated approach used to conduct experimental studies together with theoretical data, and analysis of the geomagnetic field and fault-block tectonics made it possible to comprehensively analyze and clarify the current state of oil and gas potential in the Hlynsko-Solokhivskyi OGR, to formulate criteria for the deep oil and gas content of the Earth's crust of the studied region, and to identify the vertical migration routes of hydrocarbons. Scientific novelty. Petrophysical studies of rocks in combination with the analysis of the magnetic field and fault tectonics of the territory were carried out for the first time for the Semyrenkivske field, namely, magnetic and filtration-capacitive characteristics of reservoir rock samples were obtained, which make it possible to more thoroughly and comprehensively study the hydrocarbon potential of this area. Practical value. The obtained results supplement the information on the petrophysical properties of the rocks of the region under study. For the Semyrenkivske field, on the basis of the presence of a local magnetic anomaly and a node of the intersection of the Kryvorizko-Krupetskyi and sublatitudinal faults, it is possible to forecast the presence of an “echeloned” gas condensate deposit, including the bottom of the sedimentary cover and the crystalline basement.
Key words: physical properties of rocks; magnetic susceptibility; local and regional anomalies of the magnetic field; Semyrenkivske field; hydrocarbon deposits.
References – 30
UDC 528.2
Department of Higher Geodesy and Astronomy, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, S. Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine, ph. +38 (068) 7632139, е-mail: teojuman@gmail.com
Aim. In order to improve the definition of GNSS-stations coordinate changes, it is important to find out how the processes that occur in the near-Earth space influence the significance of these changes. To describe such processes we can use the seismic activity index, the infrasound rate, and the number of daily flashes in the Sun. In this regard the purpose of this work is to study the influence of the above processes on small changes in the coordinates of GNSS-stations. Method. To solve this problem we have selected the coordinates of permanent GNSS-station, seismic activity indicators, infrasound indicators and the number of daily flares in the Sun for the same 295 day epoch. For modeling the influence of processes in the near-Earth space on the definition of coordinate changes the method of constructing a macromodel is developed based on averaged data with the use of a regularization method and with help of the reduction of the approximation basis of many arguments of polynomials. The arguments of the polynomials in the modelling are chosen to reflect the influence of external factors on the coordinates. Parameters and their corresponding multidies of polynomials are found from the identification tasks recorded by the Tikhonov regularization functions. Results. We constructed a macromodel that includes parameters of seismic processes, the Sun, the Moon, and the coordinates of the GNSS-station. We have found derivatives and different characteristics of the obtained model. Correlation analysis we used to clarify the assumptions. Scientific novelty. For the first time a macromodel was obtained which allows to calculate the influence of the index of seismic activity, infrasound and solar activity on small changes in the coordinates of GNSS-stations. Practical significance. After studying this model we obtained results that can be used to increase the accuracy of coordinates obtained using GNSS observations.
Key words: seismic activity, infrasound, solar activity, macromodel, coordinates of GNSS-station.
References – 16
UDC 550.385.1
1 Institute of Geophysics, PAN, 64 Ksecia Januzsa str., Warszaw, Poland, 01452, e-mail sem@igf.edu.pl
2 Carpathian Branch of S.I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics, NAS of Ukraine, 3-b Naukova str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79060, Lviv Polytechnic National University (SD ICSIT), 12, S. Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine, tel. +380 (32)2648563,
e-mail borys@cb-igph.lviv.ua
3 Saint Petersburg’s Branch of Institute of Earth’s Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio wave Propagation, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 199034, e-mail ms_petr@mail.ru
Purpose. It is well-known that strong earthquakes are typically accompanied by some phenomena which relate to variations of natural electromagnetic fields. Based on the idea about the mechanism of lithosphere–atmosphere–ionosphere coupling we expect to detect some precursors of strong natural earthquakes in electromagnetic data sets recorded by magnetotelluric instruments far enough from epicenters. Methodology. The temporal changes of power spectral density in the natural electromagnetic field components were analyzed with respect to the earthquakes with a magnitude greater than 5 (M5+) occuring in Europe as well as worldwide. Results. Electrical and magnetic field variations were recorded at three sites located at two lines. The first line was placed along the Tesseyre-Tornquist Zone in Poland and the second one was perpendicular to the first. The observations have been carried out from September 2015 to April 2018. The data were recorded by standard five channels magnetotelluric instruments. The magnetic field components were measured in three orthogonal directions and electrical ones in two horizontal orthogonal directions. The spectra of the electromagnetic field components have been analyzed with respect to earthquakes with M5+ in Europe as well as around the globe. The changes in the intensity of the spectra which can be treated as earthquake precursors have been detected from 24 to 32 hours before the seismic events. The reasons for such effects are also discussed. Originality. The electromagnetic monitoring is typically carried out next to seismically active regions but according to theoretical explanations some of the phenomena are of global origin. We used ordinary magnetotelluric data recorded at mid latitude sites placed far enough from the seismically active regions and we show that a global relationship exists between seismic and electromagnetic events with high probability. Practical significance. Such results can accomplish the information about earthquake precursors.
Key words: natural electromagnetic field; spectra; earthquake; precursors.
References – 14
UDC 553.98.551.7.242 (477.8)
Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of Combustible minerals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Naukova 3a, 79060
Objective. The objective of this study is to analyze the influence of the Pokuttia deep fault on tectonics and the oil- and gas-bearing structures in the south-eastern part of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Methodology. It is presented in a detailed complex analysis of the geological-geophysical data in the given area. Results. The influence in the Pokuttia deep fault on the flysch structure has revealed itself in the Boryslav-Pokuttia nappe as a series of dislocations with a break of continuity at the north-eastern orientation at the boundary between the Hutsulkyi and Boikivskyi segments with the structures horizontally displaced 10 km off and up to 1.5 km vertically- left-strike slip fault. In the Skyba nappe this is truncation of its front part of the Hutsulskyi segment. In the Dukla-Chornohora nappe and the Bitlya-Svydovets sub-nappe these are sigmoid curvature of their parts in the fault zone with amplitudes of horizontal displacements of up to 10 km. As a result, the Krasnoshora and Hoverla units are joined into a single sub-nappe, and the thrust-folds of the Bitlya-Svydovets sub-nappe to a considerable extent are overlapped by it and by the Skupiv sub-nappe. Owing to post-overthrusting vertical movements the Hutsulskyi segment was uplifted during Pliocene-Pleistocene. The rise of the area with the Duklya –Chornohora nappe was the most intensive. The structures of the Bitlya-Svydovets sub-nappe are fragmentally outcropped from under it. In the territory of Romania the nappes structurally correspond from the north - the thrust-sheet with olistostrome Slon in the Lower Verkhovyna deposits of Oligocene, and from the south - tectonic units Toroklezh and Makla. The Pokuttia fault displaces the Precarpathian regional minimum (amplitude of about 10 km), and the Uzhok deep fault with the signs of right-shift. There is a perceptible impact of the Pokuttia fault on the sub meridional Radekhiv-Viktoriv fault. Sites of intersections of the mentioned faults, so-called knots, if the traps are available, are known to be favourable zones for hydrocarbon accumulation on commercial scales. In the light of new data on the geological structure of the region, the perspective estimate is raised for the distinguished structures Vorohta-Yasynia (Lazeshchynska, Yasynska and Voronenkivska), as well as Semakivska and Hryniavska, where commercial influxes of hydrocarbons were obtained. This observation also concerns the structures of the basement of the Lopushna subzone of the outer zone of the Carpathean Foredeep under the overthrust of the Carpathians. Scientific novelty. For the first time, using new geological data it was possible to prove the influence of the Pokuttia fault in the zone of its action in a form of the left-strike-slip on the structures of the flysch cover. The structural parallelization of the Bitlya-Svydovets sub-nappe of the Krosno nappe of the Ukrainian Carpathians was carried out with the tectonic units of the Romanian Eastern Carpathians. Interaction of the given fault with the Precarpathian regional minimum and the Uzhok deep fault has a character of the right shift. Areas connected with these dislocations are prospective for hydrocarbon accumulations of commercial value. Practical Value. As a result of investigations essential corrections have been inserted concerning the geological structure of the south-eastern part of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Together with geochemical indications this presents new possibilities in searching for hydrocarbon deposits in this region.
Key words: deep fault, flysch, basement, shift, oil- and gas-bearing.
References – 34
UDC 528.33:551.24
Department of cartography and geospatial modeling of National University Lviv Polytechnic, 12, S. Bandera str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine, e-mail: 1Mykhailo.M.Fys@lpnu.ua, 2Andrii.M.Brydun@lpnu.ua, 3Mariana.I.Yurkiv@lpnu.ua
Purpose. To investigate the technique for constructing a three-dimensional distribution function for the masses of the interior of the Earth and its derivatives, coordinated with the parameters of the planet's gravitational field to fourth order inclusive. By using the mass distribution function constructed, to make an interpretation of the features of the internal structure of an ellipsoidal planet. Methodology. Based on the created initial approximation of the function, which includes a reference density model, further refinements are built. Using Stokes constants up to the second order inclusive, we give the following approximation, which we subsequently take as zero. In this case, the use of Stokes constants up to the fourth order inclusive leads to the solution of systems of equations. It is established that the addition of one identity leads to uniqueness of the solution. One system with Stokes constants is an exception. It is necessary to note that the computation process is controllable, since the power moments of the density derivatives are reduced to quantities that take into account the value of the density on the surface of the ellipsoid. Results. In contrast to the second-order model describing gross global inhomogeneities, the obtained distribution function gives a detailed picture of the location of the density anomalies (the deviation of the three-dimensional function from the averaged over the sphere is “isodense”) Analysis of maps at different depths 2891 km (core-mantle), 5150 km (internal-external core) allows us to draw preliminary conclusions about the global mass redistribution due to the rotating component of the force of gravity over the entire radius, as well as due to the horizontal components of the density gradient. On the contrary, the minimum of such a deviation is observed in the polar parts of the Earth, which also has its explanation: the magnitude of the rotational force decreases when approaching the pole. The mass distribution function is constructed using the proposed method to describe in more detail the picture of the mass distribution. Of particular interest are sketch maps of the components of the density anomaly function gradient, namely the component which coincides with the axis - for the upper part of the shell which is negative, and for the lower part it is positive. This means that the gradient vector is directed toward the centre of mass. The nature of the values for other two components is different both in sign and in magnitude and depends on the placement point. The cumulative consideration and consideration of all the quantities makes possible a more complete interpretation of the processes inside the Earth. Originality. In contrast to the traditional approach, the changes for the density derivatives of one variable (depth), obtained from the Adams-Williams equation, in this paper made an attempt to obtain derivatives with Cartesian coordinates. Used in the described method, the parameters of the gravitational field up to the fourth order inclusively increases the order of approximation of the mass distribution function of three variables from two to six, and its derivatives up to five. In this case, unlike the traditional method, the defining here is the construction of the derivatives, from which the mass distribution function and the use of geophysical information accumulated in the referential PREM model are reproduced. Practical significance. The resulting mass distribution function of the Earth can be used as the next approximation when using Stokes constants of higher orders in the presented algorithm. Its application makes it possible to interpret global anomalies of the gravitational field and to study geodynamic processes deeply inside the Earth.
Key words: potential, harmonic function, the mass distribution model, Stoke’s constants, density gradient.
References – 22